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Lab 2: Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Lab 2: Appendicular Skeleton

2 Pectoral Girdle pectoral girdle - scapula, clavicle Upper limbs attach

3 Pelvic Girdle pelvic girdle – os coxae (pubis, ishium, ilium)
lower limbs attach

4 Articulations this is another word for joint, or where 2 bones contact each other; often named for the 2 bones that are meeting

5 Functional Classifications of Joints
1. synarthrosis - immovable (ex: sutures of the skull) 2. amphiarthrosis - slightly moveable (most joints of the axial skeleton are synarthrodial or amphiarthrodial) 3. diarthrosis - freely movable, characterized by joint capsule containing synovial fluid and accessory structures (cartilage pads, ligaments, etc.) mostly found in the appendicular skeleton where a lot of movement is necessary (ex: knee, hip and glenohumeral joints

6 Diarthrodial (Synovial) joints are also divided into subcategories based on the movements that they permit gliding - articular surfaces flat or slightly curved; allows sliding movements in one or two planes (intercarpal and intertarsal joints) hinge - rounded process of one bone fits into concave surface of another bone; allows movement in one plane (elbow joint) pivot - rounded/conical surface of one bone articulates with a shallow depression or foramen in another bone: uniaxial rotation is the movement allowed (atlas-axis articulation)

7 4. condyloid - oval condyle of bone fits into an ellipsoidal depression in another bone, allowing movement in two planes (metacarpal-phalangeal joints (knuckles)). 5. saddle - articulating surfaces are saddle shaped; convex surface of one bone articulates with concave surface of another bone (ex: articulation occipital condyles & atlas). 6. ball and socket - ball shaped head of one bone articulates with cuplike depression of another (hip joint, glenohumeral joint)


9 Ligaments (structures that connect 2 or more bones, usually named for bones)
collatoral – to the side annular – around a surface interosseus – between length of two bones cruciate – crosses from one side to the other

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