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Ch. 3, Section 2 Storyboard Directions. Box #1 Muhammad’s Early Life: pg. 59 You can draw and color any picture(s) about:  His caravan business  His.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 3, Section 2 Storyboard Directions. Box #1 Muhammad’s Early Life: pg. 59 You can draw and color any picture(s) about:  His caravan business  His."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 3, Section 2 Storyboard Directions

2 Box #1 Muhammad’s Early Life: pg. 59 You can draw and color any picture(s) about:  His caravan business  His wife Khadijah  Other

3 Box #2 Muhammad Becomes a Profit, pg. 60  Draw and color pictures about  Muhammad meditated and fasted in a cave (40 years old)  The angel Gabriel spoke to him  He received messages from Allah  Later, he recorded these messages in the Qur’an

4 Box #3 Isalm, pg. 60  Draw and color any pictures you want that discuss what you have learned or know about Islam

5 Box #4 Muslim, pg. 60 Draw and color pictures about what you have learned about Muslims

6 Box #5 Three Religions, pg. 60 Draw and color pictures of the following:  See the picture of the Torah, Bible and Qur’an  Draw and and color a picture of each  Label each picture: Torah, Bible, Qur’an

7 Box #6 The Kaaba (Shrine), pg. 62  Located in Mecca  A place at Muslims worship Allah  Draw and color a picture of the Kaaba

8 Box #7 The Hajj or Pilgrimage, pg. 62; 86 Draw and color a picture about:  Muslim pilgrims who travel to Mecca to the Grand Mosque in Mecca once in their life time to pray and worship Allah  Draw a picture of Saudi Arabia, Mecca  They wear all white, they wash before they pray

9 Box # 8 Hegira, pg. 62 Draw and color a picture about:  Muhammad’s journey when he left Mecca and fled to Medina with his followers  Draw a picture of Saudi Arabia  Draw an arrow from Mecca to Medina  Include people as his followers

10 Box #9 Mosque, pg. 62 Draw and color a picture of the following:  A building where Muslims pray

11 Monotheism Define the term and draw and color a picture Box # 12 Polytheism Draw and color a picture Box # 11

12 Box #13 Fatimah, pg. 65 Draw and color pictures about her  Whose daughter was she  Why was she important  Did she do anything important  When did she live  Where did she live

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