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I) THE GILDED AGE 1.The Age of Industrialization 2.Robber Barons take advantage of factory workers 3.. Railroads help African Americans “escape” the South!

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Presentation on theme: "I) THE GILDED AGE 1.The Age of Industrialization 2.Robber Barons take advantage of factory workers 3.. Railroads help African Americans “escape” the South!"— Presentation transcript:

1 I) THE GILDED AGE 1.The Age of Industrialization 2.Robber Barons take advantage of factory workers 3.. Railroads help African Americans “escape” the South! 4.. Railroads become the enemies of farmers

2 In the period from 1865 to 1900, the United States Government aided the development of the West by 1.maintaining free and unlimited coinage of silver 2. offering low-interest loans to businesses 3.granting land to railroad companies 4. providing price supports for farm products

3 II)THE POPULISTS and PROGRESSIVES These are two “Third- Parties” that put pressure on the Democrats to Republicans who were following laissez-faire economics! These Third Parties reject social Darwinism and want to help factory workers and farmers!

4 Many wealthy American industralists of the late 19th century used the theory of Social Darwinism to the labor union movement 2.justify monopolistic actions 3.promote legislation establishing a minimum wage 4.encourage charitable organizations to help the poor

5 After the Civil War, one way business leaders tried to eliminate competition was by 1.forming monopolies or trusts 2.developing overseas markets 3.increasing the prices of their products 4.paying high wages to their workers

6 Many reformers who opposed the laissez- faire attitude of the late 19th century argued that 1.the National Government should not interfere in the activities of big business 2.national wealth could best be assured by the accumulation of gold 3.the idea of rugged individualism is vital to the nation’s economic growth 4.government should protect society through the regulation of business

7 III)BUFFALO SOLDIERS 1.Black soldiers who fought in the Indian Wars. 2.They fought to win and to give their lives if necessary. 3. They wanted to gain the respect and equality they never saw as slaves and rarely received as freedmen.freedmen 4. In some ways They were sadly mistaken 5. The USA still held deep racial and cultural prejudices.

8 IV) GREAT MIGRATION Between 1915 and 1970, more than 6 million African-Americans moved out of the South to escape Jim CROW They moved to the Northeast, Midwest and West. This relocation — called the Great Migration — resulted in massive demographic shifts across the United States. Between 1910 and 1930, cities such as NY, Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland saw African-American populations grow by about 40 % the number of African-Americans employed in industrial jobs nearly doubled

9 V) The Populist Platform 1. More government regulation of Railroads 2. graduated income tax election of Senators 4. 8 hour workday 5. Government ownership of telephone and telegraph 6.Restriction on immigration 7.Unlimited coinage of silver

10 Nativism in the late 19th century was motivated primarily by 1.hostility toward immigrant workers 2.the need to reduce overcrowding in western states 3.cultural conflicts with Native American Indians 4. the migration of African Americans to northern cities

11 VI) Supreme Court Cases Munn v. Illinois: Wabash Case :

12 HOMEWORK TEXT Page 412 #1 Page 428 #1 Page 439 #1 Page 451 #1 Page 456 #3 Page 466# 1

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