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Books to get students reading! Get your students attention! Miss Brooks Loves Books! (and I don’t) by Barbra Bottner Illustrated By Michael Emberly ~

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2 Books to get students reading!

3 Get your students attention! Miss Brooks Loves Books! (and I don’t) by Barbra Bottner Illustrated By Michael Emberly ~ Miss Brooks is a school librarian who absolutely loves books ! She enjoys dressing up as characters of the books she reads to her students and even acts out the parts. ~Miss Brooks decides to have her students read from their favorite book and dress up for her favorite week: BOOK WEEK!! ~Missy is the reluctant reader who promises Miss Brooks she will never love reading. ~In the end, Missy’s mom finds the book that wins her over to the joy of reading!

4 Barbra Bottner More Books Written By Bottner: Bottner has written and illustrated more than 35 books She has been a journalist and has also written for television and movies. She now lives in Los Angeles.

5 More Books Written By Bottner:

6 Jonathon London Laugh out loud books that will even make adults laugh! ~ In this book, Froggy and his family go on a family vacation to Hawaii. Froggy will take you on a trip from start to finish and have you laughing at his many silly mistakes. No matter how hard Froggy tries to stay out of trouble, trouble always seems to find Froggy. ~ Froggy’s mom reminds him to pack his swimsuit and his dad warns him to not act like a nincompoop. ~ Froggy travels in a taxi and an airplane to get to his favorite island. ~ On his vacation he sees a volcano with lava, a waterfall, and a coconut tree. ~ In the end, he has worn out his dad who says he needs another vacation from his vacation and Froggy agrees. Look for all of Froggy’s crazy mistakes and his funny “red in the face moment.”

7 Jonathan London ~ Jonathan London lives with his wife in Graton, California. ~ In 1992, he wrote his first Froggy book titled: Froggy Gets Dressed. ~ He finds inspiration for his Froggy books from his two sons, Aaron and Sean. ~ He admits to using a few experiences of his own and adds on for more laughs. ~ He has written twenty-three Froggy books along with some poetry.


9 The Fungus That Ate My School By Arthur Dorros *Mr. Harrison is a science teacher who is excited about a class experiment on fungus. It is time for Spring Break and students are worried about leaving the fungus experiment over break. Mr. Harrison told the students NOT to worry. FUNGUS CAN TAKE CARE OF ITSELF. *Later when students come back from a very rainy Spring Break they find fungus EVERYWHERE! On the lights, walls and anywhere imaginable. *When they entered the library and saw the fungus had taken over and the librarian had fainted, they decided to call Professor Macademia. *Professor Macademia calls in the FUNGUS UNIT to help clean up the fungus. *In the end Mr. Harrison replies that there will be no more fungus experiments…until next year.

10 Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros lives in Seattle, Washington. He has written numerous fiction and nonfiction children’s books. He enjoys writing and illustrating books for children. Arthur Dorros says that everyone has a story to tell and he loves to go to schools and help children find their inner story. Dorros has had a variety of jobs such as carpenter, photographer, agricultural worker and teacher just to name a few. He also enjoys traveling and experiencing the world he writes about. He has always stayed interested in books, drawing and writing books and found his family to be a great inspiration for his work as an author.

11 Just a few more examples of books written by Arthur Dorros

12 Ready, Freddy! The Pumpkin Elf Mystery In this mystery chapter book, Freddy and his classmates discover that a Pumpkin Elf has come to visit their classroom. He also left a big mess that the students have to clean up. With little clues left throughout the school, the class is on an adventure to find the pumpkin surprise. After being frustrated they head back to find their room full of pumpkins with a note from the Pumpkin Elf. The Pumpkin Elf has them create their own pumpkins and enter them in a class contest. In the end, Freddy is happy to have a note from the Pumpkin Elf. (Read to find out more)

13 Abby Klein

14 More Freddy books

15 Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective By Donald J. Sobol In this book there are 10 cases that need solving. Each chapter is a new case that allows the reader to investigate and search for the clues to solve each case. Leroy Brown, otherwise known as Encyclopedia Brown, is a son of a police officer who comes home each night with a case to solve over dinner. This inspires Leroy to help neighborhood children with their own mysteries.

16 Donald J. Sobol In 1963, Donald J. Sobol published his first Encyclopedia Brown book. Sobol has written every day up until the last month when he died at he age of 87. He has encouraged many young writers not to give up and have faith in their writings. He explains that he was rejected 24 times before his book was published. He has written over 80 books in his life time. He was awarded the Edgar Award in 1976 for his Encyclopedia Brown series. My childhood favorite series!

17 More Books in the Encyclopedia Brown series:

18 Literacy Technique used with Ready Freddy, The Pumpkin Mystery *Circle Stories can be used to develop comprehension along with sequence of events. pg 11 *Echo Reading is used for confidence building and fluency. pg 27 * Directed Reading Thinking Activity is used to make predictions pg 26 In the back of this book is a letter to the Readers. Use this letter as a hook to a writing letter lesson combined with a fun Pumpkin Elf contest of your own for the Fall. Create a Class Journal Wanted Poster Page 84 Literacy Techniques

19 Resources ~ Bottner, B. (2010). Miss Brooks loves books! (and I don’t). New York, New York: Random House Children’s books. ~ Dorros, A. (2000). The fungus that ate my school. New York, New York: Scholastic Press. ~Edwards, P. (2003). Literacy techniques (3 rd ed.). Victoria, Canada: Trafford Publishers. ~Klein, A. (2007). Ready Freddy, the pumpkin elf mystery. New York, New York: Scholastic Press. ~ London, J.(2011). Froggy goes to Hawaii. New York, New York: Puffin Books. ~ Sobol, D. (1963). Encycllopedia brown boy detective. New York, New York: Puffin Books. ~ ~ www.jonathan_/ondon.netwww.jonathan_/

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