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Vonda Fekete Nutrition Education and School Nutrition Programs Supervisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Vonda Fekete Nutrition Education and School Nutrition Programs Supervisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vonda Fekete Nutrition Education and School Nutrition Programs Supervisor

2 Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Resources:  Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools  Examples of Policy Language for Nutrition Education, Physical Activity and Other School Based Activities Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 Resources

3 Wellness Policy Section Making It Happen Changing the Scene Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 USDA’s Wellness Policy Website and Team Nutrition Resources Resources

4 School Nutrition Association National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 Wellness Policy Templates are available at: Resources

5 National Association of State Boards of Education Fit Healthy and Ready to Learn American Cancer Society _6School_health.asp Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 Resources Policy Structure Resource School Health Councils and Coordinated School Health

6 Resources Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) Family and Community Careers Leaders of America (FCCLA) Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 General Resources for Nutrition and Physical Activity: AFHL Wellness Policy Tool

7 National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE) Project PA “Preventing Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Parents Can Make a Difference” Healthy School Nutrition Environment Policies Increasing School Meals Participation - Breakfast Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 Resources General Resources for Nutrition and Physical Activity:

8 Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools  Resource to assist schools in meeting the nutrition guidelines requirement of the Local Wellness Policy  Provide a consistent definition for “healthy”  Create a uniform request to assist the food industry to respond Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 Objectives:

9  Voluntary  Phased in over 3 years to allow time for schools and the food industry to respond A Place to Start-July 1, 2006 Better-July 1, 2007 Best-July 1, 2008  Places emphasis on the Food Service Director as a source of information  Supports the National School Lunch Program Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005 Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools

10 Sources of Competitive Foods  A la carte Food/Snacks  A la carte Beverages  Vending Food/Snacks  Vending Beverages  Fundraisers (non-vending)  Classroom Parties/ Holiday Celebrations  Rewards  Foods from Home  School Stores Food/Snacks  School Stores Beverages  Faculty Lounges Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005

11 Development of the Nutrition Standards included review of standards from:  Texas Department of Agriculture  Arkansas Department of Education  Massachusetts’s Ala Carte Food and Beverage Standards  North Carolina’s Eat Smart School Standards  New Jersey’s Model School Nutrition Policy  USDA’s HealthierUS School Challenge Also included recommendations from 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and position papers from the American Dietetic Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Changes in Child Nutrition Program Law and Regulations Pennsylvania Department of Education, June 2005

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