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Published byAnthony Calhoun Modified over 11 years ago
Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Technical Committee
47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit San Diego, California 31 July - 3 August 2011 Jeff Flamm August 1, 2011
Agenda for JPC 11 Introductions/Guests Goals Sub-committee vacancies
Liasons PAW – Chen Chuck GARTEUR (Group of Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe, - Thomas Berens H&A AIAA Conference Reorganization Hand out Shirts!
Goals for tonight Succession Plan for sub-committees
AIAA conference reorganization ABPSI position Increase Liaison Activities
ABPSITC New Members Demographics
Name Affiliation Background Years Experience Segment Christopher Hughes NASA Propulsion Airframe Acoustics 32 Govt. Neal Herring UTRC Thermal Management 4 Industry Angela Scribben AFRL Airframe Propulsion Integration 8 Tim Warlick Raytheon Engines and Fuels 34
ABPSITC Current Membership
# First Last Description AIAA Member Grade Organization 1 Charles Beard Member Senior Member Boeing 2 Dyna Benchergui International Bombardier 3 Thomas M. Berens EADS Military Air Systems 4 Raymond Best Associate Fellow Hawker Beechcraft Corporation 5 Norbert Bissinger EADS? 6 Keith Blodgett GE Aviation 7 Jay Carskaden The Boeing Company 8 Clarence Chenault Aerospace Business Development Associates (ABDA) 9 Chen Chuck 10 Roderick Daebelliehn Aerojet 11 Anne-Laure DeLot ONERA 12 Vance F. Dippold, III NASA Glenn Research Center 13 Jeffrey Flamm Chair NASA Langley Research Center 14 David Forliti The State University of New York at Buffalo 15 Ian Halliwell AVETEC Inc 16 Hamstra Fellow Lockheed Martin 17 Neil Herring Associate UTRC 18 Christopher Hughes NASA GLENN RESEARCH CENTER 19 Stephen Johnson Northrop Grumman 20 John Kelly 717th Test Squadron Arnold AFB 21 Douglas Kisling Belcan Corp. 22 Jonathan Litt 23 Eric Loth University of Illinois 24 Donald J. Malloy Aerospace Testing Alliance, Inc. 25 Dave Mayer 26 Bruce McKay Lockheed Martin Aeronautics 27 Michelle McMillian SynGenics Corporation 28 Angela Scribben AFRL 29 Wang Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB 30 Tim Warlick Raytheon Missile Systems 31 William Westphal Rolls-Royce Corporation 32 Bryan Westra
JPC 11 Attendance # First Last Description AIAA Member Grade
Organization 1 Thomas M. Berens International Senior Member EADS Military Air Systems 2 Keith Blodgett Member Associate Fellow GE Aviation 3 Chen Chuck The Boeing Company 4 Roderick Daebelliehn Aerojet 5 Anne-Laure DeLot ONERA 6 Vance F. Dippold, III NASA Glenn Research Center 7 Jeffrey Flamm Chair NASA Langley Research Center 8 Ian Halliwell AVETEC Inc 9 Hamstra Fellow Lockheed Martin 10 Neil Herring Associate UTRC 11 Stephen Johnson Northrop Grumman 12 Jonathan Litt 13 Donald J. Malloy Aerospace Testing Alliance, Inc. 14 Dave Mayer Boeing 15 Bruce McKay Lockheed Martin Aeronautics 16 Michelle McMillian SynGenics Corporation 17 David Wang Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB 18 Tim Warlick Raytheon Missile Systems 19 William Westphal Rolls-Royce Corporation 20 21 Guests 22 Bob Nichols AEDC/Air Force 23 Reginold Floyd 24 Young Raytheon 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Air Breathing Propulsion System Integration TC – Office Holders
TC Chairman Jeff Flamm Vice Chair Michelle McMillan Past Chair Raymond Best Service Subcommittees Communications Neal Herring Honors & Awards Keith Blodgett Education Rod Daebelliehn Membership Keith Blodgett Fill names if available Technical Subcommittees Integrated Aero Performance Thomas Berens Subsystem, Performance, Optimization Bruce Mckay Propellers/Pistons/Turboprops Vacant Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing Bob Nichols Conference Subcommittees Aerospace Sciences Meeting Vance Dippold Joint Propulsion Conference Rod Daebeliehen
Systems Integration Technical Areas and population
Integrated Aero Performance (10 members) Thomas Berens – Chair, Vice Chair Chris Hughes Subsystem, Performance, Optimization (8 members) -Chair Bruce McKay Propellers/Pistons/Turboprops (3 members) ??? Chair, Charles Beard Vice Chair Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing (3 members) Bob Nichols Chair, Dave Wang, Vice Chair ABPSI Steering (8 members)
Systems Integration – Member Positions and population
TC Chair – Jeff Flamm Vice Chair – Michelle McMillin Membership – Keith Blodgett Applications & Data Recruiting Member Upgrades Communications – Neal Herring Sub comm. Vice Chair -?? Year in Review Article- Dyna Benchergui Newsletter - Website – Anne-Laure Delot Education – Rod Daebelliehn Sub comm Vice Chair Chen Chuck Student Design Competition Bill Westphal Neal Herring Outreach Chen Chuck Short Courses Honors and Awards – Keith Blodgett Sub Comm Vice Chair Vance Dippold Propulsion Award Packages - EVERYBODY Student Award - Vance Dippold Best Paper Awards - Bryan Westra 9 9
Systems Integration – Member Positions and population
ASM - 5 ASM 09 Jeff Flamm (Orlando) ASM 10 Vance Dippold (Orlando) ASM 11 –Don Malloy (Orlando) ASM 12 – Vance Dippold (Nashville) ASM 13 – Dyna Benchergui (Dallas) ASM 14 – Need Volunteer Washington DC ASM 15 – Need Volunteer Orlando JPC – 5 JPC 09 Doug Kisling (Denver) JPC 10 Don Malloy (Nashville) JPC 11 Rod Daebelliehn (San Diego) JPC 12 – Michelle McMillan (Atlanta) JPC 13 – Bruce McKay (San Jose) JPC 14 – Chris Hughes (Cleveland) JPC 15 (New Orleans?) In addition, all member are expected to be session chairs and conduct abstract reviews for our conferences 10 10
Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC Scope & Charter
The application of mechanical design, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to the science and technology of air vehicle propulsion and power systems integration, including: Installed performance and controls (SPO, PPT) Propulsion aerodynamics; inlet and nozzle systems (IE) Power and thermal management (SPO, PPT) All aspects of propulsion system / air vehicle interface and certification (RVCT) Charter: Advance air breathing propulsion integration technology by: Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at ASM, JPC and other conferences of interest Working effectively with AIAA TCs and PCs and other technical societies to organize and promote joint sessions and activities Providing for technical communications and reviews, educational activities, and honors and awards Providing the Institute with authoritative technical opinions and public policy recommendations Near Goal: Update the Short Course to include certification Long term is a book on the same subject. Mid Term Goal Develop a workshop ala DPW or High Lift – work with A/C Design or Flow Control Committees
Subsystem, Performance, Optimization Technical Area Scope & Charter
Chair – Bruce Mckay – Lockheed Martin Charter: Promote & Facilitate Communication in support of Efficient Interaction, And Performance Of Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Scope: Exploit Synergies in Aeropropulsion, Thermal And Power Subsystems Performance Modeling And Validation Cognizance in the contributions of Advanced Materials, Sensing, Controls, Maintenance New Challenges In Green Aircraft – Operations, Emissions, Noise Foster Discussions And Ideas - New Energy Sources, and synergies with alternate energy being developed for ground based energy. Outline established for Technology Advocacy Paper examining auxiliary electric concepts
Propellers/Pistons/Turboprops (Rotors) Technical Area Scope & Charter
Chair - Vacant Scope Create the focal point for concepts and issue resolution related to the airframe integration of propellers, pistons and turboprop engines Charter To provide a forum for the design, development and certification of powerplant installations for piston and turboprop aircraft. Topics for consideration Propellers Un-ducted fans (rotor burst, noise and icing protection) Pistons Avgas and Diesel FADEC Engines Elimination of Leaded AV Gas Turboprops 300 – 500 SHP engines for light GA Aircraft
Integrated Aero Performance Technical Area Scope & Charter
Chair - Thomas Berens, EADS Scope Focus on the development and Performance of aircraft inlets, nozzles and exhaust systems. Charter Emphasis on both computational and experimental results (including sub-scale and flight components), component optimization, inlet and exhaust system design techniques, propulsion test techniques at speeds ranging from subsonic through hypersonic. Topics for consideration STOVL Jet Effects Thrust vectoring Area control Survivability Thrust reversers Nacelle/wing interaction Unducted fan Flow control application including scaling effects Aircraft performance Structural integration of inlets and exhaust systems Real world operation environmental issues (ice, sand, rain, FOD, bugs, etc…) Acoustics Acoustic treatments Affect of inlet and nozzle on sonic boom High Speed Applications Name Changed from Inlets & Nozzles to better reflect Scope
Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing Technical Area Scope & Charter
Chair – Donald J. Malloy, Aerospace Testing Alliance, Bob Nichols to take over for Don, TN Vice Chair Dave Wang Scope All aspects of air breathing propulsion integration certification and testing including: Installed performance and controls Propulsion aerodynamics; inlet, nozzle and systems Power and thermal management Charter Advance air breathing propulsion integration testing technology by: Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at the IGTI Turbo Expo in collaboration with ASME IGTI Aircraft Engine TC Develop and Sponsoring Technical Sessions at the ASM, JPC and other conferences of interest in collaboration with the SAE S-16 Engine Inlet Flow Distortion TC Working effectively with the ABPSI Inlets/Exhausts and SPO technical areas and other technical societies to organize and promote joint sessions and actives
Conference Paper Statistics
JPC ‘10 ASM ‘11 JPC ‘11 CoNA ‘11 ASM ‘12 Abs. Received: 11 12 26 18 Abs. Accepted: 8 10 25 16 Sessions: 3 5 5 (3w/AP) Withdraw/No-Show: 1/0 2/0 6/- - 16 16
Website Webmaster – Anne-Laure Delot
ABPSITC Membership Profile – ASM 2011
ABPSI has room to grow (max is 35) Occupation Distribution Committee Member Type Government 8 Industry 21 Academia 2 Total 32 Members 26 Associate 1 International 4 * Dual 2 AIAA Membership Grade & GPA ASM '09 JPC '09 ASM '10 JPC '10 ASM ‘11 JPC ‘11 Fellow 1 A. Fellow 11 12 13 Senior 8 16 18 Member 9 7 4 GPA 2.07 2.13 2.16 2.17 2.31 Everyone should be at least a Senior Member!
How do we increase ABPSI TC member attendance at conferences
13 of 32 members present at JPC 11 (3 guests) 13 of 36 members present at ASM 11 ( RSVP 8 yes, 9 no) 16 of 36 Members present at JPC 10 (17 RSVP yes, 4 No) 14 of 31 Members present at ASM 10 16 of 31 Members present at JPC 09 17 of 29 Members present at ASM 09 20 of 29 Members present at JPC 08 Bad Trend
Minimum Expectations of TC members
Attend at least 1 meeting preferably two a year Review papers Chair sessions Serve on at least two sub committees 1 service and 1 technical Take a leading role for a function of at least 1 sub-committee Other Suggestions
What is the role of a Tech sub-committee
At minimum Help define call for papers - assure relevance and timeliness of the call Support conferences by organizing special topic sessions/panels Expanding White papers Position papers Develop Short course or module in a short course Liason with other TC’s and societies Text books Standards definitions Workshops
What do want to do as a TC beyond conferences?
Workshop Workshops collaborate with Aircraft Design TC also Flow Control TC (aggressive serpentine inlet or supersonic inlet) UHB Open Rotor Optimization of vehicle-next gen fighter/uav Thermal management Books White papers Special sessions 4 Panel sessions – 1 for each Tech area at JPC 12 Invited sessions Short course
Liasions Other AIAA TC’s/PC’s Other Societies Local Sections Other
Fluids Dynamics TC - Flamm contributed to Flow Control Book Ground Test – Keith Blodgett Aerodynamics – Eric Loth Joint Session at ASM ‘12 Potential joint panel session with GTTC for JPC ‘12 Joint technical sessions HSABP and GTTC for JPC ‘12 Other Societies ASME propulsion committee Don Malloy/David Wang/Chris Hughes Sponsoring technical sessions at the IGTI Turbo Expo in collaboration with ASME IGTI Aircraft Engine TC – Propulsion Integration Panel discussion IECE Joint Panel on Horse Power Extraction – Need Panelist (Bruce McKay volunteered) Local Sections Hampton Roads Section – Jeff Flamm Tennessee Section – Maloy Northern Ohio Section - Litt Other ICC - Ice Crystal Consortium coordinated with AIA – Ray Best PPSA – Jeff Flamm Ground Test Committee – DOE Focus Group David Wang
2012 Aerospace Sciences Conference
ABP Best Paper Awards Awarded for the best technical paper presented in an Air Breathing Propulsion Session at the 2011 Joint Propulsion Conference or 2012 Aerospace Sciences Conference Session Chairs please best paper selections to Bryan Westra Dave Mayer
Best Paper Awards Selection Process
Each TC (ABPSI, HSABP, GTE) selects a best paper from their respective sessions at the prior year JPC and current year ASM Session chairs identify best paper from their respective technical sessions The best paper focal forms a selection team Selection follows a judging process and selection criteria each TC develops their own process, for example The best of the best papers is then selected Award presented at the current year JPC Scoring Criteria Weighting Factor (A) RATING (B) SCORE (AxB) Excellent Poor 5 4 3 2 1 Technical Content Relevance Completeness Writing Quality
ABPSI Best Paper Awards
Awarded for the best technical paper presented in an Air Breathing Propulsion Session at the 2009 Joint Propulsion Conference or 2010 Aerospace Sciences Conference ABPSI Best Paper 2010/2011 Powered Model Wind Tunnel Test of a High Offset Subsonic Turoprop Intake AIAA Luis P. Ruiz-Calavera, David E. Funes-Sebastian, and David Perdones-Diaz, AIRBUS MILITARY, Getafe (Madrid), 28906, Spain Judges: Bryan Westra, Jeff Flamm, Keith Blodgett, Norbert Bissinger, Neal Herring, Dave Mayer
Logo Shirt purchase Status
Purchased shirts with TAC funds Shirts delivered at JPC 11 Setup fee is paid and logo is available for purchase on your own from LandsEnd Business outfitters Ph Logo#: w Logo embroidery cost is $10.50 normally Note they often run specials for free logo (up to $8.50)
AIAA Conference reorganization
Suggest poll of AIAA general membership before going ahead with final changes AIAA has high conference fees – Concern that reorg may not improve high fee structure Defense Forum is in direct competition with JANNAF Do we really want to do that? What value/differences do we add? May have to stick it out a few years to draw participation Concern about classified as too expensive/difficult – stick with ITAR alone General feeling that focused conferences have a place in addition to the larger ones Was how the TC’s Map to conferences considered? ABPSI possibly has to support 3 of the 4 proposed TC’s organized by discipline, proposed conferences organized by product – Since TC’s support conferences they may need to be reorganized in the same way JPC 2nd biggest AIAA conference and money maker Why break it up? Aviation conferences are close coupled time wise – 3 months apart – concern that is too close. Current 6 month interval liked sbetter
Accomplishments from JPC 10
Vice Chair candidate identified List of potential new TC members developed Additional Liaison activities/opportunities identified Conference planners identified for JPC ‘12 and ’13 TC Members to canvas peers for paper submissions Game plan for purchasing logo shirts
Accomplishments from ASM 11
Additional sub-committee and conference leads identified POC for Centennial of Naval Aviation – ? Supersonic Inlets Special Joint Session w/ Applied Aero planned for ASM ’12 (Loth and Babinsky) 6th Edition of the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide Book – update (Rockensies) Website Updated YIR article – Dyna Benchergui 5 new member applicants Additional Liaison activities/opportunities identified Game plan for purchasing logo shirts – Really!
Accomplishments from JPC 11
New sub-committee leads identified Blodgett H&A, Mckay SPO, Nichols RVCT Identified additional Liasons Held Kick-off meeting for Propulsion Aerodynamics Workshop (PAW) Seek potential invited session ‘13/’14: GARTEUR (Group of Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe, - Thomas Berens Potential joint panel session with GTTC for JPC ’12 McMillan Joint technical sessions HSABP and GTTC for JPC ’12 McMillan YIR article – Dyna Benchergui 4 new members logo shirts – delivered!
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