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VP Publications Summary Karen Rosenblum Publications Committee Meeting 8 January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "VP Publications Summary Karen Rosenblum Publications Committee Meeting 8 January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 VP Publications Summary Karen Rosenblum Publications Committee Meeting 8 January 2009

2 2 VP Publications Process Publications Process is an account used for general publications expenses, such as staff travel, committee expenses, finder fees, and training. On average, expenses total about $45K. It falls under the VP Publications financials, but is not allocated to Journals or Books. In addition, it is where the allocations for previous Program Support activities have been allocated in FY08. Net Margin for Publications Process grew to $2.1 Million in FY08 from $1.1 Million in FY07.

3 3 Putting it all together…VP Publications Revenue: $5,860,399 Journals: $3,925,289 Books: $1,864,870 DB Licensing: $70,240 All Expenses: $5,110,801 Journals: $1,278,248 Books: $1,606,413 PSC: $112,252 Pubs Process: $2,113,888 Net Margin: $749,598

4 4 Looking Forward In FY09, expenses for Catalog and Fulfillment will be added to the VP Publications. In FY09, International Publications will be added to the VP Publications.

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