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Collaborative Strategic Leadership: A Dynamic 21 st Century Approach to Strategic Planning Presented by Sherry Schiller 1 Ryman Ballroom D Friday, October.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Strategic Leadership: A Dynamic 21 st Century Approach to Strategic Planning Presented by Sherry Schiller 1 Ryman Ballroom D Friday, October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Strategic Leadership: A Dynamic 21 st Century Approach to Strategic Planning Presented by Sherry Schiller 1 Ryman Ballroom D Friday, October 17 10:30a.m.-12:15p.m. & 1:30-3:15p.m. These sessions are supported through a grant from the Barbara H. Mulville Endowment Fund of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy.

2 2008 Leadership Collaborative Strategic Leadership: A Dynamic 21 st Century Approach to Strategic Planning Sherry Schiller, Ph.D. President, Schiller Center 801 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 USA 703.684.4735 2

3 2008 Leadership What are our goals for this session? Identify benefits (& costs) of strategic planning Examine the AFP & other strategic planning models Share ideas and strategies that work Connect with & serve as resources to one another Others? 3

4 “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now” 4

5 Best/Worst Exercise What are the traits of the best/worst social systems you’ve experienced? 5

6 What is Strategic Planning? 6

7 7 Good luck is not enough!

8 Strategic Planning Definitions Strategic planning is a vision of what the organization should be. It provides a framework which guides choices that determine the nature and direction of an organization. --Ben Tregoe Strategic planning is the process by which guiding members of an organization envision its future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. --Pfeiffer, Goodstein, and Nolan 8

9 The Essence of Strategic Planning: Spirit & Order 9

10 The Essence of Strategic Planning: (Focused) Spirit & (Flexible) Order FOCUS (from AFP’s current strategic plan): “It was also agreed that AFP’s existing Core Ideology Purpose, Values, Mission and Vision – would not change. Core Ideology clarifies what doesn’t change for an organization despite changes in the business environment.” 10

11 The Essence of Strategic Planning: (Focused) Spirit & (Flexible) Order FLEXIBILITY(from AFP’s current strategic plan): “An emphasis is being placed on clearly defining measurable outcomes for the goals and specific metrics to measure the outcomes. The outcome statements are intended to define what success will look like when AFP has achieved the goal. Defining the outcomes is critical to setting targets for the future.” 11

12 What can strategic planning do for your AFP Chapter? …and what are its costs and limitations? 12

13 What is the AFP Strategic Planning Model? Step 1: CREATE AND ORGANIZE THE PLANNING PROCESS a) determine planning goals, process, planning committee participants and timeline b) gain agreement on the process from staff, board and other decision- makers c)gain commitment from participants for planning goals, process and timeline Step 2: REVIEW AND CLARIFY ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY, MISSION AND VISION a)review history, current mission and vision 13

14 What is the AFP Strategic Planning Model? (cont.) Step 3: IDENTIFY ORGANIZATIONAL CONSTITUENTS a) identify all groups and individuals who affect or are affected by the organization Step 4: CLARIFY ORGANIZATIONAL MANDATES a) identify formal and informal constituent mandates b) determine what is and what is not expected of the organization based on these mandates 14

15 What is the AFP Strategic Planning Model? (cont.) Step 5: ASSESS THE INTERNAL ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT (research) a) identify and analyze internal organizational strengths b) identify and analyze internal organizational weaknesses Step 6: ASSESS THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (research) a) identify and analyze external threats b)identify and analyze external opportunities 15

16 What is the AFP Strategic Planning Model? (cont.) Step 7: CREATE A VISION FOR THE FUTURE a) visualize and document a proactive vision for the organization's future at a certain date Step 8: IDENTIFY CRITICAL ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES a)develop and prioritize critical issues to be addressed in order to meet the mission and reach the vision 16

17 What is the AFP Strategic Planning Model? (cont.) Step 9: FORMULATE PLAN TO ADDRESS CRITICAL ISSUES a) set overall goals b) develop critical objectives c) determine measurements of success d)develop action steps, responsibility assignments and time-lines for each strategy Step 10: CREATE THE STRATEGIC PLAN REPORT/IMPLEMENT a) write draft plan and have planning team members review it b) complete final plan c) disseminate for implementation by board, staff, volunteers d) set review time 17

18 The Connective Change Cycle Design Align Refine Shine Define Purpose People Processes Programs 18

19 The Strategy Loop 2008/pre-read-materials/download.aspx?id=3174 19

20 How are the AFP and Connective Change Models Similar? Different? …& what other models do you know? 20

21 Step by Step: I. DEFINE (Making Sense) AFP Step 1: Create & Organize the Planning Process AFP Step 2: Review & Clarify Organizational History, Mission & Vision AFP Step 3: Identify Organizational Constituents AFP Step 4: Clarify Organizational Mandates AFP Step 5: Assess the Internal Organizational Environment AFP Step 6: Assess the External Environment 21

22 22

23 Step by Step: II. DESIGN (Making Choices) AFP Step 7: Create a Vision for the Future AFP Step 8: Identify Critical Organizational Issues AFP Step 9: Formulate Plan to Address Critical Issues AFP Step 10: Create the Strategic Plan Report/Implementation 23

24 Step by Step: III. ALIGN (Making Things Happen) 24

25 Step by Step: IV. REFINE (Making Revisions Based on New Information) 25

26 26

27 Step by Step: V. SHINE! 27

28 Discussions Thru the Strategy Loop may-2008/pre-read-materials/download.aspx?id=3174 28

29 How to get started: Contact your AFP Chapter Services Director for info, models, resources Talk with other Chapter leaders Use this power point as foundation for a Chapter conversation, commitment List all the things your chapter will be able to do (and will not be doing) one year from now if it demonstrates this discipline Learn more about AFP’s strategic plan and how your chapter can align its goals and metrics. Go to: 3.cfm?content_item_id=23966&folder_id=885 3.cfm?content_item_id=23966&folder_id=885 29

30 Okay, that addresses the what… …but what about the how? …what if your Chapter culture or leadership isn’t as constructive as it needs to be? 30

31 Formula for Constructive Change Initiatives Elements:If Missing: A Felt Need for Change Lack of motivation, apathy + Constructive Organizational Culture + A Clear Vision of Change Defensiveness, lack of safe environment Confusion, anxiety & misunderstanding + A Belief that Change is Possible Indifference, frustration, cynicism + A Positive Guiding Coalition to Lead Inaction, disillusionment + Practical First Steps Frustration + Process to Communicate/Engage Others Isolation, mistrust, rumors + Early, visible substantive/symbolic results Cynicism, disengagement Greater than the COST OF CHANGE 31

32 Summary What loose ends do we yet need to address? What did we learn? How will we apply it? Remember, a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow! 32

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