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SPC Strategy for Engaging on HALA Implementation SPC Staff Outline for Discussion July 23, 2015 Full Commission Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "SPC Strategy for Engaging on HALA Implementation SPC Staff Outline for Discussion July 23, 2015 Full Commission Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPC Strategy for Engaging on HALA Implementation SPC Staff Outline for Discussion July 23, 2015 Full Commission Meeting

2 Quick Recap of HALA Process Resolution Steering Committee (incl. Mayor, Councilmembers, DPD & OH Directors, SHA Director, HALA Co-Chairs) 28-member Advisory Committee (Catherine B. SPC rep.) Strategy working groups w/addl. participants (incl. current & past members of SPC)

3 HALA Recommendations & Action Plan Release on July 13, 2015 of: Advisory Committee Report: 65 total recommendations Mayor’s Action Plan: Highlights 20 Key Policies & Programs

4 Implementation Process City Council Housing Affordability Committee of the Whole: 1 st met July 20, 2015 Next four slides are from the Mayor’s Office’s presentation at that meeting.

5 Mayor’s Action Plan: Invest in Housing Those Most in Need Adopt a balanced approach to funding affordable housing – Double the Seattle Housing Levy – Enact a Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) for affordable housing – Maximize surplus and underused public property – Create a voluntary employers fund From presentation at July 20 Committee of Whole.

6 Mayor’s Action Plan (continued) Create New and Affordable Housing for all Seattleites Create affordable homes and diversity of housing choices – Enact Mandatory Inclusionary Housing – Impose a Commercial Linkage Fee – Expand the Multifamily Tax Exemption Program – Increase opportunities for multifamily housing – Increase affordability, diversity and inclusion in single family areas From presentation at July 20 Committee of Whole.

7 Mayor’s Action Plan (continued) Prevent Displacement and Foster Equitable Communities Strategic investments and legal protections for low-income renters – Target a Preservation Tax Exemption to create/preserve affordability in existing housing – Strengthen the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance – Provide fair access to housing for people with criminal records – Protect renters from discrimination based on source of income – Help stabilize low-income homeowners – Support community in finding funding tools for Sharia-compliant lending From presentation at July 20 Committee of Whole.

8 Mayor’s Action Plan (continued) Promote Efficient and Innovative Development Deliver effective and streamlined government services to facilitate quality housing development – Streamline City codes and permitting processes – Reform design review and historic review – Pilot credit enhancement at Yesler Terrace – Reform parking requirements From presentation at July 20 Committee of Whole.

9 Prioritization for SPC’s Engagement on HALA Use “Key Strategies” in Mayor’s Action Plan to structure discussion Staff proposing strategies for focused work by SPC based on: o Relevance and degree of SPC expertise o Timeline for implementation relative to SPC’s workload – 2+ year timeline for many strategies, but some involve key decisions/completion in 2015 – SPC capacity very limited in 2015, esp. due to Comp Plan major update; also opportunity to advise on policy consistency

10 Timeline from Mayor’s Action Plan Subset of action steps listed

11 Prioritization for SPC Engagement (continued) Goal for today to provide initial feedback on SPC staff proposal for: – Which strategies to focus SPC’s work on over course of HALA implementation – Sending high-level letter to Council on overall HALA Action Plan highlighting key considerations to help shape development and deliberation.

12 Prioritization for SPC Engagement (continued) August 4 Executive Committee will follow up w/more detailed planning

13 Common Themes This slide and next lists some of common themes in in SPC’s recent advocacy and advice on Housing. Many of these themes are in evidence within detailed HALA recommendations and Mayor's Action Plan. Need for greatly increased resources and additional tools to address affordability, esp.— but not only—for lowest income Reduce unnecessary barriers to development Foster compact, complete communities

14 Common Themes (continued) Increase housing choices to enable diversity of households and income levels to live in Seattle Increase access to neighborhoods of opportunity and reduce displacement risk Address basic livability concerns in all neighborhoods Design and calibrate programs, policies, and codes carefully

15 Prioritization Worksheet (Handout developed by SPC staff)

16 Early Letter with Broad Considerations Letter to Council highlighting broad considerations Express appreciation for hard work that has gone into development proposed HALA package Acknowledge Council process and encourage opportunities for public input Note that SPC will be engaging with keen interest on many aspects, hope to be helpful resource Highlight key, initial considerations for informing their decision-making

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