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Activate the Verbs Form and Use of Verbs Intermediate Writing CCS LA 3.L.1 Form and use verb tenses (present, past, future) Complete a focus lesson with.

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Presentation on theme: "Activate the Verbs Form and Use of Verbs Intermediate Writing CCS LA 3.L.1 Form and use verb tenses (present, past, future) Complete a focus lesson with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activate the Verbs Form and Use of Verbs Intermediate Writing CCS LA 3.L.1 Form and use verb tenses (present, past, future) Complete a focus lesson with students, using the anchor charts, before using this activity in stations. Understanding the use and difference between verb tenses will help students incorporate this convention correctly in their independent writing. What’s included: □ Task Card in WORD (click on slide to open in WORD for editing OR open the separate TASK CARD DOC on the website) □ Anchor Charts □ Student Activity Sheet (1 per student) □ Technology Connection: □ Materials Needed: magazines and/or newspapers Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.


3 Verbs A verb is a word which expresses action or existence (state of being).

4 Present Tense Verbs A present tense verb is when it expresses action (or existence) which is happening now or which happens regularly. I find… You find… He/she/it finds… I am found… We are found… They are found…

5 Past Tense Verbs A past tense verb expresses action (or existence) which is completed at a particular time in the past. I found… You found… They found… I was found… We were found… They were found…

6 Future Tense Verbs A future tense verb expresses action that will take place. I shall find… You will find… They will find… I shall be found… We will be found… They will be found…

7 Verbs A verb is a word which expresses action or existence (state of being).

8 Present Tense Verbs A present tense verb is when it expresses action (or existence) which is happening now or which happens regularly. I find… You find… He/she/it finds… I am found… We are found… They are found…

9 Past Tense Verbs A past tense verb expresses action (or existence) which is completed at a particular time in the past. I found… You found… They found… I was found… We were found… They were found…

10 Future Tense Verbs A future tense verb expresses action that will take place. I shall find… You will find… They will find… I shall be found… We will be found… They will be found…

11 Activate the VerbsName _____________________________ Date _____________ Present VerbsPast VerbsFuture Verbs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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