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Engineering and Technology Management Group Group Status Report May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering and Technology Management Group Group Status Report May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering and Technology Management Group Group Status Report May 2011

2 2 Group Leadership - 2010-2011 Director: Allen Arrington Completed Hassans term starting 5/13/10; elected to full-term 5/2011. Deputy Directors: Nancy Andersen Scott Eberhardt (resigning to take a visiting professor position at the Indian Institute of Technology) Abdi Khodadoust –James Afarin was unable to support AIAA activities and was asked to step down. TC Chairs / Chair-Elects Computer-Aided Enterprise Solutions – Mike Jahadi Economics – Marilee Wheaton / Annalisa Weigel History – Kevin Burns / TBD Legal (LA3) – James Rendleman/Doug Marshall Pam Meredith was unable to support the duties of TC chair and agreed to step down. Management – David Elrod / Andrea Amram Society & Aerospace Tech. – John Christian / Jarret Lafleur / Brad Steinfeldt Marilyn Dudley-Flores was unable to continue as chair-elect and resigned. Systems Engineering – Sophia Bright / John Dahlgren Value Driven Design PC – Peter Hollingsworth

3 Highlights Conference Related: Great support by ETM for Space 2010 SATTC – Organized the Delta Forum at ASM 2011. Standards: SETC – Published AIAA-S-177-2010 –Space Systems Verification Program and Management Process SETC – Developing AIAA-G-043-20xx –Guide for the Preparation of Operational Concepts Awards: Economics – sponsored two student best paper competitions (Space and ATIO). Education: SETC – Developing webinar series; initial offering was in March 2011. Publications: SETC and Economics – Developing systems engineering and economics textbook. 3

4 Successes and Lessons Learned Legal Aspects of Aeronautics and Astronautics (LA3). TC has been inactive for several years. –Membership was stagnant. –Chair was not communicating with membership or TAC. »Single-point failure as there was no chair-elect to take over. –Several attempts made by Hassan and Arrington to get the Chair to act. Arrington sent an email to the TC membership to gage interest in the TC. –This got results! –Not only did the current Chair finally respond, but several other members stepped up to the plate. The end state: –New TC leadership elected (Jim Rendleman and Doug Marshall). –TC roster has been updated (existing members who wanted to actively participate were allowed to stay; Rendleman has recruited several new members and has also been contacted by other interested folks. –Rendleman has been very proactive about getting LA3 involved with activities inside and outside ETM Group. 4

5 Key Issues Computer-Aided Enterprise Solutions TC: The CAES TC has been struggling for the past ~3 years. –Dwindling membership. –Chair is a one-man TC. Unable to keep this TC functional, so decision was make to find a home of the remaining membership and the key charter elements within another TC. –Design Engineering was determined to be the best fit. –Atkins and Arrington worked the issue between DETC and CAESTC. Final nail: Current CAES Chair (Jahadi) recently indicated that supporting/funding for AIAA type activities were cut, so he is out of the equation. Plan is to decommission CAES as a stand-alone TC and work with DE to incorporate the pertinent CAES charter concepts in the DETC charter. Communications within the ETM Group. Working with DDs on ideas for better communication with the hope of making a more cohesive group. 5

6 ETM TC and PC General Summary (May, 2010-April, 2011) CAESEconHistoryLA3TCMSATTCSETCVDD PC Administrative Annual ReportU U X UY YY Roster X X X YY Y Y ETM Telecons (8 held)0 11 0467 Meetings0 3 2 (?) 1322 & t/cs Operations Awards Conferences Education PublicationsAA NL/webAA/HB/JoA Public Policy Standards Liaison Activities TC/PC Interaction Section Interaction non-AIAA interaction 6 Y: completed U: updated info but no report X: incomplete Primary focus area Secondary area Minimal support No activity/ no data

7 Opportunities and the Path Forward Overall, all ETM TCs are doing a great job with the technical tasks. SETC is the flagship of the group. Leadership role in proposed systems integration conference? LA3 gets come-back player of the year. Excellent TC leadership; lots of irons in the fire; outstanding potential. Management TC has a lot of offer to the community; need to harness the potential. Need to ensure that all TCs have a leadership succession plan. Also need better involvement for VDD PC. Work with DDs to develop better connections between the ETM TCs/PC and with the rest of TAC and AIAA. 7

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9 Disposition of the Computer-Aided Enterprise Solutions Technical Committee Technical Activities Committee Meeting May 2011

10 Disposition of the Computer-Aided Enterprise Solutions TC Background: For the past few years, the Computer Aided Enterprise Solution TC has been struggling to find members and remain as a vibrant TC. While the CAES TC Chair has worked diligently to make this a viable TC, a point was reached where a change was needed. After weighing several options, including disbanding the CAES, a plan has been developed to merge the remnants for the CAES TC into the Design Engineering TC as a subcommittee. The DE and CAES provided the best possible fit for this merger. This would allow the major ideals and concepts in the CAES charter to survive as part of the DETC, while also bolstering the DETC, which has recently been reduced in size due to spinning-off another new TC. Motion: The Computer Aided Enterprise Solution TC will be disbanded as a stand-alone technical committee. The remaining members of the CAES TC will be brought into the Design Engineering TC. The DETC will form a subcommittee on computer-aided enterprise solutions. The charter of the DETC will be updated updated reflect this addition to its scope. 10

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