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PRA 301 MEDIA PLANNING AND BUYING 2014-2015. Introduction Communication process and media Noise Source Receiver Feedback Encoding Decoding Vehicle Message.

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Presentation on theme: "PRA 301 MEDIA PLANNING AND BUYING 2014-2015. Introduction Communication process and media Noise Source Receiver Feedback Encoding Decoding Vehicle Message."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Communication process and media Noise Source Receiver Feedback Encoding Decoding Vehicle Message

3 Change in Communication Objectives informing persuading reminding informing listening responding building relationships interactivity responsiveness (Porcu, Barrio-García, and Kitchen, 2012)

4 Classes of Media

5 Changing Roles of Media Entertain Inform Educate Entertain Inform and communicate Educate Shopping

6 Information and entertainment Strong feelings Loyalty Media usage and subsequent behaviour How Consumers Choose Media?

7 Media Ownership in Turkey Source:,%202014.pdf,%202014.pdf More: Christensen, C. (2007). Concentration of ownership, the fall of unions and government legislation in Turkey. Global Media and Communication August 2007 vol. 3 no. 2 179-199.

8 Evolution of Media Agencies Traditional full service agencies 1960s Norman King Low media costs Media agencies Developments in technology=>developments in media=>many media channels Media planning and buying job can be either done by –Full service agencies’ media departments –In-house media agencies –Independent media agencies –Out-of-home agencies –Digital media agencies –Product placement agencies

9 Media Planning It is the plan for the proper use of advertising media to fulfill the marketing and promotional objectives for a specific product or advertisement.

10 Defining Media Planning Media Planning consists of a series of decisions made to answer the question for advertisers : `What is the best means of delivering advertisements to prospective purchasers of my brand or service ?’

11 Media Buying It is the process of negotiations and getting the best price for advertising space and time in media.

12 General Procedures in Media Planning Understanding the marketing problem Working on the marketing strategy plan Media objectives Media strategy Media planning and buying Implementation Evaluation

13 Marketing Problem Situation Analysis Marketing Strategy Plan Creative Strategy Plan Media Planning General Procedures in Media Planning

14 Planners tend to select one or more media vehicles That effectively reach to the optimum number of target audience with an optimum amount of repetition at the lowest cost within a specified budget. Main Principles for Selecting Media Vehicles

15 Media planners should perceive: consumers’ needs and wants the way consumers view advertising buying decisions in order to know and understand the consumer better...

16 Media Planning – The process QUESTIONS ANSWERS Who are we talking to ?: Target audience Where are these people ? : Markets How many people to reach ? : Reach How many times ? : Avg Frequency/ Avg OTS Which media ? : Media selection Which vehicles ? : Vehicle selection Which months & what time of the day? : Scheduling

17 Tasks in Media Preparing the right media mix for the right target audience at the right time (the media strategist) Planning how best to use media to convey the advertising message to the target consumer (the media planner) Buying media space and time for the message (the media buyer) Selling that space or time to the advertiser (the media seller) Researching the relationship between consumers, media and the brands that advertise to them in those media (the researcher)

18 Video to-select-your-advertising-medium_news

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