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1 Yesterday TV “Beyond the Hashtag – The X Factor Case” Luca Revelli Brussels, July 10 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Yesterday TV “Beyond the Hashtag – The X Factor Case” Luca Revelli Brussels, July 10 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Yesterday TV “Beyond the Hashtag – The X Factor Case” Luca Revelli Brussels, July 10 th, 2014

2 2 Yesterday TV Where?Home How? When? Small # of Channels Linear only ATVs Content Audience? Passive Getting Older Type of Communication? One Way Power / Control “fully” in the hands of Broadcasters TV the First and only Screen

3 3 Multi-Screen Society We’re more and more multi-screeners. Most of consumers’ media time is spent in front of a screen and … NON Screen based media interactions RadioMagazineNewspaper Source: “The New Multi-screen World” - August 2012 - Google 10% 90% SmartphoneTabletPCTV Screen based media interactions

4 4 Simultaneous Multi-Screen Usage … most of time we use more than one device simultaneously, with TV no longer commanding our full attention Most Popular Screen Combinations 81%66% TV + Smartphone TV + PC Source: “The New Multi-screen World” - August 2012 - Google 77 % % of time in which using a TV, we’re using another device

5 5 Today TV Audience Engagement has become key Content How? When? Many Channels Linear + NON Linear ATVs Where?Everywhere Type of Communication? Multi-directional Audience? Active Younger [?]

6 6 Engagement is different for different genres Source: “Understanding the Effects of Social Media& Television Viewing: What Role Does it Play in Viewer Engagement?” - 2014 - Council for Research Excellence, Reality & Talent Shows, Sport, Political Debate and Specials more likely to develop Engagement during on-air Viewership of TV Program at Time of Social Media Comment

7 7 X Factor Digital Touchpoints XF Mobile Apps – iOS / Android XF Website / M-site

8 8 X Factor Digital Touchpoints Voting Interac- tive Channe l on STBs Interac- tive Channe l on STBs XF 2013 became the most interactive and involving “Social TV program” ever realized in Italy, allowing fans to become real protagonists of the show thanks to different interactive opportunities No MORE ONLY Digital “Extensions”, BUT Digital Environment fully integrated into the show XF Website XF Website XF Web Radio XF Web Radio Mobile APPs Mobile APPs Social Media XF Social Media Gamifi- cation XF Social Media Gamifi- cation iTunes A.H.B.C.D.E.F.G.

9 9 Total Votes and Tweets Votes reached 20m in 2013 (+ 70% vs. 2012, + 733% vs. 2011). Twitter conversation boomed to 2M tweets, with 400k followers, while on FB XF reached 540k likes (5x vs. first season) Votes (M) 2.4 11.8 20 Tweets (k)

10 10 Twitter TV Domination XF vs. Competition (e.g. first week of November)

11 11 Clapometer Results (M) 300M Claps, approximately 3x vs. previous season

12 12 On-Air Integration Examples

13 13 Key Takeaways / Lessons learned Old rule: content is king, still New rule: backchannel is an important part of the overall story / content On-air integration vital Communicate, communicate, communicate Easy & Fun New KPIs Marketers follow

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