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GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference CBSE Workshop GEODAS: An Industrial Experience with Component Frameworks in.

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1 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference CBSE Workshop GEODAS: An Industrial Experience with Component Frameworks in DAAS D. Ravier J. Fraga, V. Orjales, A. Molano J. Serrano

2 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 2 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Overview  Introduction to DAAS  The problem  The project  Components in industrial, real-time domains  Conclusion Performance Generality Platform independence CORE CODE (C++/Java) CORBA WRAPPING CORBA CODE

3 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 3 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference DAAS & NDE  Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems  Multiple uses:  Process control  Automotive  Avionics  Medical  Scientific, etc.  Typical uses do not require high throughput  Example: NDE  Non-destructive essays

4 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 4 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference DAAS  Typical architecture of a DAAS storage on-line analysi s electronics configuratio n drivers reports calibration off-line evaluatio n

5 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 5 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference NDE  NDE: Non-Destructive Essays  High performance DAAS  On-line & Off-line processing  Sampling rate: >4 MBs  Example  Hard process control (NPP):  ~30000 signals * 4 bytes/signal * 10 Hz  1 MB/s  Typical current END UT system:  4 UT channels * 256 bytes/sample * 4 KHz  4 MB/s

6 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 6 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference The problem  Many kinds of sensors (and data)  Ultrasound, Eddy current, Video, X-Ray,...  Many kinds of output...

7 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 7 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference The problem  Decreasing time to market  From months to weeks  High dependence on electronics  Repeating common tasks  Electronics configuration  Data storage  Signal processing  No performance control  Increasing troughput requisites  Up to 10 MBs in the next 2-3 years

8 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 8 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference The solution  Decompose the architecture of a DAAS  Develop a framework of components  Extendable  Generic  Good performance  Platform independent

9 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 9 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference The alternatives  SCADA/OPC: Process control focused  NI’s LabView:  Virtual Instrument: Good Idea  Many cards available  But... Not ready for massive data storage  Not open standard  Other systems:  PANORAMA, TestPoint, ADLIB, DASYLab, ULTRAMAP...  Hardware-specific, closed, not portable.

10 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1010 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference The project  EU funded project: GEODAS  2-year long: Jan 2000 - Dec 2001  Three partners:  Goal: “development of Reusable, Generic Components for the implementation of domain- specific DAAS requiring management of high data volumes under real-time constraints” OPENGL JAVA XML REAL-TIME CORBA DOMAIN EXPERT ELECTRONICS

11 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Objectives  Independence from electronics  Performance management  Operation management  Platform independence  Real-time performance  High data throughput  Multiple clients, on-line & off-line evaluation  Whole framework or independent components

12 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1212 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Component framework CORBA Data-Intensive Acquisition Storage Data Base Acquisition Hardware Acquisition Platform COMPONENTS GUI GEODAS FRAMEWORK Analysis & Evaluation Operation Management Performance Management Card Driver Simulator Generic Virtual Electronic Components

13 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1313 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Components  GUI layer  XML report tool  Core components  Operation management  Performance management  Analysis & evaluation  Acquisition  Data Storage  Virtual Electronics  CORBA interfaces  Implementation in C++ & Java

14 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1414 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Component description  CORBA interfaces  Internals in C++ and/or Java  Deployed as DLL’s  Using CORBA services for management:  Naming Service  Implementation Repository CORE CODE (C++/Java) CORBA WRAPPING CORBA CODE

15 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1515 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Architecture Processing node Processing node  Java/OpenGL GUI  Specialised signal analysis  Massive storage service  XML report generation  On-line Performance management  Operation management CORBA RT Event service Acquisition node Acquisition node  C++ framework to create virtual instruments  Data provided by drivers or emulator


17 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1717 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Status  Components implemented  First prototypes  Integration  Trials  UT NDE application  Power plant simulation historian  Exploitation & dissemination

18 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1818 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Issues  Performance  RT event service  Good for multicast  Bad for performance  Solution: Move to Streams (A/V)  CORBA between local objects  Solution: Dynamic library version  Compromise with platform independence and generality

19 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 1919 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Future work  End of project: December 2001  Afterwards:  CCM  Streams  Java for Real Time  Adding CORBA Security Service ...

20 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 2020 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Components in RT industry  CBSE is hard for engineers  Modularisation is difficult  Components hard to distinguish from libraries  Technology not mature in the market  CCM, JavaBeans, COM/.Net  QoS missing from most products  Performance vs. Generality vs. Platform Independence  Java for Real Time?  RT-CORBA: Not many implementations

21 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 2121 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Conclusions  Current high-performance DAAS are still highly tailored  GEODAS is introducing CBSE in this domain  Component market technology is not 100% ready for RT applications  Problems compromising performance with generality and platform independence Performance Generality Platform independence

22 GEODAS IST-1999-10984 2 CBSE Workshop 2001, Warsaw Euromicro 2001 Conference Contacts  José Serrano  Mail: Avda. Montes de Oca, 1. S.S. de los Reyes, Madrid (Spain) 28709  E-mail:  Phone: (+34) 91 6598600 ext. 8134  Web 

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