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2009 Interim Results 19 September 2009. Agenda Financial Highlights Updates on Operations Business Outlook.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Interim Results 19 September 2009. Agenda Financial Highlights Updates on Operations Business Outlook."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Interim Results 19 September 2009

2 Agenda Financial Highlights Updates on Operations Business Outlook

3 Financial Highlights

4 1H/2009 (HK$ M) 1H / 2008 (HK$ M) Turnover229.5198.0 Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders 52.86.9 Interim Results

5 Turnover Breakdown by Business

6 Turnover Breakdown by Region

7 1H/2009 (HK$ M) 1H/2008 (HK$ M) Turnover229.5198.0 Cost of Services(132.9)(141.5) Gross Profit96.656.5 Other net income7.38.9 Revaluation (losses)/gains on Investment Property (0.2)0.1 Administrative Expenses(34.2)(47.6) Profit from Operations69.517.9 Consolidated Income Statement (1)

8 1H/2008 (HK$ M) 1H/2008 (HK$ M) Profit from Operations69.517.9 Finance costs-(15.0) Share of profits of jointly controlled entities Gain on disposal of a subsidiary ---- 2.0 3.2 Profit before taxation69.58.1 Income tax(16.7)(1.3) Profit after taxation52.86.8 Attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Company 52.86.9 Minority interests-(0.1) Profit after taxation52.86.8 Earnings per share – Basic (HK cents)12.781.67 Consolidated Income Statement (2)

9 Expenses Breakdown

10 Cost of Service Breakdown

11 EBITDA Margins Note: EBITDA Margin represents earnings before interest income / expenses, other income, taxation, depreciation, amortization, impairment loss and share of results of jointly controlled entities as a percentage of turnover.

12 Asset & Liabilities  Total AssetsHK$2,861 million  Total LiabilitiesHK$771 million  Bank borrowings due within one year HK$46 million  Bank borrowings due after one year HK$187 million (As at 30 June 2009)

13 Gearing

14 Cash  Free Cash:HK$629 million  Pledged Deposit :HK$7 million (As at 30 June 2009)

15 Updates on APT’s Operations

16 Transponder Utilization Rates As at 30 June 09 As at 30 June 08 APSTAR 670.3%53.0% APSTAR 580.6%67.4%

17  Built on SS/L FS1300 and commenced operation in August 2004 with life is over 15 years  APT keeps 21 C & 10 Ku  Provides versatile services including DTH, internet, VSAT services in the region with interconnection to USA  One of the two beacon transmitters onboard of APSTAR 5 has suffered from an anomaly, which does not affect the normal operation of the satellite APSTAR 5

18 APSTAR 6  Thales Alenia (Alcatel) SB4100C1  Started operation in 7 June 2005  High-power satellite with 38 C-band and 12 Ku-band  Operation mission life over 15 years  Equipped with advanced anti-jamming feature  Increase potential on utilization rates

19 APSTAR 2R Built on SS/L FS1300 and commenced operation in November 1997 with 15 years life APT terminated the Lease Agreement with Telesat on 9 July 2009 and took up 43 transponders with corresponding customer contracts The C-band transponders cover Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, approximately 75% of the world’s population and Ku-band transponders mainly cover China High filling rate for C transponders

20 Satellite TV Broadcasting Platform APT Satellite TV Development Ltd. (A Subsidiary)  Successfully established a satellite TV uplink and broadcasting services platform for broadcasting services under the Satellite TV Uplink and Downlink Licence of Hong Kong SAR  As at June 30, 2009, the Broadcasting Platform uplinks and broadcasts up to 93 satellite TV channels

21 APT Telecom Services Limited ( a subsidiary)  Provides VSAT, wholesales voice services, facilities management services and teleport uplink services to Hong Kong and Asian telecom users including satellite operators, telcos, ISPs & wholesale voice players  Provides two-way satellite internet services and teleport uplink services Satellite-based Telecommunications Service

22 Data Centre  Continue to provide Data Centre business with cooperation with internationally renowned IT firm  Support broadcasting and telecom services of the Group  Additional Revenue will start in 2H 2009  Future growth potential

23 New Satellite – APSTAR 7 A new satellite is planned to replace APSTAR 2R which will expire in Q4 2012  To boost customer base  To cope with the market change with better services and latest advanced technology  To sustain business continuity  To achieve revenue and profit growth

24 Business Outlook  Business environment has not fully recovered from global financial crisis  Market competition still be fierce due to supply over demand  Demand for transponders and services are still affected by economic uncertainty  APT will leverage the increase in business growth from APSTAR 2R and better competitive edges for better performance

25 APT Satellite Holdings Limited

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