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The Space: A Digital Collaborative Classroom Diane Birckbichler, Director, CLLC, 1 OSU Center for Languages. Literatures and Cultures,

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Presentation on theme: "The Space: A Digital Collaborative Classroom Diane Birckbichler, Director, CLLC, 1 OSU Center for Languages. Literatures and Cultures,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Space: A Digital Collaborative Classroom Diane Birckbichler, Director, CLLC, 1 OSU Center for Languages. Literatures and Cultures,

2 Background 2 OSU’s World Media and Culture Center Its mission: Transforming the teaching of language and culture through media and technology Its facilities: Crane Café, Global Gallery, Hypermedia Studio, Kermit Hall Videoconference Center, AT&T Individualized Language Learning Center, Experimental Classroom

3 The Experimental Classroom: A First Attempt at a Technology Classroom 3

4 Problems/Issues Single-person work stations Computers blocked vision Communication and collaboration difficult HVAC noise Ineffective large-screen display 4

5 Changing nature of language learning > The Space Student-centered Collaborative small-group projects Highly interactive in design and pedagogy A sharing classroom Need for more spacious work stations Easy mobility between and among students Amenable to classes of all types and levels 5

6 The Solution 6

7 The Space 7 A Digital Collaborative Classroom

8 The Pods Five learning pods for 2-6 students Large flat screen TV at each pod Direct connection to any student device Students work individually and/or as groups Rolling chairs for 360 ° mobility and storage space Student devices or PCs from laptop cart 8

9 9

10 Eno Board 10 Expand Your World!

11 ENO Board Smart-like board Display board: Documents, presentations, websites Add notes, save notes to post, print, email Instructor station with PC Second large screen to enhance display capacity 11

12 Crestron Control Panel 12

13 Classes in The Space Culture of Contemporary Hebrew Latino Studies and the US Experience Chinese pedagogy/curriculum development Marseille, the City with a bad “rap” German Seminar in Linguistics CLLC Radio German methods course Hebrew Media Cultures of Medicine 13

14 What do students think: The technology 14

15 What do students think: The Pods 15

16 What do students think: ENO Board 16

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