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Course: e-Governance Project Lifecycle

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Presentation on theme: "Course: e-Governance Project Lifecycle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Course: e-Governance Project Lifecycle
Day 2 Session 1 Setting up e-Governance Vision & Objectives

2 Agenda Introduction to e-Governance vision and strategy
Need for e-Governance vision and strategy Definition of e-Governance vision and objectives Key Elements of e-Governance Strategy

3 e-Governance Project Lifecycle (eGLC)
e-Governance Strategy development is the first step in modernizing the government using ICT 1.e-Governance Strategy Development 2. Current State Assessment 3. Future State Definition 4. Implementation approach and sourcing 5. Develop and implement IT system 6. Operate and sustain Project Management Office/Unit Change Management and Communications

4 Understanding e-Governance Strategy
What is a ‘Strategy’ in simple terms? It is a plan of action for achieving the defined goals and objectives Is a road map to lead an organization from its present state to its desired medium or long term future state Government Goals (illustrative)? Good governance… Providing standard living conditions to the citizens… Employment to all.. Health and education to all… Millennium development goals… Government Strategy/Plan Five Year Plan by Planning Commission of India National/State/Department Action plans for achieving the national/state/department level goals and objectives…

5 Understanding e-Governance Strategy
Government Goals and Objectives ICT Governments worldwide have identified ‘Information Technology’ as a key enabler for ‘enabling’ them to achieve the stated goals and objectives…. Policy People Processes Funding Facilities Enablers Enablers: which ‘enable’ or ‘support’ government or any organization in achieving the stated goals and objectives ‘e-Governance Strategy’ is an approach or a plan of action stating how Information Technology will be leveraged in achieving the stated goals and objectives..

6 Why e-Governance Strategy?
To provide direction and guidance in IT adoption To clearly identify the clear and measurable benefits from leveraging IT To clearly identify the actionable and measurable initiatives for achieving the stated goals/ benefits To estimate the resources (people, funding..) needed for To maximize effectiveness of ICT initiatives within Government To effectively plan and utilise the resources to gain maximum results To map path from pilot experiments to sustainable, scalable systems….

7 Elements in e-Government Strategy
What? Vision Vision and Objectives Objectives & Benefits How? Stakeholders/ Services/ Delivery Channels Strategic planning/ implementation plan When? Implementation approach and plan Who? Institutional Structures and Management Framework (Programme Management) With what? Funding/Financial Resources How far have we gone? Performance Management Framework ( M & E )

8 Key Considerations in e-Government Strategy Development
Ensure consistency with economic development priorities To keep the business goals and objectives on priority, not the‘technology’ To pursue real development goals not just “technology push” Secure political support Establish stakeholder participation mechanisms (including demand) Secure stakeholder buy-in of implementation plan

9 e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #1 - Vision
Need for e-Governance Vision If you do not know what you want… You end up getting a lot what you don’t !!!!!!!

10 Need for e-Governance Vision – contd..
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #1 - Vision Need for e-Governance Vision – contd.. Vision Statement #1: Use ICT for improvement of internal efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery Anonymous person Vision Statement #2: Making effective utilization of IT for improving the service delivery of department Anonymous person Vision Statement #3: Strengthen department administration and to provide simplified, convenient and transparent services to customers Anonymous person All means same….then why Vision Statement for Every Project or department????? ADIC final V1.0

11 Need for e-Governance Vision – contd..
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #1 - Vision Need for e-Governance Vision – contd.. Each Department provides unique services to customers Target Beneficiaries and customer groups are different Each department has varying service levels, complexities and priorities…then.. Then each department should have unique vision to leverage ICT/ e-Governance… ADIC final V1.0

12 Defining e-Governance Vision – contd..
e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #1 - Vision Defining e-Governance Vision – contd.. A vision statement should: Be clear, intuitive and simple Reflect the specific conditions and ambitions of the organization State what will be and will not be done Consider needs and opportunities Be aligned with overall development strategy Involve consensus building by stakeholders

13 Defining e-Governance Vision – contd..
e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #1 - Vision Defining e-Governance Vision – contd.. Steps in building vision statement includes: Identifying and consulting stakeholders Understand problems, needs and expectations of Stakeholders Draft a common vision based on stakeholders needs and expectations Aligning vision with more general local development needs and opportunities Consolidating and agree on final vision

14 Defining e-Governance Vision – contd..
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #1 - Vision Defining e-Governance Vision – contd.. Examples… “NeGP Vision “Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man.” eBiz – Establish One-stop-service delivery centre for G2B Services in India, provide services in simplified and convenient manner and thereby improving the investment climate in the country Include NeGP vision e-Procurement: Establish common procurement platform for realizing the right value for the goods & services, minimizing the cost of procurement and providing equal opportunities for businesses… ADIC final V1.0

15 e-Governance Objectives
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #2 - Objectives e-Governance Objectives Should flow from e-Governance vision.. e-Government should not be considered as a business goal or objective by itself. Rather, it is a means to achieve business goals or objectives e-Government objectives should be established along two dimensions: Adding benefits to the customers Adding benefits to the organization itself An objective is a specific and usually quantifiable statement of program achievement Should have measurable criteria for achieving success ADIC final V1.0

16 Defining e-Governance Objectives
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #2 - Objectives Defining e-Governance Objectives For Citizens (General/ambiguous Objectives): Streamlined, standardized electronic information gathering and access Reduce the time to access relevant information Enable citizens to find benefits and determine eligibility Reduce the time for citizens to find information on opportunities, schemes, benefits etc. Electronic delivery of services Convenient, any time and anywhere services For Citizens (Specific Objectives): Provide Passport to citizens in 3 business days Instantaneous payments of taxes & bills online through kiosks ADIC final V1.0

17 Defining e-Governance Objectives – contd..
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #2 - Objectives Defining e-Governance Objectives – contd.. For Businesses (Broad Objectives): Convenient & simplified processes for establishment, operations, expansion of businesses Minimize burden on businesses through online forms/services Reduce time for filing and complying with regulations Increased and equal access to business opportunities with Government For Citizens (Specific Objectives): Instantaneous access to Information Services Business Registration in 5 Working Days Online Filing of Returns etc.. ADIC final V1.0

18 Defining e-Governance Objectives – contd..
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development: Element #2 - Objectives Defining e-Governance Objectives – contd.. For Department (Broad Objectives): Reduced administrative burden and Increased employee productivity Information reuse across and within departments Cost effectiveness in operations For Department (Specific): Minimize direct interaction between department & citizens Reduce cost of procurement by 50% Migrate to 75% online service delivery by 2008 0% of transactions at Department counters for payment of taxes, duties etc.. ADIC final V1.0

19 Key Considerations for Vision and Objectives Definition
e-Governance Strategy Development Key Considerations for Vision and Objectives Definition To be developed based on extensive interactions with stakeholders, not based on board room discussions To be developed from stakeholder needs, not by department thoughts Stakeholders include: Customers (citizens, businesses..) served by the government Employees of organization delivering the services.. To be developed to address the current challenges and future needs To take learnings/inputs from similar situations and initiatives in India and world wide…

20 e-Governance Vision to Strategic Planning…
e-Governance Strategy Development e-Governance Vision to Strategic Planning… Strategic planning divides the vision into manageable specific goals, to be accomplished in phased manner The goals get translated into one or more projects. Each project has an objective (a specific measurable result expected, and time lines for completion Priorities setting for execution of the projects Road map preparation with time lines for action on the identified projects.

21 Stakeholders e-Governance Strategy Development
Key Element 3: Stakeholders/Services/Projects/Delivery Channels.. Stakeholders Customer Segmentation Citizens Businesses Partners (suppliers and other government agencies) Key Customer needs to be considered Easy Access – single & reliable access to information & services Clear Accountability – for delivering the services Integrated view of customers - no longer be required to submit the same information/ documents repeatedly

22 e-Governance Strategy Development
Key Element 3: Stakeholders/Services/Delivery Channels.. Services Categories of services Informational Foundation (core transactions) Others (low visible transactions) Implementation planning for services Raise visibility - Informational Build critical transactional services – foundation services Sustain value – low visible services

23 Internet penetration in villages and rural parts is LOW
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development Key Element 3: Stakeholders/Services/Delivery Channels.. Channels Department counters Internet/Portal Call Center Kiosk (CSCs) Mobile computing etc… Primary Channels Internet & Kiosks Secondary channels Call Center & Department Counters Extended Reach Mobile computing etc. Selection of delivery channels is a critical element…. identifying portal and internet as a service delivery channel as the primary channel for citizens in rural parts of the State is a bad choice….. Internet penetration in villages and rural parts is LOW ADIC final V1.0

24 e-Governance Strategy Development
Key Element 4: Implementation Approach and Plan – contd.. Some Key Considerations for Planning ICT Infrastructure readiness Availability of IT infrastructure Availability of Network infrastructure/connectivity Availability of Power… People readiness People readiness varies from locations/geographies (urban/rural) – no one size/training fits all ICT awareness levels Mindset of people and readiness to accept Systems readiness Robustness of application functionality – needs filed testing System performance Systems security…. Data readiness Availability of data in digital form Quality and completeness of data Ensuring all this readiness for all locations at the same time can be unmanageable…

25 e-Governance Strategy Development
Key Element 5: Programme Management Framework - Need e-Governance projects are treated as additional responsibilities for individuals in an organization – not a focus area Continuity of people is key challenge at leadership and management level for most e- governance projects A key factor contributing to project failures or discontinued focus… Most of the initiatives are individual driven – not system driven…. Most of government departments do not have a dedicated institutional functions for e- Governance or IT management However, many PSU’s have established these structures (e.g. EDP/IT cell) Many projects run beyond planned timelines – lack of expertise in management and tracking of initiatives… It requires appropriate skills, knowledge and attitude to drive e-Governance projects….it should be a dedicated and focused effort

26 e-Governance Strategy Development
Key Element 6: Funding and Financial Resources Investments in e-Governance Projects (Illustrative..) Consultancy Services (Strategy development, process reengineering, systems design, business model development, vendor selection, programme management, Quality assurance, M & E, change management…) Software Design, Development and Maintenance (Custom development, ERP implantation, operations and maintenance of software…) IT Infrastructure creation and maintenance (Data Center, Network, end user infrastructure…)

27 Various Models for Private Sector Participation
e-Governance Strategy Development Key Element 6: Funding and Financial Resources Various Models for Private Sector Participation Risk Transferred to the Private Sector Government Control Privatise Conventional PPP Outsource Based on costs and revenues, a right business model for implementation need to be developed….

28 e-Governance Strategy Development
Al Wathba e-Governance Strategy Development Key Element 7: Performance Management Framework (M & E) Performance management allows government decision makers to establish specific objectives and measure the progress towards achieving them. Performance management is specially critical for e-Government due to the following : Large investment required by e-Government Virtual nature of e-Government Collaborative aspects of e-Government In e-Government, performance management should focus on three key dimensions : Tracking the progress of e-Government implementation Tracking the value added to customers Tracking the value added to the organisation itself Performance management is supported by Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks, which are adopted by most successful organizations world wide ADIC final V1.0

29 End of Session

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