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1 1 D. Crocker9/23/2015 Common Endpoint Locator Pools (CELP)  draft-crocker-celp  Dave Crocker  Avri Doria  Multiple multiaddressing schemes  Different.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 D. Crocker9/23/2015 Common Endpoint Locator Pools (CELP)  draft-crocker-celp  Dave Crocker  Avri Doria  Multiple multiaddressing schemes  Different."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 D. Crocker9/23/2015 Common Endpoint Locator Pools (CELP)  draft-crocker-celp  Dave Crocker  Avri Doria  Multiple multiaddressing schemes  Different approaches have different benefits  Proposal:  Share locator pools across independent associations  Reduce multiaddressing control transaction costs  Improve availability of locator performance information  draft-crocker-celp  Dave Crocker  Avri Doria  Multiple multiaddressing schemes  Different approaches have different benefits  Proposal:  Share locator pools across independent associations  Reduce multiaddressing control transaction costs  Improve availability of locator performance information

2 2 2 D. Crocker9/23/2015 Synergy Across Associations  Transport-based schemes  Multiplex control exchange in data stream, so control data does not increase packet overhead  Can naturally obtain path quality information  Wedge-based schemes  Multiaddressing for legacy transports  Naturally independent of individual transport associations  Can operate asynchronously of associations, deferring control exchanges, often needing no exchange  Can maintain pools with different referential granularity  Transport-based schemes  Multiplex control exchange in data stream, so control data does not increase packet overhead  Can naturally obtain path quality information  Wedge-based schemes  Multiaddressing for legacy transports  Naturally independent of individual transport associations  Can operate asynchronously of associations, deferring control exchanges, often needing no exchange  Can maintain pools with different referential granularity

3 3 3 D. Crocker9/23/2015 FrameworkFramework  Variable granularity  {local, remote}  {local, remote, flow}  {local, remote, protocol, port}  {local, remote, type of service}  Status  Reachability  Performance Wedge MA Tport MA TCP IP H1 all EP2 file EP2 sip H = host EP = endpoint MA = multiaddressing Locator Pools Add Delete Modify

4 4 4 D. Crocker9/23/2015 IssuesIssues  Path selection  Which paths are available or better?  Suggestion: Defer generality; start with primary and fallback choices  Local/Remote combinatorials  Suggestion: Defer generality; start with just {remote} or {local, remote}  Security  Different schemes have different degrees of security  concern about weakest participant affects entire service  Maintaining synchrony among different modifiers of pool  Referential commonality  Different schemes use different identifiers  How to know that different locators refer to same endpoint?  Suggestion: That’s what domain names are for…  Path selection  Which paths are available or better?  Suggestion: Defer generality; start with primary and fallback choices  Local/Remote combinatorials  Suggestion: Defer generality; start with just {remote} or {local, remote}  Security  Different schemes have different degrees of security  concern about weakest participant affects entire service  Maintaining synchrony among different modifiers of pool  Referential commonality  Different schemes use different identifiers  How to know that different locators refer to same endpoint?  Suggestion: That’s what domain names are for…

5 5 5 D. Crocker9/23/2015 Next Steps  Resolve  Differential security issues  Near-term vs. long-term issues  Determining common endpoint referencing  Formulate CELP service model details  Data structures  Operations  Resolve  Differential security issues  Near-term vs. long-term issues  Determining common endpoint referencing  Formulate CELP service model details  Data structures  Operations

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