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Creating Successful Schools for ALL Students April 21, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Successful Schools for ALL Students April 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Successful Schools for ALL Students April 21, 2015

2 Welcome Introductions Project Updates – Completing Year 3 of Grant – 2015-2016 SPDG LEA Allocations – Budget Planning Lunch Meeting (District Contacts) Fiscal Year 2014-2015 – 4 th quarter reimbursement due June 30 th – Reminder to submit consultant documentation to us (activity report)

3 *refer to handout in your folder

4 Materials Today’s materials can also be accessed at under ABOUT US-SPDG DAY - 2015 – Agenda/Map – Handouts – Notepad

5 People First Language Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from sh09.pdf “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.” *refer to handout in your folder

6 Thank you for attending! -January 22 nd Event for New Teachers was a success! -There were 171 participants representing various universities and parishes across the state

7 Calendar of Events *refer to handout in your folder

8 Summer Learning Series Family Engagement | June 25, 2015 | 8:30 – 3:30 – Dr. Joyce Epstein | School Action Teams for Partnerships – LSU (Lod Cook) – Teams are encouraged to attend (2-3 teachers, an administrator, a district-level representative, and 1-2 family members) – Budget in 2014-2015 plan (travel, stipends, etc.) – Include redelivery plan to build capacity – Register by June 10 th at *refer to handout in your folder

9 Summer Learning Series Inclusive Practices – July 14 & 15, 2015 | 9:00 – 3:00 – Dr. Richard Villa | Differentiated Instruction, Co-Teaching, Response to Intervention – LSU (Lod Cook) – Budget in 2015-2016 plan (travel, stipends, etc.) – Include redelivery plan to build capacity – Participants must attend both days – Register by July 7 th at *refer to handout in your folder

10 CRP Resource Development & Webinar

11 Family Engagement Resource Development Mindful Engagement Modules

12 SPDG Mentor Districts  Calcasieu | Margaret Goode *Discipline  East Carroll | Pat Roberson *Differentiated Instruction  Livingston | Jeanne Ebey *Professional Learning Communities *Site Visit from Morehouse on Significant Disabilities  Vermilion | Larry Gage *Student Engagement Conference

13 Lynne Farlough |

14 *refer to handout in your folder

15 Additional Information A certificate will be given when you leave the last session today “The Laws of 2 Feet” Apply-Take care of your needs Please silence your cell phones You will receive an email after today with link to Survey Monkey…please complete at

16 Avis Brown, Program Coordinator Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) *refer to handout in your folder

17 Wallace Johnson, Transition Facilitator

18 10 Minute BREAK

19 Total School Transformation: Making Real Gains With Really Terrific Instruction Billy Snow District Transformation & Innovation Officer *refer to handout in your folder

20 After lunch, we will transition to afternoon Breakout Sessions *you will receive a certificate at the end of the 2:00 pm session. Safe travels home-Thank You for attending LaSPDG Day! Remember to complete survey electronically- Breakout Session (select 1; repeats at 2:00) 1-Using Behavior Management Techniques in the Academic Setting (Cook Room) Daniel NoackLeSage, One Step At A Time Behavioral Services 2- Four Components of School Transformation (Ballroom) Billy Snow, Caddo Parish 3- Family Engagement: From “I Do” to “We Will” (Anderson Room) Loree Smith, Calcasieu Parish (SPDG Mentor District)

21 Lunch 12:00 – 12: 50 pm 1 st Breakout Session begins at 1:00 pm NOTE: District Contact Budget Meeting (Anderson Room)

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