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Create An Effective Print Ad Michael O’Brien 530.921.2435

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1 Create An Effective Print Ad Michael O’Brien 530.921.2435

2 6 Key Societal Forces All Marketers Must Understand : Customers are:  Extremely cynical  Bombarded with too many offers  Exposed to 1,500+ marketing messages/day  Excellent at tuning out marketing messages  Smarter than ever  Time starved

3 Capture The Minds Of Readers With Print Ads…  In our advertisement drenched environment it is critical to create ads that get noticed.  Even within the pages of Enjoy Magazine, too many INEFFECTIVE ads can and do distract our readers.  People choose to view print ads, as opposed to having ads foisted on them by other media.  Print ads tell as much about a local community as does content in the publication in which they are found.

4 Eyeballs On Your Ad!  Print Ad Goal: Get readers, who we know are choosing to interact with ads, to STOP ON, AND INTERACT WITH, YOUR ad.  HOW? How do we accomplish this?  It’s all in the STRUCTURE of the ad!  Structure = A Simple Yet Powerful Formula

5 P.A.S.


7  Accomplished w/a Great HEADLINE  Combined w/a Powerful IMAGE…  …that SOLVES PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS!  People look at ads to find companies that can and will solve their problems.  Tricky: People realize they have problems when they read provocative Headlines describing problems they may have!

8 What Is A HEADLINE?  The ad for your ad!  The main GOAL of a headline is to STOP EYEBALLS.  A GREAT headline captures the attention of the reader in a clutter of other ads.  A GREAT Headline's Text Is All First Word Cap'd.  Most people have a microwave/Fed Ex/text message attention span. When someone stops on an ad, they will spend 1 to 3 SECONDS deciding whether or not to continue on the ad.

9 What Is A Headline?  A great headline will stop a reader and SELL THEM on continuing with the ad.  "On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy." -David Ogilvy

10 8 Rules For Creating Headlines That Sell Your Stuff! 1.Appeal to the reader’s self interest 2.Attract a targeted prospect 3.Deliver a clear, understandable message 4.Use words like “quick” and “easy” if they fit what’s being communicated

11 8 Rules For Creating Headlines That Sell Your Stuff! 5.Use specifics, not generalities 6.When possible, test two headlines against each other 7.Write 40-50 headlines to choose one 8.Create a “swipe file” of headlines

12 What Does NOT Work As A Headline? YOUR LOGO! …Unless you are McDonalds or Nike…

13  Accomplished with text/content found below the Headline  Sub-Headline  Stirs Up the problem with descritptions of what provokes  Explains the SOLUTION to the problem  For Example:  Did you know?  9 out of 10…  If … then…

14  Accomplished with a CALL TO ACTION!  “We can help!”  “Call Today!”  “Make an appointment, Now!”  And … with Advertiser Contact Info  Drive ‘em to your Website  Don’t have a website…?  Yikes!

15 Some Examples…

16 A Successful Response…  Website visited  Store telephoned  Email received  Store visited $ALE$ MADE!

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