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Criminal Investigations CJ 210 Week 8 Seminar. Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Interview with victim. – Get a description of the offender or offenders.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Investigations CJ 210 Week 8 Seminar. Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Interview with victim. – Get a description of the offender or offenders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Investigations CJ 210 Week 8 Seminar

2 Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Interview with victim. – Get a description of the offender or offenders. –Location or locations where the crime took place. –Identification of possible witnesses. –Specific Actions of a suspect. –Circumstances leading up to the attack. –Information on weapon of vehicle used. –Specific info on site of the attack. (Velky, Page 457-458)

3 Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Obtaining physical evidence. Location of the attack. –1. link the victim and the offender to the crime scene; –2. establish that sexual relations took place; –3. establish that force was used; and –4. establish the offender’s role or activity. (Velky, Page 461-462)

4 Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Obtaining actual physical evidence. –Secure the victims clothing. –Check hair of victim. (head and pubic) –Swab areas for evidence Vaginal Oral Anal –Fingernail scrapings –Possible DNA evidence

5 Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Other evidence collection points –Debris Collection –Blood Evidence –Saliva Evidence –Catch Cloth

6 Sex Crimes: Investigative Techniques Types of evidence we are looking for… –BLOOD - DNA –SEMEN - DNA –SALIVA - DNA –HAIR - DNA –FIBERS – From rope or cord –MARKINGS (tool or weapon) (Velky, Page 465-466)

7 Break Take ________ minutes. –Get a drink. –Get a snack –Go to the bathroom. –Check on the kids. –Make sure you have your book. –Then get on back. –Get ready to get going again.

8 ICAC Investigations ICAC – Internet Crimes Against Children With the development of the internet we have seen this technological wonder be used for a number of illegal purposes. One illegal purpose is the use of the internet by people to attempt to locate children to meet for sexual encounters.

9 ICAC Investigations The internet can be a way for adults to communicate with children without exposing what their intentions really are. Many offenders also attempt to communicate with other offenders to learn new tricks of the trade, share stories or trade child pornography.

10 ICAC Investigations Does the United States use capital punishment effectively? Should we eliminate it all together from our ways of punishing offenders? Should the US use it more? What crimes should we use it for?

11 Juveniles and the Death Penalty Should we impose corporal punishment on juvenile offenders? Should we impose the death penalty on Juvenile Offenders? Should it make a difference if the offender is a juvenile or adult offender?

12 Case Study: “The Weatherman”

13 “The Weatherman” October 18 th, 2004 A St. Lucie Sheriff’s Detective is on line, undercover in a chat room. He is utilizing the persona of a 14 year old boy. The Detective makes contact with a suspect, they exchange emails and eventually the suspect solicits the “14 year old boy” for a relationship that will include sex.

14 “The weatherman” On October 19 th, The Detective investigation identifies the suspect as a William David Kamal of Miami Beach, Florida. Several “chats” continue to take place between the suspect and the investigator in the next several days.

15 The Weatherman The suspect tells the detective “I am just a cool dude who works in the media”, “Radio and Television”. Investigation reveals the suspect is a television weatherman for WSVN, channel 7 in Miami, Florida. WSVN is the FOX network affiliate station for the Miami area. The case now involves a “high profile“ suspect. He is a on air news meteorologist for the station.

16 The Weatherman Suspect is resides 100 miles from our jurisdiction. On October 20 th, The ICAC task force is notified and becomes involved. Also non member ICAC agencies are involved. The investigation continues and more chats between the suspect and the detective take place.

17 The Weatherman On October 21 st, South Florida agencies including the Broward Sheriff’s Office, Miami Dade Police, Ft. Lauderdale Police and Miami U.S. Attorney’s Office are briefed on the case and what assistance they are requested to provide. Suspect has access to multiple computers at multiple locations.

18 The Weatherman On October 21 st, The suspect communicates with the detective. The suspect will travel to St. Lucie County to meet the 14 year old boy. The suspect will travel on Sunday, October 24 th. He will drive by car from Miami to Ft. Pierce. The suspect confirms this on the morning of October 22 nd.

19 The Weatherman Operations plans are initiated by our investigators. Surveillance is requested of assisting agencies. They are briefed on the suspects intentions and will assist. Suspects residences and vehicle are identified.

20 Disaster Strikes At about 7pm the detective calls me. He received a call from the ICAC in Broward County Sheriff’s Office. They in turn have been contacted by the U.S. attorney’s office. At 5pm on October 22 nd. U.S. Attorney’s office got a call….

21 Disaster Strikes From: The Miami Herald Newspaper. They want to know: “What news celebrity is going to be arrested this weekend and when and where?” The news media has been tipped off that one of there own is a target of an ICAC investigation.

22 Now what? Does the target know? Who else knows? Is the case compromised? Should we act now? Our case is good but not where we would like it to be. We decide to wait.

23 The waiting game We decide to continue the investigation as planned. On the 23 rd. The detective communicates with the suspect and it appears he does not know and is still planning to travel to meet the victim. On the 24 th at noon, surveillance units in Miami observe the suspect leave the residence and head north to St. Lucie.

24 The arrest Units from Miami-Dade and Broward Counties follow the suspect to St. Lucie county. Suspect travels directly to the designated meeting place. Where he is arrested. Evidently the story was more important to the media than saving one of their own.

25 The arrest

26 The aftermath The lid is blown. Media calls from all over the state and the country. Kamal is fired by the news station. Multiple press conferences by multiple agencies? Kamal eventually pleas. –Gets 5 years in Federal prison.

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