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Tuna Canning Process Reasons for Precooking Reduces fat content to improve flavor and reduce oxidation problems Lowers water content so “cook out”

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Presentation on theme: "Tuna Canning Process Reasons for Precooking Reduces fat content to improve flavor and reduce oxidation problems Lowers water content so “cook out”"— Presentation transcript:



3 Tuna Canning Process

4 Reasons for Precooking
Reduces fat content to improve flavor and reduce oxidation problems Lowers water content so “cook out” does not occur in the can Prevents curd formation in the can Facilitates cleaning Destroys pathogens and parasites


6 “Typical” Precooking Process for
large Albacore Tuna 55 min

7 Optimum Temperature Range for Proteolytic Enzyme Activity
In Fish: 50-60 ºC


9 Follow Textural Degradation during Precooking
Myosin Degradation Kramer Shear Testing Sensory Analysis Piece/Flake Size Can Yield

10 Whole Muscle Bundle Muscle Fiber (Myofiber) Myofibril Thick and Thin Filaments

11 Thick Filament Myosin Molecule Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC)

12 Proteolytic Myosin Degradation
Myosin decreases with time No Myosin Degradation

13 Experimental Design: Dorsal Precook Temperatures Tail
Belly Dorsal Tail Precook Temperatures (50, 55, 60, and 70 ºC) 7 Time Intervals (30 min) 3 Fish Positions




17 Treatments Chosen for Further Testing

18 Kramer Shear Texture Test






24 Who cares?

25 With the help of NC State Food Engineers
Janet Zhang Brian Farkas Prashant Mudgal Assume the fish is a cylinder Break it into finite elements Mathematically model the temperature of any given location at any given time in the cooking process.

26 Time (Min) 80 100 120 60 40 20 Temperature (C)



29 Followed by Cooling at Designated Temperature
Tuna Dorsal Heated to 60 C Followed by Cooling at Designated Temperature 80 100 60 40 % Myosin Remaining Time (Min)

30 Followed by Cooling at Designated Temperature
Tuna Dorsal Heated to 70 C Followed by Cooling at Designated Temperature 80 100 60 40 % Myosin Remaining Teal = 65 ºC Orange = 60 ºC Brown = 55 ºC Red = 50 ºC Blue = 45 ºC Green = 40 ºC Pink = 35 ºC Purple = 30 ºC Time (Min)

31 Conclusions: Albacore tuna cooked at 70 ºC experiences
very little proteolytic degradation, whereas albacore tuna cooked at 50, 55 or 60 ºC have much greater rates of degradation The dorsal and tail portions of albacore tuna experience the least amount of proteolytic degradation overall

32 Factors correlated with a high amount of proteolytic degradation include:
Soft texture Smaller Flake size Grittiness Residual left in mouth after swallowing Lower can yield

33 During the cooling process, albacore tuna meat continues to degrade until the temperature reaches about 30 ºC Mathematical simulations can be used to predict the time/temperature exposure of different locations of the tuna based on retort conditions. This data can be combined with myosin degradation rates to predict the total textural degradation that occurs at any given location in the fish during the precooking process.

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