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The Project Management Discipline
Chapter 7 The Project Management Discipline
Purposes of Project Management Discipline
The project management discipline has the following three purposes: To provide a framework for managing projects To provide practical guidelines for planning, staffing, executing, and monitoring projects To provide a framework for managing risk But it does not cover following issues: Managing people: hiring, training, coaching Managing budgets: defining, allocating Managing contracts with suppliers and customers
Discipline Focuses It focuses on: Planning an iterative project
Risk management Monitoring progress of an iterative project and metrics
Planning an Iterative Project
The objectives of project planning are the following: To allocate tasks and responsibilities to a team of people over time To monitor progress relative to the plan
Two Levels of Plan The development is based on two kinds of plans:
A coarse-grained plan: the phase plan A series of fine-grained plans: the iteration plans
The Phase Plan (Project Plan)
There is only one per development project and it captures: Dates of the major milestones: Lifecycle objective (end of inception, project well scoped and funded) Lifecycle architecture (end of elaborations, architecture complete) Initial operational capability (end of construction, first beta) Product release (end of transition and of the cycle) Staffing profile: which resources are required over time Dates of the minor milestones: end of each iteration and its primary objective, if it is known
The Phase Plan It is produced very early in the inception phase.
It is updated as often as necessary. It does not require more than one or two pages. It refers to the vision document to define the scope and assumptions of the project.
The Iteration Plan There is one per iteration.
Project usually has two iteration plans “active” at one time: The current iteration plan It is used to track progress The next iteration plan Built toward second half of current iteration Ready at the end of the current iteration
The Iteration Plan (cont.)
It is built using traditional planning techniques and tools (Gantt Charts, etc.) It defines the tasks and their allocation to individuals and teams. The plan contains important dates, such as major builds, arrival of components from other organizations, and major reviews.
Project Plan and Iteration Plan
Fine-Grained Plan: Iteration Plan The iterative process is dynamic. Thus, the detailed plans (Iteration plans) focus mostly on the current planning horizon.
The Concept of Risk A risk is defined as a variable that can take a value that endangers or eliminates success for a project. In plain terms, a risk is whatever may stand in our way to success and is currently unknown or uncertain. We can qualify risks further as direct or indirect: Direct risk: The project has a large degree of control Indirect risk: The project has little or no control
Risk Attributes We can also add two important attributes:
The probability of occurrence The impact on the project (severity) These two attributes can be combined in a single risk magnitude indicator, and five discrete values are sufficient: High, Significant, Moderate, Minor, Low.
How to Cope with Risks Three main routes are possible: Risk avoidance:
Reorganize project so that it cannot be affected by the risk. Risk transfer: Reorganize project so that someone or something else bears the risk (the customer, vendor, bank, or another element). Risk acceptance: Decide to live with the risk. Monitor its symptoms and determine what to do if it materializes.
Types of Risks Risks that can be avoided or worked around
Risks that cannot be avoided “What if the project leader in this 15-person team leaves the company?” Retire this by preparing a backup person. From: Software Engineering An Object-Oriented Perspective By: Eric J. Braude
A Way to Compute Risk Priorities
Likelihood 1 to 10 Impact Retirement Cost Priority Computation Resulting priority (1=least likely) (1=least impact) (1=lowest cost) (Lowest number handled first) Highest Risk 10 1 (11-10) x (11-10) x 1 Lowest Risk (11-1) x (11-1) x 10 1000 From: Software Engineering An Object-Oriented Perspective By: Eric J. Braude
From Software Engineering R7 By Sommerville
Risk Management From Software Engineering R7 By Sommerville
Risk Management Process
Risk identification Possible project, product and business risks are identified. Risk analysis The likelihood and consequences of these risks are assessed. Risk planning Plans to address the risk either by avoiding it or minimizing its effects. Risk monitoring The risk is constantly assessed an plans for risk mitigation are revised as more information about the risk becomes available.
Risks and Risk Types (Risk Identification)
Possible Risks Technology Database used cannot process as many transactions per second as expected. Reused SW components contain defects which limit their functionality. People It is impossible to recruit staff with skills required. Key staff are ill and unavailable at critical times. Required training for staff is not available. Organizational Organization is restructured so that different managements are possible for the project. Organizational financial problems force reductions in project budget. Tools The code generated by CASE tolls is inefficient. CASE tools cannot be integrated. Requirements Changes to requirements which require major design rework are proposed. Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements changes. Estimation The time required to developed SW is underestimated. The rate of defect repair is underestimated. The size of the software is underestimated.
Risks Analysis Risk Probability Effects
Financial problems force reductions in project budget. Low Catastrophic It is impossible to recruit staff with skills required for the project. High Key staff are ill at critical times in the project Moderate Serious Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements changes. Tolerable The code generated by CASE tools is inefficient. Insignificant
Risks Management Strategies
Strategy Organizational financial problem Prepare a briefing document for senior management showing how the project is making a very important contribution to the goals of business. Recruitment problems Alert customer of potential difficulties an possibility of delays, investigate buying-in components Staff illness Reorganize team so that there is more overlap of work and people therefore understand each other’s jobs Requirements changes Derive traceability information to assess requirements change impact, maximize information hiding in the design. Database performance Investigate the possibility of buying a higher-performance database.
Risk Factors Risk Type Potential indicators Technology People
Late delivery of hardware of support SW, many reported technology problems. People Poor staff morale, poor relationships amongst team members, job availability. Organizational Organizational gossip, lack of action by senior management. Tools Reluctance by team members to use tools, complaints about CASE tools, demands for higher-powered workstations. Requirements Many requirements change requests, customer complaints. Estimation Failure to meet agreed schedule, failure to clear reported defects.
The Concept of Measurement
Why do we measure? To gain control of a project and therefore to manage it. To evaluate where we are from the plan’s objectives in terms of completion, quality, and compliance with requirements. To plan better a new project’s effort, cost, and quality based on experience. To evaluate the effects of changes and assess how we have improved over time on key aspects of the process’s performance.
Examples of Goals Examples of goals that might be set in a software development effort: Monitor progress relative to the plan. Improve customer satisfaction Improve productivity. Improve predictability. Increase reuse We must translate them into subgoals (or action goals), which identify the actions that project members must take to achieve the goal.
Subgoals (Action Goals)
The goal “Improve customer satisfaction” would break down into the following action goals: Define customer satisfaction. Measure customer satisfaction over several releases. Verify that satisfaction improves.
Subgoals Some subgoals (but not all) would require that we collect measurements. i.e., “ Measure customer satisfaction” can be derived from A customer survey (customers give marks for different support aspects) The number and severity of calls to a customer-support hotline
What is a Measurement? There are two kinds of measurement (metric):
A measure is a concrete numeric attribute of an entity (e.g., a number, a percentage, a ratio). i.e., project effort in person-month is a measure of project’s size. To calculate this metric you would need to sum all the timesheet bookings for the project. A primitive measure is an item of raw data that is used to calculate a measure. In the preceding example, the timesheet bookings are the primitive measures.
Roles and Artifacts Not shown here is the Project Reviewer, who is responsible for evaluating project planning artifacts and project assessment artifacts at major review points in the project lifecycle.
Key Artifacts of Prj Management Discipline
The software development plan (SDP), which contains several artifacts: Product acceptance plan Risk management plan (and risk list) Problem resolution plan Measurement plan The business case The iteration plans (one per iteration) The iteration assessment The (periodic) status assessment The work order The project measurements database
Workflow in Project Management
End Iteration
Conceive New Project This workflow detail is composed of the activities identify and assess risks, develop business case, and initiate project, performed by the project manager project approval review performed by the project reviewer. The purpose of this workflow detail is: to bring a project from an idea to a point at which a reasoned decision can be made to continue or abandon the project.
Evaluate Project Scope and Risk
This workflow detail is composed of the activities identify and assess risks and develop business case, performed by project manager. The purpose is: to estimate the project’s capabilities and characteristics, and the risks associated with achieving them.
Develop Software Development Plan
This workflow detail is composed of the activities: Develop measurement plan Develop risk management plan Develop product acceptance plan Develop problem resolution plan Define project organization and staffing Define monitoring and control processes Plan phases and iterations Compile software development plan The purpose is: to develop the components and enclosures of SDP and then have them formally reviewed for feasibility and acceptability to stakeholders and as the basis for fine-grained plan for the next iteration (the iteration plan)
Plan for Next Iteration
This workflow detail is composed of the activities: Develop iteration plan, develop business case, and the workflow detail develop SDP, performed by project manager the iteration plan review, performed by project reviewer. The purpose is: to create an iteration plan, a fine-grained plan, to guide the next iteration. After creating the plan, adjustments may be needed to the SDP and the business case.
Monitor and Control Project
Composed of the activities: Schedule and Assign Work, Monitor Project Status, Handle Exceptions, Problems, and Report Status, Project Review Authority (PRA) Review, performed by Project Reviewer. It captures daily, continuing work of Project Manager and covers: Dealing with change requests Monitoring project in terms of active risks and objective measurements of progress and quality reporting project status to the project review authority Dealing with issues and problems according to the problem resolution plan Performed by: Project Manager
Manage Iteration Composed of the activities
acquire staff, initiate iteration, and assess iteration, all performed by project manager iteration evaluation criteria review and the iteration acceptance review, both performed by project reviewer. contains the activities that begin, end, and review an iteration. The purpose is to: acquire necessary resources to perform the iteration allocate the work to be done assess the results of the iteration.
Close-Out Phase Composed of the activities:
prepare for phase close-out, performed by project manager milestone review, performed by project reviewer. Project manager brings a phase to closure by ensuring the following: All major issues from the previous iteration are resolved. State of all artifacts is known. Required artifacts have been distributed to stakeholders. Any deployment (e.g., installation, transition, training) problems are addressed. The project’s finances are settled, if the current contract is ending (with the intent to recontract for the next phase)
Close-Out Project Composed of the activities:
prepare for project close-out, performed by project manager, project acceptance review, performed by project reviewer. Final assessment is prepared for project acceptance review It marks the point at which customer formally accepts ownership of the software product.
Building a Phase Plan (Project Plan)
We need a rough estimate of the “size of the project.” We must consider: How high is total effort? When do we need to finish (date of final release)? We then work backward from the end date to "plant" tentative dates for the major milestones.
Staff/Schedule/Scope Trade-off
Cannot trade staff for schedule "If it takes nine months for a woman to make a baby, why can't we have nine women produce one in a month?“ As Fred Brooks wrote, "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." Use a cost model, i.e., COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) To reach a reasonable ratio in product’s first generation, we usually must trade off features, or we must increase reuse
The Rubber Profile We must shape effort profile and refine dates of milestones. To do this we can start from a typical profile. Resources Time Inception Elaboration Construction Translation The profile shows the relative duration and effort per phase.
The Rubber Profile (cont.)
It is suitable for a project with: Moderate size and effort In an initial development cycle No preexisting architecture Small number of risks and unknowns Phase Schedule Effort Inception % % Elaboration % % Construction % % Transition % % Relative Weight of the Phases of Schedule and Effort for a Typical Project
Adjusting the Rubber Profile
Stretch the inception phase if we need a long time to scope the project, find the funding, conduct market research, or build an initial proof-of-concept prototype, Lengthen the elaboration phase, if we have no architecture in place, Use new and unknown technology, and/or have severe performance constraints, a number of technical risks, and a lot of new staff,
Adjusting the Rubber Profile (cont)
Shrink the inception and elaboration phases, if This is the second generation of a product and we will make no major changes to the architecture, Shorten the construction phase and lengthen the transition phase if: we must hit market quickly and plan to finish the product gradually Stretch the transition phase if: we have a complex deployment, i.e., replacing an old system without interruption of service
Duration of an Iteration
An iteration starts with planning and requirements and ends with a release, either internal or external. An iteration should span from two to six weeks, but this varies from project to project. How quickly we can iterate depends primarily on the size of the development organization stability and maturity of the organization level of automation used by the team to manage code distribute information perform testing
Number of Iterations (inception)
There will be no real iteration; no software is produced, and there are only planning and marketing activities. We will have an iteration for the following: Building a prototype to convince stakeholders that this idea is a good one Building a prototype to mitigate a major technical risk such as trying out a new technology or a new algorithm or verifying that a performance objective is attainable Getting our organization up to speed with tools and process So that's zero or one iteration.
Number of Iterations (Elaboration)
We should plan at least one iteration. If we have no architecture and deal with new factors: new people, tools, technology, platform, or programming language, then we should plan two or three iterations. We may need to show a prototype to customer or end users to help them define the requirements better (remember the IKIWISI effect). We will need an iteration to correct the early mistakes on the architecture. So this gives us one to three iterations.
Number of Iterations (Construction)
We should plan at least one iteration. Two is more reasonable if we want to allow a better job of integration and testing. For more ambitious projects, three or more are even better if the organization can support the stress and if there is a sufficient level of automation and process maturity. So that's one to three iterations.
Number of Iterations (Transition)
Plan at least one iteration, i.e., final release after beta. The realities of the market or the (poor) quality of the initial release will force us to do more iterations. That's one to two iterations.
Number of Iterations (I, E, C, T)
Over the entire development cycle [I, E, C, T], we have three levels: Low: three iterations [0, 1, 1, 1] Typical: six iterations [1, 2, 2, 1] High: nine iterations [1, 3, 3, 2] We can summarize by saying that "normal" projects have 6 ± 3 iterations. We call this "six plus or minus three" rule of thumb.
Building an Iteration Plan
Follow these four steps: Determine the iteration scope What we want to accomplish in the iteration. Define iteration evaluation criteria How to evaluate the accomplishments at the end of the iteration; And specify which artifacts will be worked on. Define iteration activities Establish what needs to be done and on which artifacts. Assign responsibilities Allocate resources to execute the activities.
Iteration in the Elaboration Phase
There are three main drivers for defining the objectives of an iteration in the elaboration phase. Risk Mitigate or retire risks as early as you can Coverage Address all aspects of the software to be developed Criticality Make sure that critical functions or services of system are covered
Iteration in the Construction Phase
Risks remain a key driver, especially as new and unsuspected risks are uncovered. The completeness of use cases also becomes a driver. We can plan the iterations feature by feature, trying to complete some of the more critical ones early so that they can be tested thoroughly in more than one iteration. Toward the end of the construction phase, the main goal will be to ensure coverage of full use cases.
Iteration in the Transition Phase
The main goal is to finish this generation of the product. Objectives for an iteration: Which bugs are fixed and which improvements in performance or usability are included. If we had to disable features to get to the end of the construction phase on time, we can now complete them or turn them on if they won’t put system in danger.
Detail the Work in the Iteration
After the scenarios or full-scale use cases to be developed have been selected and briefly sketched, we must determine the artifacts that will be affected. Which classes are to be revisited? Which subsystems are affected or created? Which interfaces probably need to be modified? Which documents must be updated?
Summary The project management workflow of the RUP is useful for balancing competing objectives, managing risk, and overcoming constraints to deliver a product that meets the needs of the customers and the end users. In an iterative process, the development should be based on a phase plan and a series of iteration plans. Risk is a driver for planning. Measurement is a key technique used to control projects. In building a phase plan, we must assess trade-offs between staff, schedule, and project scope.
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