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PRESENTED BY THERESA RICHARDS OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AUGUST 2012 Overview of the Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED BY THERESA RICHARDS OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AUGUST 2012 Overview of the Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTED BY THERESA RICHARDS OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AUGUST 2012 Overview of the Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and Support Systems Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

2 Educator Effectiveness System From CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness INDUCTION & MENTORING Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

3 Effective Teachers and Leaders Matter Within the school environment, teachers and administrators have the greatest impact on student learning; ensuring educator effectiveness is key to addressing the achievement gap for all students. Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

4 Oregon Framework The state framework will guide local development or alignment of district evaluation & support systems to:  Ensure local systems are rigorous and designed to support professional growth and accountability;  Improve instruction in the classroom and leadership within the school and district ; and  Improve student learning and growth of each and every student. ODE will provide models and tools that meet state criteria; districts may adopt or develop their own that meet or exceed state criteria Requires local collaborative process

5 Alignment of State and Federal Requirements SB 290 ESEA Waiver Oregon Framework Oregon Department of Education, August 2012 Guides implementation of SB 290 and federal requirements

6 Oregon Framework Implementation Timeline DatesActivities July 2012ESEA Waiver approved; State Board endorsed Oregon Framework 2012-13Pilot framework and student growth measures in 50 districts All districts develop or align local evaluation & support systems; regional support Spring 2013ODE resubmit amended evaluation guidelines for USED approval By July 1, 2013 All districts submit assurances and implementation plan to ODE 2013-14All districts pilot implementation of local systems; regional support 2014-15All districts implement local systems; regional support By July 1, 2015 Regional Peer Review Process & Panel 2015-16 & beyond Continuous improvement of systems

7 Implementation Pilot 2012-2013 Test and refine framework for educator evaluation Pilot in 50 selected school districts Focus:  Test validity and rigor of goal setting process  Test validity and reliability of measures of student learning and growth  Develop recommendations for incorporating student learning and growth as a significant factor in a summative evaluation Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

8 Educator Evaluation & Support Systems Oregon Commitments  No public reporting of individual teacher data  Not supporting the use of standardized assessment data as the sole measure of student learning  Not supporting student growth as the sole component on which to base evaluation  Agreement that for an educator evaluation system to drive improvement of student outcomes, the stat and information it provides must be used to improve instructional practices Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

9 Implementation of educator evaluation is a continuous improvement process  Monitor what is working and not working over time  Take into consideration emerging research and best practices  Adjust state framework and policies as needed Oregon Department of Education, August 2012 Oregon Framework Implementation

10 Support for Implementation

11 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Standards of Professional Practice Differentiated Performance Levels: 4 Levels Multiple Measures Evaluation and Professional Growth Cycle Aligned Professional Learning Elements to be included in all teacher and administrator evaluation and support systems in Oregon school districts: Oregon Framework Required Elements Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

12 Teachers Administrators Model Core Teaching Standards (INTASC) o Four Domains: 1. The Learner and Learning 2. Content 3. Instructional Practice 4. Professional Responsibility Educational Leadership/ Administrator Standards (ISLLC)  Six Domains: 1. Visionary Leadership 2. Instructional Improvement 3. Effective Management 4. Inclusive Practice 5. Ethical Leadership 6. Socio-Political Context Standards of Professional Practice Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

13 Differentiated Performance Levels Performance evaluated on the Standards of Professional Practice on 4 levels:  Level 1 – Does not meet standards  Level 2 – Making progress toward standards  Level 3 – Meets standards  Level 4 – Exceeds standards ODE will provide approved research-based rubrics Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

14 Multiple Measures (A)Professional Practice (B)Professional Responsibilities (C) Student Learning and Growth Evaluation includes multiple measures from all three categories of evidence Measures performance on Standards of Professional Practice and student learning Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

15 Collaborative Student Learning and Growth Goal Setting Process:  Teachers and administrators collaborate with their supervisors/evaluators to establish at least two student learning and growth goals  Discuss rigor and rationale of each goal, research-based strategies, quality of evidence and standards addressed  Meet and discuss progress mid-year and at end of year  Reflect on results and determine implications for professional growth plans and summative evaluation* *Student growth as a significant factor in summative evaluation to be piloted in 2012-13 Oregon Department of Education, August 2012 Multiple Measures: Student Learning & Growth

16 Category Types of MeasuresExamples, but not limited to: 1 State or national standardized assessments OAKS, SMARTER, ELPA, Extended Assessments 2 Common national, international, regional, district-developed measures ACT, PLAN, EXPLORE, AP, IB, DIBELS, C-PAS, other national measures; or common assessments approved by the district or state 3 Teachers: Classroom-based or school-wide measures Student performances, portfolios, products, projects, work samples, tests Administrators: Other school-wide or district-wide measures Graduation rate, attendance rate, drop-out rate, discipline data, PSAT, AP/IB tests, dual enrollment, college remediation rates, etc. All teachers and administrators in collaboration with supervisor/evaluator, establish at least two student learning goals and measures from following three categories:

17 Evaluation and Professional Growth Cycle Self-ReflectionGoal Setting Observation & Collection of Evidence Formative Assessment Summative Evaluation Critical steps in the cycle Collaborative process, ongoing feedback, focus on improving effectiveness Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

18 Aligned Professional Learning Evaluation aligned with high quality professional development opportunities  Informs decisions for professional growth plans  Relevant to educator’s goals and needs Resource: Learning Forward: Standards for Professional Learning Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

19 Required Suggested Action Steps 2012-2013 District design teams work collaboratively to design or align local evaluation & support systems  District & school administrators, teachers, union representative, school board Review Oregon Framework (SB290/waiver) requirements Establish a process & timeline for collaborative planning Self-evaluate to determine if current system meets the five required elements Determine multiple measures Identify capacity needs Develop implementation plan What do I have to do? When? Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

20 By July 1, 2013 All districts submit implementation plan and assurances for local system aligned to 5 required elements, including:  State adopted teaching standards and leadership standards (or crosswalk if using other standards)  State approved scoring rubrics; 4 performance levels  District selected multiple measures  Professional growth cycle  Aligned professional learning opportunities  Training for all staff and evaluators 2013-2014 All districts pilot implementation of local evaluation & support system Oregon Department of Education, August 2012 What do I have to do? When?

21 Contact Information Theresa Richards, Director of Teaching and Learning Oregon Department of Education Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation 503-587-8840 Educator Effectiveness Website Oregon Department of Education, August 2012

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