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Housing. Anticipated Revenue & Expenses Housing Operations 2012-2013 2013-2014 Housing Admin $715,343 $ 734,052 Additional is Marvin Hambrook VSP Addition.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing. Anticipated Revenue & Expenses Housing Operations 2012-2013 2013-2014 Housing Admin $715,343 $ 734,052 Additional is Marvin Hambrook VSP Addition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing

2 Anticipated Revenue & Expenses

3 Housing Operations 2012-2013 2013-2014 Housing Admin $715,343 $ 734,052 Additional is Marvin Hambrook VSP Addition Killingsworth Hall $321,694 $321,694 Pierce Hall $268,627 $268,627 McCullough-Trigg Hall $215,879 $215,879 Capital Improvements * $25,000$60,000 Bridwell Courts $86,817 $86,817 Sunwatcher Village $487,414 $470,414 Capital Improvements * $20,000$50,000 Sundance Court $381,670 $381,670 * Capital improvements deferred in 2012-2013 due to low occupancy.

4 Cost Saving Measures Administrative Assistant position held open for 6 months to realize salary savings. Killingsworth Residence Hall Director resigned in February 2013. Will not rehire until August 1, 2013. Did not fill one budgeted custodial position for apartments. Working with Facility Services to lower utility expenses and identify possible savings opportunities in Pierce, Killingsworth and McCullough- Trigg Halls. Renegotiated utility contracts to yield savings in 2012-2013. Now replacing residential carpet in apartments with commercial carpet (same cost to replace) to extend lifespan and reduce replacement costs. Continue to develop online processes for student room selection, applications, maintenance requests, deposits, etc.

5 Staffing 2003 Housing 711 beds and 15 FTE’s 2013 Housing 1,320 beds and 17 FTE’s As future housing revenues increase with enhanced occupancy corresponding to greater enrollment and lower facility debt, the addition of some positions may be necessary. Voluntary Separation Program Marvin Hambrook will be accepting VSP effective July 31, 2013. He has been acting as the lead Maintenance Technician, a position we cannot afford to leave vacant. Funds have been designated in the 2013-2014 budget request to rehire the position September 1, 2013.

6 Needs & Improvements High speed wireless internet within all university housing. (RFP is currently out) Housing Reserves will be used to front load the capital cost of the wireless upgrade. This will leave a manageable amount to be financed out of operating costs for the next 5 years. Cable television contract is up for renewal and RFP will soon be distributed. Upgrading to digital (HD) channels with optional features. Capital funds have been allocated for Sunwatcher Village and McCullough-Trigg for necessary flooring and painting, in a manner consistent with the THECB deferred maintenance report. Funds were allocated in 2012-2013, but due to lower than anticipated enrollment/occupancy, these projects were deferred but have now become a necessity and cannot be delayed without drastic facility deterioration.


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