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1 THE INTERNET EVOLUTION Basic factors: Computers development Computing performance The digital revolution Networking Telecommunications development تقدم.

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Presentation on theme: "1 THE INTERNET EVOLUTION Basic factors: Computers development Computing performance The digital revolution Networking Telecommunications development تقدم."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 THE INTERNET EVOLUTION Basic factors: Computers development Computing performance The digital revolution Networking Telecommunications development تقدم الإتصالات Software applications Related aspects Ensuing issues Global implications

2 2 REPRESENTATION OF DATA Analogue representation Digital representation –Binary system –Morse code –ASCII –Parity bits & checksum –Unicode –Data could be: Text, picture, voice, or video (frames/sec)

3 3 NETWORKING Connecting Computers Circuit boards Amplifiers Modulators and demodulators LANs WANs Routers Backbone Hierarchy

4 4 THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION Digital vs. analogue. Converters, transistors, and integrated circuits. Why digital is superior? Digitization of content: a limitless process

5 5 DATA MOVEMENT OVER NETWORKS Carriers, frequencies, channels Broadband Signals, modulation and demodulation Packets (a single keystroke is a packet) Datagrams Networked computers have unique addresses Protocols, TCP/IP

6 6 1. COMPUTERS DEVELOPMENT Early attempts Main frames Desktops, Laptops, … Storage development –iPods 40 gigabytes of storage Processors development –Itanium 2 410 million transistors –Intel Pentium 4 10.8 billion instructions per second

7 7 TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT Fixed lines –Exchanges and copper/local network –Connecting exchanges (cables, microwaves) –Connecting countries (marine cables, satellites, …) –Copper vs. fiberoptics –Fiber optics capabilities –DSL Mobile phones Wireless communication Towards universal standards

8 8 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Operating system/platformDos,Windows Office applicationsMS Office Client-server scheme Browsing/network surfingNetscape Website buildingApache Connecting applicationsXML Information miningGoogle The internet & World Wide WebHTML

9 9 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Ensuring issues Open sourcing Free software movement IP rights …. etc

10 10 NETWORKING Connecting people E-mails Chatting VoIP Video-conferencing Other internet applications: –Bulletin boards

11 11 NETWORKING Connecting applications Workflow implications –Division of labour (elimination of distance, utilization of time zones) –Supply chaining –Outsourcing, insourcing

12 12 TELECOMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT Universal accessMailing system(post) Above + speedTelegraph Above + instantaneous conversationTelephone Above + generalityInternet

13 13 COMPUTER ADDRESSES Unique address URL Domain names Route servers

14 14 GLOBAL IMPLICATIONS Opening up the Information Society

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