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Problem: What are the effects of simulated acid rain on the amount of seeds produced, the height of the plants, the amount of leaves, the number of pods,

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Presentation on theme: "Problem: What are the effects of simulated acid rain on the amount of seeds produced, the height of the plants, the amount of leaves, the number of pods,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem: What are the effects of simulated acid rain on the amount of seeds produced, the height of the plants, the amount of leaves, the number of pods, and the size of pods in Wisconsin Fast Plants? Hypothesis: If a simulated acid rain was applied to a growing system of Wisconsin Fast Plants, then less amounts of seeds and pods will be developed by the plants. Ryan Moldovan Sam Clevenger

2 Procedure Planted four growing systems, consisting of four plant containers, with three fast plants in each. Upon first appearance of plants, appropriate pH solutions were applied to each growing system. Each growing system was pollinated and IV data was collected.

3 Pictures of Growing Systems January 21, 2002 February 8, 2002 March 1, 2002

4 Graphed Results Average Number of Pods per Growing System Average Size of Pods per Growing System

5 Graphed Results –Page 2 Average Number of Seeds per Growing System Average Number of Leaves per Growing System

6 Graphed Results - Page 3 Average Height of Plants per Growing System

7 Summary of Results All growing systems suffered no outer physical damage, but damage was on a cellular level.

8 Summary of Results - Page 2 Major pattern was that lower pH meant the growing system produced fewer, lesser pods, seeds, or was at a smaller height.

9 Summary of Results – Page 3 Found that the acidity of a solution harms the Wisconsin Fast Plants ability to reproduce, by reducing the amount of seeds it can create.

10 Conclusion Our hypothesis agreed with our results Restate Major Pattern, Observations DEDICATED TO: Mrs. Johnson

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