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Kennedy and Johnson Liberal Ascendancy and Turmoil, 1961-1961.

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2 Kennedy and Johnson Liberal Ascendancy and Turmoil, 1961-1961

3 1960 Election Nixon v. Kennedy Catholic Issue TV Debate JFK through Bobby intervened to secure MLK’s release from jail Close election—118,000 popular votes difference and 303 to 219 in electoral college


5 JFK Cabinet “Best and Brightest” – “Whiz Kids” “I just wish one of them had run for sheriff once.” Sam Rayburn. Robert McNamara headed Defense; Robert Kennedy was AG

6 Jack and Bobby

7 Apex of American Liberalism “Let the word go forth from this time and place, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty; And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

8 Domestic Policy Initiatives Faced opposition from Southern segregationist Democrats Alliance for Progress Peace Corps Trade Expansion Act Housing Act/Area Redevelopment Act

9 Civil Rights Freedom Rides James Meredith and Ole Miss MLK and Birmingham Washington Mall March

10 James Meredith


12 Foreign Policy Bay of Pigs Berlin Crisis Cuban Missile Crisis Assassination of Diem

13 Lee Harvey Oswald

14 JFK’s funeral: JFK, Jr., Salutes His Father’s Funeral caisson, Caroline and JFK, Jr., place JFK’s P.T. 109 pin on their father’s grave; Jackie and Teddie walk behind the caisson.

15 LBJ Kennedy Assassination and LBJ’s use of it War on Poverty Economic Opportunity Bill (Job Corps, Head Start, Work Study—etc.) Great Society 1964 Election vs. Barry Goldwater Medicare/Medicaid 1964 CRA 1965 VRA Elementary and Secondary School Act Appalachian Redevelopment Act 1965 Immigration Act 435 Total Bills of Great Society Legislation


17 Black Power Freedom Summer Frustration with slow pace of social and economic change Riots in Watts, Chicago, Cleveland, Newark, and Detroit (1965-67) Problems with defacto versus dejure segregation Black Panthers—Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleaver Malcolm X

18 Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1965—Ground troops committeed Mission Creep Ia Drang Conflict Anti-war movement at home Tet Offensive

19 M is for Mississippi and M is for Murder—Mickey Schwerner, J. E. Chaney, and Andrew Goodman Bob Moses

20 Vietnamese Civilians Killed by American Service Personnel at My Lai—March 16, 1968

21 Search and Destroy Mission

22 1968—The Year Everything Went Wrong Tet Offensive Assassinations of MLK and RFK Riots and police brutality at Chicago Democratic Convention Nixon and Silent Majority

23 Robert Kennedy


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