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Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. –Move the mouse to the bottom of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. –Move the mouse to the bottom of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. –Move the mouse to the bottom of the screen to return to the game board. –When you have a daily double, you must click on Daily Double logo to go to the question screen. –At the beginning when introducing the categories, simply hit enter or click the mouse or next slide to scroll through the categories. –If you dont remember the answers, I recommend having another computer with a board with answers on the screen or a piece of paper duplicating the board with answers in the boxes. On the show, the answers to do not appear on the screen.

3 C8: Political Parties

4 The First Party System

5 The Second Party System

6 Early Political Parties

7 Our Two Party System

8 Minor Parties in U.S. History

9 Critical or Realigning Elections

10 1 st Party System 2nd Party System Early Political Parties Two Party System Minor Parties Realigning Elections $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 1000$1000

11 h $ 200 1 st Party System The founders of the first two political parties in the United States.

12 The Democratic- Republican who won 2 nd place and the vice- presidency in the election of 1796. h $ 400 1 st Party System

13 h $ 600 1 st Party System The two men who tied for the Presidency in the Election of 1800.

14 h $ 800 1 st Party System The Congressional body that chooses the President if no candidate receives a majority of the Electoral vote.

15 h $ 1000 1 st Party System The method used for nominating a partys candidate for the Presidency during the 1 st Party System.

16 The first election in which a million voters cast ballots in a Presidential election. h $ 200 2nd Party System

17 The oldest political party in the world that is still in existence. h $ 400 2nd Party System

18 He became President in 1828 and again in 1832, ushering in the age of the common man along with the rise of the American electorate. h $ 600 2nd Party System

19 This method replaced the use of the King Caucus method of nominating Presidential candidates for office. h $800 2nd Party System

20 h $ 1000 2nd Party System The two elections in which the House of Representatives chose the President of these United States.

21 h $ 200 Early Political Parties This party, formed by Thomas Jefferson, was created to unseat those no- good Federalists.

22 h $ 400 Early Political Parties He was George Washingtons Secretary of the Treasury and was one of the strongest proponents of a strong central government.

23 He was President during the Era of Good Feeling. h $ 600 Early Political Parties

24 The first candidate of todays Democratic Party and the first man to become President who was born west of the Appalachian Mountains. h $ 800 Early Political Parties

25 This minor party held the first presidential nominating convention in 1831. h $ 1000 Early Political Parties

26 h $ 200 Two Party System This electoral vote is required to win the Presidency of the United States.

27 h $ 400 Two Party System The stable two-party system in the United States began with this election.

28 The system used in most of Europe as opposed to the two party system used in the United States. h $ 600 Two Party System

29 h $ 800 Two Party System More than any other candidate but less than half of the vote.

30 This is provided by the minor parties to relieve the pressure of those who feel they cannot fit into one of the two major parties. h $ 1000 Two Party System

31 h $ 200 Minor Political Parties The only minor party in the United States to become a major party.

32 h $ 400 Minor Political Parties The modern Republican party first won the White House in this election.

33 h $ 600 Minor Political Parties The type of minor party that tends to endure because they care more about principle and less about winning.

34 h $ 800 Minor Political Parties An example of a bolter or factional party, this minor party may have cost the Republicans the 1912 election.

35 h $ 1000 Minor Political Parties The type of minor party which is most dangerous to the two major parties.

36 h $ 200 Realigning Elections The event that led to a critical election occurring in 1896.

37 h $ 400 Realigning Elections In the self-proclaimed Revolution of 1800, this red- headed Virginian became President of these United States.

38 h $ 600 Realigning Elections One of the two elections lost by the Republican Party between 1896 and 1932.

39 h $ 800 Realigning Elections This political party died around 1854, making the 1860 election a critical or realigning election.

40 h $ 1000 Realigning Elections Beginning with this election, the Democratic Party would dominate the Presidency and the Congress until IKE came home from Europe.


42 Presidential Elections

43 His candidacy as a minor party nominee eventually cleared the way for George W. Bush to become President of the United States.




47 JEOPARDY! Slide Show Notes The font for the question slides is Enchanted; (This font will need to be installed in the C:/WINDOWS/FONTS folder of the computer running the show.) –1. Go to Edit and Replace… –2. In the Find box, type CATEGORY 1 (all caps, or whatever category is listed) –3. In the Replace box, type the new category in all caps (for example, PRESIDENTS) –4. Click Replace All... To use the Daily Double: –1. Choose which dollar values to set as Daily Double CURRENTLY SET AT FOURTH CATEGORY FOR $1000 –2. Link that dollar value to one of the Daily Double slides –3. Link the logo of the Daily Double to the question

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