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MODULE 4 – Topic 403 Intervention Analysis Toolkit for Learners who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Module 4: Effective Instructional Practices.

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE 4 – Topic 403 Intervention Analysis Toolkit for Learners who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Module 4: Effective Instructional Practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODULE 4 – Topic 403 Intervention Analysis Toolkit for Learners who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Module 4: Effective Instructional Practices

2 A rigorous RTI implementation rules out inadequate instruction as a basis for the student’s achievement difficulties. If Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction is effective, fewer students will need individual attention. Those who do not respond to interventions are students who will need to be followed closely to determine if they are eligible for specialized services. Interventions and RtI MODULE 4 – Topic 403 2

3 Who Provides Interventions? Provided by special and general educators, based on training, not title –Multi-tiered –Research-based –Prescriptive –Time-limited –Parent inclusive Cherry Creek School District, 2004 MODULE 4 – Topic 403 3

4 Any Trained Adult Who Provides Interventions? General Ed teachers Resource teachers Speech/Language Pathologists ESL providers Deans/Counselors/Administrators Gifted & Talented Specialists Administrators Special Education teachers Mental Health professionals Related Service providers Reading specialists Title I teachers MODULE 4 – Topic 403 4

5 Interventions and ELLs “Many English learners are overlooked for early reading intervention because of their limited English proficiency; educators and clinicians alike assume that their reading skills will develop with increased oral proficiency. In fact, ELLs in the primary grades who struggle with early reading skills, such as sound-symbol correspondence and word recognition, may benefit more from intervention services for struggling readers than from ESL instruction that emphasizes conversational proficiency.” MODULE 4 – Topic 403 5 (Language and Reading Interventions for English Language Learners and English Language Learners with Disabilities, Center on Instruction, 2009)

6 English Instruction English as a Second Language instruction is designed to provide students with access to content knowledge through scaffolding, sheltering techniques and explicit language instruction. English as a Second Language instruction is not an intervention for reading, writing, math or other difficulties. MODULE 4 – Topic 403 6

7 Interventions and ELLs “Interventions that have most successfully advanced the reading skills of both at-risk ELLs and ELLs with an identified language or reading disability align very closely with interventions proven effective with monolingual English speakers who are struggling to read.” MODULE 4 – Topic 403 7 (Language and Reading Interventions for English Language Learners and English Language Learners with Disabilities, Center on Instruction, 2009)

8 Intervention Analysis for ELLs Handout 403a provides a method for analyzing the effectiveness of using interventions normed and utilized with mostly English-speaking students with English language learners. MODULE 4 – Topic 403 8

9 Instructional Strategies: Suggestions For ELLs needing interventions, each instructional approach will be tailored. However, a general rule is to make modifications by increasing and decreasing certain activities as well as teaching for mastery, fluency, critical thinking, process building, and English language vocabulary acquisition as a means to English language fluency and literacy. MODULE 4 – Topic 403 9

10 Increase Time Amount of practice Examples Repetition of concepts Focus Progress monitoring Feedback Student to student interaction Opportunities for instruction related student talk Use of functional English MODULE 4 – Topic 403 10

11 Decrease Number of students in instructional group Number of concepts taught at one time Number of steps in processes Linguistic complexity MODULE 4 – Topic 403 11

12 Teach for: Mastery of essential skills Fluency Organization Thinking skills Processes Vocabulary acquisition Language proficiency MODULE 4 – Topic 403 12

13 Remember… “Matching the intervention to student needs and giving students ample time to participate in the interventions enhance the odds of success.” MODULE 4 – Topic 403 13 (Language and Reading Interventions for English Language Learners and English Language Learners with Disabilities, Center on Instruction, 2009)

14 Resources for this Topic Language and Reading Interventions for English Language Learners and English Language Learners with Disabilities, Center on Instruction, 2009 Practical Guidelines for the Education of English Language Learners: Research- Based Recommendations for Instruction and Academic Interventions, Center on Instruction, 2006 MODULE 4 – Topic 403 14

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