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1 1.8.1 WBS activity and Cost Summary (Focus on Design) Clement Wong TBM Conference Call Oct. 27, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1.8.1 WBS activity and Cost Summary (Focus on Design) Clement Wong TBM Conference Call Oct. 27, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1.8.1 WBS activity and Cost Summary (Focus on Design) Clement Wong TBM Conference Call Oct. 27, 2005

2 2 Basic WBS and costing approach for all elements Consider Three design phase, Title I, II and III Work on WBS elements, sub-elements and respective definitions Review TBM program schedule Propose WBS element schedule Cost estimate for 10 years, 2006-2015 (Assumption: 2006 and 2007 are leveled budget )

3 3 Draft 04/10/05

4 4 Preliminary Design and Analysis, Title I This WBS includes the administration and evolving the conceptual design into the preliminary design provides the depth and details to allow the DCLL to take shape and form. Complete the process of converting the conceptual design to a design appropriate for procurement and fabrication. The % complete is about 20-35% of the total design effort. Requirements for the DCLL Reference design are to be defined, the preferred design solution is identified, all critical issues resolved, R&D has started, costs are known to a rough order of magnitude design drawings and analyses necessary to document the solution exist, essential features and interface details have been prepared. Contingency levels are high (up to 40% or more). (From 2006-2009) Detailed Design, Title II This WBS includes the administration and the detailed design is the last phase of development prior to fabrication. The purpose of the detailed design phase is to prepare final drawings, technical specifications and contract documents required to obtain bids and quotes for procurement and construction. The final design should also include clear statements of testing requirements and acceptance criteria for the safety and functionality of all subsystems. Requirements, design details, estimates and schedules are mature enough to establish the project performance baselines for scope, cost and schedule. Technical specifications are defined, R&D work is well along, and bids may be appropriate on long-lead procurement items. (From 2010 to 2012) Title III This WBS includes administration and vendor costs for technical support for procurement, fabrication, inspection, testing, as-built drawings, and other technical activities for the DCLL TBM. Documentation and QA is also included in this WBS. The cost of personnel providing technical support to procurement, installation, fabrication, inspection, testing, as-built drawings and other technical activities. (From 2010 to 2011)

5 5 Costing Input Table: one sheet per year

6 6 Status All WBS defined Most costing estimate completed except for some hardware, e.g. He and PbLi loops and interface equipment Assumptions: 2005, 2006 $ labor: burdened cost at $275k/FTE contingency not included risk factors not included Costing summarized

7 7 Most of the costs estimated, yearly costing distribution can be noted. DCLL program total is ~ $74M (~$42M is for R&D) incomplete cost as of 26/10/05 (not counting He and PbLi loops and interface equipment costs, marked in green) DCLL Costing Summary: EXCEL sheet distributed 26/10/05

8 8 Mechanical Design.1.1 Title I.2.1 Title II.3.1 Title III TBM Interface Title I.2.8 Title II.3.9 Title III Prepared by Mo Dagher TBM Conference Call Oct 27, 2005

9 9 TBM Mechanical Design Title I efforts. –Transition from conceptual design to preliminary effort –Set TBM design parameters –Generate 3D models and define TBM components and assembly –Start part design efforts –Define component fabrication processes and adjust design accordingly –Prepare to transition to Title II for detailed design Title II efforts –Transition from preliminary design to detailed design effort –Generate 3D models of all parts, assemblies and sub-assemblies –Generate detailed drawings, final check and shop drawing –Generate fabrication and assembly procedures. Title III efforts –Provide fabrication support, change order, design changes etc.. –Update TBM design with final design changes and generate as built models

10 10 TBM Components

11 11 TBM Interface Title I efforts. –Define TBM Interface areas, Frame, Piping, shielding Connections and RH. Title II efforts –Finalize Interface design points –Generate Assembly models –Finish components detail design and drawings for interface components Title III efforts –Support final TBM assembly efforts –Track and implement design changes –Develop as built drawings and models

12 12 TBM Interface Shielding Interface TBM Flexible Support Design Pipe and Connector penetrations TBM Frame Interface

13 13 TBM Interface

14 14 FS Engineering and fabrication Rowcliffe/Kurtz

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16 16 Neutronics Sawan/Youssef

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18 18 Update on DCLL Activation/Decay Heat input to PIE by M. Youssef

19 19 T/H MHD Smolentsev

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21 21 Thermofluid Helium Sviatoslavsky

22 22 Helium Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis CFD Modeling and Analysis of : First Wall Top and Bottom Plate Grid Plates Back Plate Distribution System WBS Summary Cost Summary 5.9 FTE $ 1,630K (including travel) Estimate assumes design changes require continuing analysis

23 23 Structural Analysis Sharafat

24 24 Structural analysis cost summary

25 25 Engineering Diagnostics and Instrumentation for DCLL TBM Neil Morley TBM Planning and Costing Conference Call Oct 27, 2005

26 26 Diagnostics WBS definitions under (prelim) This WBS includes the selection and preliminary design of specialized diagnostic systems needed in the 1st TBM in the ITER electromagnetic and plasma environment and for subsequent TBMs subject to the nuclear environment. Input on needed R&D activities will be supplied to (detailed) This WBS includes the selection and detailed design of specialized diagnostic systems needed in the 1st TBM in the ITER electromagnetic and plasma environment and for subsequent TBMs subject to the nuclear environment. Input on needed R&D activities will be supplied to (title III) This WBS includes the fabrication support for specialized diagnostic systems needed in the 1st TBM in the ITER electromagnetic and plasma environment and for subsequent TBMs subject to the nuclear environment.

27 27 Diagnostic Comments Helium and PbLi loop WBS leaders should consider diagnostics and control systems needed for their loop operation and control. Experimental plan needs further detailed development do help determine the required/desired measurement, measurements locations and frequency. Very common area with International partners – only locations and integration into DCLL design unique to US DCLL TBM. Cost estimate – 0.1 FTE per year following detailed establishment of experimental plan up to the end of title III activities during fabrication (roughly 6 years – total 0.6 FTE = $170k.)

28 28 Helium Flow Loops Wong


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31 31 GA fission division costing group has accepted the Helium loops costing task and will deliver results in four weeks. Wong will meet the costing person next week.

32 32 PbLi Flow Loop Pint

33 33 PbLi Breeder Coolant Loop Dump Tank PbLi-He heat exchanger Expansion Tank Sump Pump Tank Tritium Extraction Cold Trap Unit Pressure Control Unit Rupture Disk Primary He coolant Line

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35 ITER TBM Tritium Processing WBS, Description and Rough Cost Estimate Scott Willms Los Alamos National Laboratory October 27, 2005

36 36 WBS ElementsDescription Cost ($K) 1. Preliminary Design 1.1. Tritium Processing System 1.1.1. AdministrationAccounts for managing the tritium processing system project and for project controls including reporting, statusing and scheduling. 100 1.1.2. R&D is needed to predict tritium processing system performance and perform sensitivity analysis. This will guide both design and R&D. 100 extraction from PbLiA number of methods have been proposed for tritium extraction from PbLi, but little experimental work has been performed. This task will use both process analysis and experiments to determine the best strategy for extraction of tritium from the ITER TBM PbLi. 300 extraction from HeA number of methods have previously been used to extract tritium from helium. However, there are some unique challenges associated with this technology for the TBM. Experiments and analysis will be used to determine the best technology. 150 of tritium in PbLiSeparation of tritium from PbLi will depend on the physical and chemical properties of this “binary” system. Examples of parameters needed are mass transfer coefficients, chemical speciation and liquid (PbLi side)-solid (tube wall) equilibrium. Experiments and model will be run to determine these parameters. 150 1.1.3. Design extraction from PbLiThis element will design systems for extracting tritium from PbLi. This may include a bubbler and a vacuum permeator. This must be closely integrated with the heat exchanger and other tritium-permeable surfaces. 75 extraction from HeThis element will design systems for extracting tritium from 1) the “dual-coolant” He stream and 2) the heat exchanger He. Permeators, oxidation/adsorption or other technologies may be used. 75 integrationThis task will integrate all tritium processing systems as well as interfaces to other systems such as the Tritium Plant, safety systems, TBM diagnostics, control systems, etc. 50

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39 39 DCLL/ITER System Integration.1 Administration.2 R&D.3 DCLL TBM System Integration.4 Fabrication & Procurement.5 Assembly, Testing, Onsite support Prepared by Mo Dagher TBM Conference Call Oct 27, 2005

40 40 DCLL/ITER System Integration.2 Design R&D –.2.1 Pb-Li Concentric pipe. Current DCLL system design uses a concentric pipe arrangement for the inlet/outlet Pb-Li flow. Internal pipe uses a slip joint to accommodate thermal expansion during operation. Design, Analysis, Mock-up and testing is required in order to develop a slip joint capable of handling the thermal expansion, and operating conditions of the DCLL. –.2.2 V.V and Transporter Expansion Bellows. Pipe penetrations through the VV plug need to maintain the Vacuum boundary and to allow for pipe movement due to thermal expansion. Bellows will be used to form a flexible seal between the OD of the pipe and the Boundary. Bellows will be used at the VV plug and at the Transporter wall to allows for pipe expansion between the two boundaries. Using ITER’s design guidelines and safety requirements, design development along with mock-up and testing is needed to develop applicable bellow design for DCLL system.

41 41 Test Port Configuration VV Port Extension VV – Cryostat Duct Cryostat Bio-Shield TBM Frame Assy VV Closure Plate Pb-Li Concentric Pipe. Internal Slip joint Design Transporter Port Cell Area Flexible Pipe Penetration Through VV closure plate

42 42 TBM Interface DCLL System Design Integration -.3.1 In-Vessel System Integraton -.3.2 Ex-Vessel System Integration and Interface.3.2.1 Pb-li Loop Interface inside the transporter.3.2.2 Pipe run design and interface with coolant loops and ITER facilities..3.2.3 he Coolant loop interface with ITER. -.3.3 RH System Integration. Develop process flow for the removal, replacement, transportation and installation of the TBM assembly utilizing ITER’s RH equipment. Define any special equipment and tooling specific to the TBM assembly that will be needed during this process. Develop maintenance procedures as well removal and replacement processes. -.3.4 Engineering Design and Analysis. Design activities for all components identified under the integration task -.3.5 Piping Design modeling and detailed design activities for pipe runs identified under integration task. -.3.6 RH tooling design. Develop design detail for any special tooling required for DCLL system

43 43 TBM Interface.4 Fabrication Procurement & shipping. –Administration, labor, Material and logistical support to Procure fabricate and ship al the components and assemblies needed under the System integration WBS..5 Assembly, Onsite testing and Support. –This WBS includes the administration and coordination on the installation and preliminary testing of TBM, making sure that ITER requirements are met and a close and smooth collaboration between ITER site management and operation with the TBM installation and testing personnel and operation.

44 44 System Integration Preliminary Project Plan

45 45 Safety and Regulatory Support Brad Merrill – INL

46 46 and Regulatory Support This WBS includes the safety support, analysis, and design integration activities required to license for the DCLL TBM and TBM ancillary system. Support This WBS includes regulatory activities related to the DCLL TBM and TBM ancillary systems that will be required to obtain TBM regulatory approval. This includes the interaction with regulatory officials and the ITER IT to determine the regulatory requirements, safety rules, safety analyses, and reporting requirements needed to obtain licensing approval for the US DCLL TBM. In addition, this includes the presentation and defense of TBM safety results to regulatory officials and the ITER IT. Analysis and Reporting This WBS includes activities related to estimating the radioactive source terms mobilized from the TBM and TBM ancillary systems during accidents, performing the required safety analysis identified by TBM regulatory requirements, and the reporting of these results to regulatory officials and ITER IT in the form a TBM safety dossier and supporting safety documents. Design Integration This WBS includes activities related the interaction with the DCLL design team to integration of safety and regulatory requirements into TBM components that perform TBM safety functions. Of specific concern are the radiological confinement boundaries of the ITER device and the assurance that TBM and TBM system response to accidents in a manner that does not compromise the integrity of these boundaries.

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