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Published byIsabel Parrish Modified over 11 years ago
P&E Group Ashwani K. Gupta January 3, 2011
Agenda Opening Remarks & Introductions (5 minutes) - Gupta & all JPC Steering Committee Chair- McManus (5 minutes) 2011 JPC Planning - Don Malloy, Anthony Watts and Wayne Hurwitz (10 Minutes), Sponsorship?? 2011 IECEC Planning- Ted Stern (General Chair), Farzad Mashayek (Technical Chair) 2012 JPC Planning Meeting - Dave McGrath (10 minutes), ATK Lead sponsor Atlanta (Tech. Chair: Dave McGrath, Executive Chair (Ind) - Bart Olson (President – Missile Products Division, ATK), General Chair (Ind.) – Make Lara, (VP programs for Elkton, ATK), IECEC 2012 leadership team ?? 2013 JPC San Jose July 15-17, General Chair and Technical Chair – (10 minutes) all 2014 JPC – Cleveland, General Chair: Chris Pestak, (Tech. Chair), Sponsorship,.?) (10 minutes) -- all JPC/ IECEC for out-years (2015, 2016) - Gupta/Chenevey/Capece/ (10 minutes) TC Effectiveness criteria from TAC AIAA Communications (TAC & BOD news & issues) (10 minutes) – Gupta P&E group --New Directions, structure and effectiveness (20 minutes) - Jeff Hamstra AIAA Administration/Staff Issues (10 minutes) as required Educational – Ian Halliwell TC Chair reports from ABP and Advanced Propulsion group: 5 to 7 minutes each Other Business
P&E Organization Deputy Director Air-Breathing Propulsion Jeff Hamstra Aerospace Power Systems TC Terrestrial Energy Systems TC Gas Turbine Engines TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Air Breathing Propulsion Integration TC Deputy Director Rocket & Space Propulsion I-Shih Chang Hybrid Rockets TC Liquid Propulsion TC Solid Rockets TC Electric Propulsion TC Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsion TC Energetic Components & Systems TC Propellants & Combustion TC Deputy Director Advanced Propulsion & Technologies Selma Goldstein Director Propulsion & Energy Ashwani Gupta Deputy Director Energy David Lilley Green Engineering (GE) PC Jason Slagle/Valerie Lyons
TC Chair (* = New TC chair) NamePositionAffiliation Energy TC's Dr. David LilleyChair – Terrestrial EnergyOklahoma State University * Mr. Gregory A Carr Chair – Aerospace Power SystemsJet Propulsion Lab Past Chair: Harout Ayvazian, NGC Dr. Jason Slagle/Dr. Valerie Lyons Co-Chairs– Green Engineering Technology PCGE / NASA GRC Propulsion TC's ABP* Jeffrey Flamm Chair - Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration NASA Langley Research Center Past Chair: Dr. Ray Best, Hawker Beechcraft * Dr. Ian HalliwellChair - Gas Turbine Engines Avetec Past Chair: Dr. Robert Bruckner, NASA GRC * Joaquin CastroChair - High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Pratt & Whitney Past Chair Dr. Marty Bradley, Boeing Rocket Prof. Lyon King Chair - Electric PropulsionMichigan Tech Univ. Space Past Chair, Dan Goebel, Jet Propulsion Lab Prop. Arif Karabeyoglu Chair - Hybrid RocketsSpace Propulsion Group Inc. Past Chair: Dr. Andrew Prince, ATK Thiokol Mr. Scott Miller Chair - Liquid Propulsion Aerojet Corp. Past Chair: Carl Engelbrecht, Johns Hopkins Univ./APL Mr. Clyde Carr Chair - Solid Rockets ATK, Baltimore, MD Past Chair: Thomas Moore, ATK Tactical Prop & Controls Advanced Mr. Karl Link Chair - Energetic Components & SystemsUniversity of Idaho Prop. Past Chair: Dr. Barry T. Neyer, Perkin Elmer Optoelectronics Mr. Bryan Palaszewski Chair - Nuclear & Future Flight PropulsionNASA GRC Past chair: Benjamin B. Donahue, Boeing * Joseph OefelinChair - Propellants & Combustion Sandia National Lab Past Chair: Prof. Fred Gouldin, Cornell University
Technical program organizing committee contact list Conference Partners ASME Technical Program Chair John W. Robinson Boeing Company P.O. Box 3829 Seal Beach, CA 97040 Phone: 714-896-1292 Fax: 714-896-6930 Email: SAE Technical Chair Ramon Chase ANSER, Suite 800 2900 South Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: 703-416-3290 Fax: 703-416-3329 Email: ASEE Technical Chair Robert A. Frederick, Jr. UAH Propulsion Research Center Univ. of Alabama 5000 Technology Drive, TH S231 Huntsville, AL 35899 Phone: 256-824-7203 Fax: 256-824-7205 Email:
JPC Themes 2012: ?? 2011: Design, Test, Fly: Turning Propulsion Ideas into Reality 2010: Propulsion: Powering the Future for a Greener Tomorrow 2009: Insertion of Innovative Technology Into New and Evolving Systems 2008: From Air to Space: Propulsion Technologies for Next- Generation System Solutions 2007: Advancing Propulsion Technologies and Celebrating Our Aerospace Heritage 2006: The Impulse to Explore - Igniting a Passion for Space 2005: Propulsion Technology - Enabling Tomorrows Applications 2004: Aerospace Propulsion - Defining The Future
Future JPC Planning JPC Locations 2004Ft. Lauderdale, Pratt&Whitney 2005Tucson, Raytheon 2006Sacramento, Aerojet 2007Cincinnati, GE 2008Hartford, Pratt & Whitney 2009Denver, LM 2010 Nashville ( NASA GRC, NASA Marshall, NASA Stennis, LM, GE Aviation, ATA, AFRL, Dynetics, JAXA, Battelle ) 2011San Diego (sponsorship??), Aug. 1-3 2012 Atlanta (ATK, Lead Sponsor), 30 July - 1 August 2013San Jose, July 15-17 2014 Cleveland (Sponsorship? ) 2015??
8 2011 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT Potential Industry Sponsors NGC (tentatively passed) SpaceX NGC (tentatively passed) Pratt & Whitney (awaiting final decision) Boeing (tentatively passed) General Dynamics ATK Lockheed Martin (awaiting final decision) Jacobs and/or ATA (confirmed) SAFRAN Cobham L-3 AMFAC Aerojet GE Aviation Dynetics (awaiting final decision) MTU Siemens Honeywell United Launch Alliance Orbital Spincraft Goodrich Wyle dSpace Rolls Royce Qualis Corporation Industria de Turbo Propulsores (ITP) Snecma - SAFRAN group TechSpace Aero - SAFRAN Turbomeca - SAFRAN group AVIO NUMECA Int. Moog JAXA (confirmed)
9 TAC Funding Requests as of 7/28/10 GroupTotalUsedRemaining Aerospace Sciences590032872613 Aircraft Design & Structures470004700 Eng & Tech Mgt350003500 Information Systems35005772923 Propulsion & Energy550005500 Space & Missiles59004991909 Aerospace Design & Structures39006153285 Group Totals32900947023430 PC Allocations550005500 Vice Presidents Line882508825 Grand Totals47225947037755
10 Highlights of Institute Activities Professional membership is down by 2% from this time last year. Student membership is up 22% from this time last year. May and June saw a total of 934 press citations for AIAA, 133 more than last year during the same period. We are now at 3,264 press citations for the year against a key indicator of 1680 to this point in time. The Daily Launch continues to be one of our most appreciated member benefits. It is currently distributed to 28,554 members. An effort is under way to begin offering a 30- day trial of the DL to AIAA prospects to entice them to become members. Communications is working with the AIAA History TC to cover the final space shuttle launch. The plan is to create a Web page on for members to post content pertaining to the final launch as well as stories from AIAA members who in some way were a part of the shuttle program throughout the Reminder – 2010 will be the last year DVDs containing technical papers at conferences are made available to conference attendees. Papers will be provided on-line only. AIAA is developing the following exchange programs as part of its international collaboration with other organizations and to provide benefits to members: Executive level exchange with China Young Professional exchange with France
Summary -- H&A Existing Awards and Policies SSTC proposes that teams as well as individuals be eligible for Space Science Award Theodor Knacke Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Award –coming into compliance Written award processes, or at least the evaluation criteria, should be publicly available TAC H&A subcommittee –Need to: disseminate H&A policies better (eligibility, carryover, waivers); improve nomination pools New Awards Future Business Potential New Awards –Fred Billig Award in Hypersonics (HyTASP PC) – Revised, needs consultation and evidence –Air Transportation Award (TC) – initial discussion, draft –John McMasters Award in Design / Education – needs revision, home, consultation –Energetic Components & Systems (TC) – initial discussion –Space Tethers awards (various) – needs revision –Unmanned Systems (PC) Award – no new action Existing Awards
PPC--Key Issues Timeline May/June PPC solicits inputs for Key Issues from TAC, Regions, Sections TAC seeks inputs from TCs and PCs TCs/PCs submit summary of proposed issues to TAC July TAC Directors review summary and vet issues TAC forwards screened and prioritized issues to PPC and appropriate subcommittees August PPC subcommittees begin key issue vetting of issues received PPC and TAC select top- ranked issues PPC contacts authors for supporting documentations September PPC subcommittees formalize recommended key issues PPC approves selected issues October Authors, supported by PPC and TAC, write formal issue statements November PPC subcommittees and TAC liaisons approve formal issues Any revisions worked with authors Draft Information Papers for selected issues December PPC-approved issues sent to Board of Directors January Board votes on key issues at ASM Board meeting Key issues revised as needed Information papers finalized February Key issues and info papers sent to printer mid-month
13 What is Green Engineering? Biofuels Renewable Energy Energy Conversion Efficiency Airframe Efficiency AIAA Conferences & Literature Recycling Operations Climate Monitoring
14 Example Green Engineering Programs (Slagle/Lyons) Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions & Noise (CLEEN) GE Ecomagination Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) Adaptive Versatile Engine Technology (ADVENT)
15 Proposed Charter The purpose of the Green Engineering Program Committee (GEPC) is to promote a holistic, systems approach to improved energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy and cradle-to- cradle design. GEPC serves as the AIAA focal point for all green aerospace-related programs and technologies, and works synergistically with the appropriate technical committees to assure that the AIAA membership is adequately informed about all aspects of this critical aerospace activity.
16 Scope Serve as the focal point and interface between AIAA and the green technology community, including DOE, EPA, NOAA, and complementary professional societies. Characterize the critical challenges for green technologies as applied to aerospace systems. Identify rapidly advancing & emerging technologies that support improved energy efficiency and sustainability. Support AIAA public policy forums / initiatives and provide a liaison to the Public Policy Committee. Coordinate and focus green activities across the technical committees to develop / support conferences, workshops, position papers, panel sessions and technical sessions. Co-sponsor relevant conferences and events with other professional societies. Identify champions for new green initiatives within AIAA.
17 Objectives Help shape the vision, direction and policy for future energy and aviation systems. Promote sustainable and renewable aerospace-related energy systems. Advocate cradle-to-cradle design and system-level optimization of complex energy conversion systems. Provide a forum in which industry, government, and academia can discuss solutions & approaches in an informal, non-competitive environment. Promote and support conferences, workshops, sessions and technical publications in the area of aerospace-related green technology. Provide efficient and effective knowledge transfer to the AIAA membership. Ensure all relevant aspects of green technologies are represented in the technical committees and conferences.
18 NIS Agenda Welcome and Introductions (All) Old Business · 2009 Education Workshop Closeout (Andersen, Williams, Halliwell) · 2010 Standards Workshop Status (Arrington) · Program Committee Updates (Gross) · TC Annual Report Form (Anderson) · TC/PC Metrics (West /Arrington) · TAC/NIS Documentation and web storage (Melanson) · ABET Structured Programming Project Status(Arrington) · TC Newsletter Status and Articles Discussion (Melanson) · TC Membership Totals Discussion and Action (Arrington) New Business · Green Technology PC Formation Discussion (Slagle) · Space Environments Charter and Proposed TC Working Group (Hassan) · Other New Business? Meeting Close
19 Related AIAA Organizations Technical Committees: Terrestrial Energy Systems Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Aerospace Power Systems Propellants & Combustion Aircraft Design Gas Turbine Engines Sensor Systems Aeroacoustics Air Transportation Systems Aircraft Design Aircraft Operations Society and Aerospace Technology Space Resources Groups: Propulsion & Energy Aerospace Sciences Aircraft & Atmospheric Systems Information Systems Engineering & Technology Mgmt Program Committees: Aerospace Traffic Management Energy Optimized Aircraft & Equipment Systems Standing Committees: Emerging Technologies Public Policy
20 T&E Days Opportunity USAF has suspended participation in 2011 T&E Days Conference as-is not viable without USAF participation Potential Opportunity to shift focus – Systems and Test Integration Advantages: –Would draw in same non-USAF community – maintain continuity –Potential to grow in new area with little perceived competition –Traditional Program shifts from Science to Application, from Technologies to Products –Potentially attractive to wide representation of TCs/PCs Disadvantages: –Short lead time to develop a 2011 offering
21 Current T&E Days Topics Flight Test Programs Acquisition Excellence Test Program Management T&E Infrastructure / Test Center Capabilities Flight Safety Enterprise Common Methods (DOE, Organizational Practices) Accreditation of M&S Test Capabilities Information Technology Advancements for Ground Test Ground Test M&S (store separation and plume simulation Propulsion Integration Space T&E Armament Electronic Warfare NetCentric Developments C4ISR
22 Additional Systems Test and Integration Topics? Flight Certification Failure Investigation Materials Certification Systems Engineering Integrated Ground and Flight Test Strategies Directed Energy Weapons Testing Homeland Security T&E UAS T&E Survivability? ADS?
23 Co-Sponsorship Approval Change Proposal Approve Incorporation of IAC recommendations into Co- Sponsorship Request Form: Line added to describe how the meeting advances or supports AIAA Strategic Goals Notation added that submittals less than 3 months in advance of the event are unlikely to be approved Incorporate additional recommendations: Identify AIAA member that will provide feedback on conference TAC will track receipt of feedback
24 Proposed Co-Sponsorship Approval Categories TAC Approves – TAC has connection to AIAA members participating in the Co-sponsored Conference and expects that the event will benefit AIAA members, and will provide advantageous exposure to AIAA. TAC will pursue feedback on the event TAC Objects – The Co-sponsored Conference presents a conflict with a TAC Event that could affect its success, or TAC has concerns that the Co-sponsored Conference could detract from the reputation of AIAA TAC Abstains – TAC does not have members participating in the Co-sponsored Conference and/or has insufficient insight into the Quality of the Event to judge the benefit to AIAA members
NIS Agenda Welcome and Introductions (All) Old Business 2009 Education Workshop Closeout (Andersen, Williams, Halliwell) 2010 Standards Workshop Status (Arrington) Program Committee Updates (Gross) TC Annual Report Form (Anderson) TC/PC Metrics (West /Arrington) TAC/NIS Documentation and web storage (Melanson) ABET Structured Programming Project Status(Arrington) TC Newsletter Status and Articles Discussion (Melanson) TC Membership Totals Discussion and Action (Arrington) New Business Green Technology PC Formation Discussion (Slagle) Space Environments Charter and Proposed TC Working Group (Hassan) Other New Business? Meeting Close
Region 3 Technical Activities May 22, 200926
Future JPC Planning Site Selection Candidate Locations for 2012 (7/20/2008 JPC Ranking) Charleston7 Montreal, Canada6 Boston6 Baltimore4 Savannah4 San Juan PR3 Tampa3 Chicago2 Philadelphia2 Pittsburgh1 Cleveland1 Charlotte0 Atlanta0 Nashville0 Jacksonville0 Tallahassee0 Memphis0 Orlando0 Atlanta Candidate Locations for 2013 (7/20/2008 JPC Ranking) Seattle10 Anchorage10 San Diego7 Albuquerque3 Salt Lake City2 Dallas/Ft Worth2 Honolulu2 San Francisco0 Houston0 St Louis0 Las Vegas0 Los Angeles0 Boulder0 San Jose/ SF Bay
Future JPC Planning Site Selection Candidate Locations for 2014 (1/3/10 JPC Ranking) Charleston7 Montreal, Canada6 Boston6 Baltimore4 Savannah4 San Juan PR3 Tampa3 Chicago2 Philadelphia2 Pittsburgh1 Cleveland1 Charlotte0 Atlanta0 Nashville0 Jacksonville0 Tallahassee0 Memphis0 Orlando0 ClevelandUnanimous (Jan 3, 10) Candidate Locations for 2015 (7/25/2010 JPC Ranking) Seattle10 Anchorage10 San Diego7 Albuquerque3 Salt Lake City2 Dallas/Ft Worth2 Honolulu2 San Francisco0 Houston0 St Louis0 Las Vegas0 Los Angeles0 Boulder0
Future JPC Planning JPC Locations 2004Ft. Lauderdale, Pratt&Whitney 2005Tucson, Raytheon 2006Sacramento, Aerojet 2007Cincinnati, GE 2008Hartford, Pratt & Whitney 2009Denver, LM 2010 Nashville ( NASA GRC, NASA Marshall, NASA Stennis, LM, GE Aviation, ATA, AFRL, Dynetics, JAXA, Battelle ) 2011San Diego (sponsorship??), Aug. 1-3 2012 Atlanta (ATK, Lead Sponsor), 30 July - 1 August 2013San Jose, July 15-17 2014 Cleveland (Sponsorship? ) 2015??
30 2011 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT Potential Industry Sponsors NGC (tentatively passed) SpaceX NGC (tentatively passed) Pratt & Whitney (awaiting final decision) Boeing (tentatively passed) General Dynamics ATK Lockheed Martin (awaiting final decision) Jacobs and/or ATA (confirmed) SAFRAN Cobham L-3 AMFAC Aerojet GE Aviation Dynetics (awaiting final decision) MTU Siemens Honeywell United Launch Alliance Orbital Spincraft Goodrich Wyle dSpace Rolls Royce Qualis Corporation Industria de Turbo Propulsores (ITP) Snecma - SAFRAN group TechSpace Aero - SAFRAN Turbomeca - SAFRAN group AVIO NUMECA Int. Moog JAXA (confirmed)
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