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TAC Position Paper Process Mark Melanson 5 August 2009 Tom Duerr Karen Harwell Mark Melanson Jim Neidhoefer.

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Presentation on theme: "TAC Position Paper Process Mark Melanson 5 August 2009 Tom Duerr Karen Harwell Mark Melanson Jim Neidhoefer."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAC Position Paper Process Mark Melanson 5 August 2009 Tom Duerr Karen Harwell Mark Melanson Jim Neidhoefer

2 2 Objectives Improve, clarify, and document the TAC position paper review and approval process Accelerate the review and approval timeline Increase completeness of comment adjudication Reduce surprises Enable generation of consistently high-quality papers

3 3 Development History Kick-offJan 2009 Preliminary draft and request for commentMay 2009 Comment adjudication (none received)Jun 2009 Final for TAC acceptanceAug 2009

4 4 Incorporated Guidance Process, roles and responsibilities Identify who, what, when Approval criteria Establish expectations for quality Conflict of Interest disclosure Maintain ethical standards Position paper content standard Define required level of detail to enable review

5 5 Motion To adopt the document Technical Activities Committee Position Paper Development Process, dated August 2009 as a governing document for TAC and its Technical Groups and Technical and Program Committees, subordinate to the AIAA Constitution and By-Laws.

6 6 Backup

7 7 Position Paper Categories AIAA Information Paper Provides information only No formal recommendation for a course of action AIAA Member/Group Position Paper: Provides an analysis of an issue States the position of the sponsoring AIAA individual, committee or [working] group, on that issue May include formal recommendations of Government action AIAA Position Paper: provides a clear AIAA position on the best course of action by government

8 8 The Process Authoring Committee TAC Propose AIAA position Revise Peer Review Committee TAC Guidance Establish review committee Complete? Pass COI? Approve? Revise To BoD No Yes No Yes No Yes Revise Review and comment Assess w.r.t. criteria

9 9 Roles and Responsibilities TAC: approve / reject in accordance with published criteria VP Technical: appoint Review Coordinator Review Coordinator: Recruit Peer Reviewers Ensure reviewer COI compliance Maintain reviewer confidentiality Coordinate with Authoring Committee Peer Reviewers: provide objective comments w.r.t. acceptance criteria Authoring Committee: Understand TAC strategic priorities, COI disclosure, content standards, and approval criteria Supply all required material Address all reviewer comments (accept or rebut with rationale)

10 10 Acceptance Criteria 1.Purpose and scope defined 2.Strategic alignment Analytic rigor Audience alignment Style and grammar Potential significant improvements Comment adjudication

11 11 Conflict of Interest Disclosure Expose and dispose of COI concerns Authors and reviewers complete COI form to disclose financial interest in any recommendation COI conflicts disqualify associated recommendations

12 12 Line numbered, read-only file Content Standard Executive summary The actual paper to be distributed external to AIAA A summary of Sections 1-4 and Appendix A 1.Background – just the facts covering the following topics: Purpose of the program, system, entity, or topic Who, what, when, where, why Accomplishments to date 2.Shortfalls – nature of the issues: Baseline plan, milestones, or threat timeline against which shortfalls are measured One paragraph on each shortfall - defensible, objective, relative to baseline 3.Options Discuss alternatives considered for addressing each shortfall Justify recommendations; include appendices as needed detailing analyses 4.Conclusion Summary of recommendations and how they will fix the shortfalls Primary component of Executive Summary Appendix A: References Appendix B: Comment review matrix Appendix C: Author biographies and COI statements Appendix D-Z (as needed): Supporting analyses and data

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