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Ellis Island: European Immigration, c. 1900 11.2 Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, large-scale rural-to-urban migration,

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1 Ellis Island: European Immigration, c. 1900 11.2 Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, large-scale rural-to-urban migration, and massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.

2 HOT ROC 1. What was the government’s response to the Homestead and Pullman strikes? 2. Would you have advised an immigrant who had just come to the US looking for work to join a union? Why or why not? 3. Add Strike to your glossary. HOMEWORK: Essay outline with a thesis statement for the project is due tomorrow Study vocab for card quiz

3 Immigration Share with your partner what you know about when your family came to the US and why they came. Open up textbook to p.200 to see the break down of where people have come from.

4 WHY (did they come?) Middle East AfricaAsia S. Pacific Australia N + W Europe S + E Europe Central America South America Farmland Forced : Servitude / Indentured Factory/City Jobs Escape/ Persecution (Liberty) Family already in US Democracy

5 Read p.188-189 Push FactorsPull Factors Europe, p.188-189 Population growth leads to food shortages and fewer jobs. Asia, p.195 Mexico, p.198 Canada, p.199

6 “American Land”- Bruce Springsteen What is this land of America, so many travel there I'm going now while I'm still young, my darling meet me there Wish me luck my lovely, I'll send for you when I can And we'll make our home in the American land Over there all the woman wear silk and satin to their knees* And children dear, the sweets, I hear, are growing on the trees* Gold comes rushing out the river straight into your hands* If you make your home in the American land* There's diamonds in the sidewalks, there's gutters lined in song Dear I hear that beer flows through the faucets all night long There's treasure for the taking, for any hard working man Who will make his home in the American land I docked at Ellis Island in a city of light and spire I wandered to the valley of red-hot steel and fire**** We made the steel that built the cities with the sweat of our two hands And I made my home in the American land

7 “American Land”- Bruce Springsteen There's diamonds in the sidewalk, there's gutters lined in song Dear I hear that beer flows through the faucets all night long There's treasure for the taking, for any hard working man Who will make his home in the American land The McNicholas, the Posalski's, the Smiths, Zerillis too** The Blacks, the Irish, the Italians, the Germans and the Jews The Puerto Ricans, illegals, the Asians, Arabs miles from home***-***** Come across the water with a fire down below****** They died building the railroads, worked to bones and skin They died in the fields and factories, names scattered in the wind They died to get here a hundred years ago, they're dyin' now The hands that built the country we're all trying to keep down There's diamonds in the sidewalk, there's gutters lined in song Dear I hear that beer flows through the faucets all night long There's treasure for the taking, for any hard working man Who will make his home in the American land Who will make his home in the American land Who will make his home in the American land

8 Immigration from Europe 1 st Wave 1870s-1880s: Western and Northern Europeans (German, English and Irish Immigrants 2 nd Wave 1890s- 1920s: Southern and Eastern Europeans (Italian, Jewish, and Polish immigrants

9 The Journey Across the Atlantic Steamships No windows, little ventilation, one toilet for hundreds of passengers Steerage class

10 Arrival in America Ellis Island and Angel Island 75% Ellis Island Chinese and Japanese in Angel Island Statue of Liberty “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddles masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door” ~Emma Lazarus 1883, Jewish- American poet

11 Ellis Island Medical Inspections: “Six-second exam” Legal Interviews 29 Questions: What is your name? Age? “Do you have work waiting for you in the US?” 20% failed one of these Hospital Further interviews 2% Deported

12 Beyond Ellis Island: Many immigrants settle in cities: New York, Chicago, Boston 1870—25% of Americans live in cities 1920—50% of Americans live in cities Immigrants settle near others from their home country “Ethnic Enclaves” Tenements: crowded, dirty Settlement Houses: provide services, such as child care and classes

13 Video Clip Ellis Island: (2:12-14:40)

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