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Ancient Egypt 3000 BCE to 332 BCE Ancient Egypt app. 10,000 sq. miles the same as Sumer and Akkad radically different in shape a ribbon of fertile land.

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2 Ancient Egypt 3000 BCE to 332 BCE

3 Ancient Egypt app. 10,000 sq. miles the same as Sumer and Akkad radically different in shape a ribbon of fertile land 600 miles long –half a dozen miles wide for most of its length compared to 165 miles in Mesopotamia




7 Nile and Egypt DBQ The Nile River Shaped the Egyptian culture. – List ways that the Nile shaped Egyptian culture and what document you got this info Example: The way the Nile shaped the culture (Doc 5)

8 Comparison and Contrast with Babylon profound differences because of environmental conditions Mesopotamia: open to invasion Egypt: isolated by geography

9 Different Perspectives Mesopotamians: pessimistic –life is unpredictable, their gods unstable, their afterlife indistinct and undesirable Egyptian religion inspired confidence –in the eternal, stable order of the universe

10 Different Perspectives, con’t divinely guided, rhythmic cycle of life and death and belief in a final, eternal bliss

11 Ancient Egyptian Housing Middle Class Homes Peasant Homes

12 Scenes of Ancient Egyptian Daily Life

13 Making Ancient Egyptian Beer How did Beer Save the World?

14 Making Ancient Egyptian Wine

15 An Egyptian Woman’s “Must- Haves” Perfume Whigs Mirror

16 Egyptian Nobility

17 Egyptian Priestly Class

18 Egyptian Scribe

19 Hieroglyphics “Alphabet” 24 “letters” + 700 phonetic symbols

20 Papyrus  Paper Papyrus Plant Hieratic Scroll Piece

21 Papyrus text

22 Making papyrus

23 Hieroglyphics On a temple

24 Egyptian Math & Draftsmenship 110100100010,000100,0001,000,000 What number is this?

25 Hieroglyphic “Cartouche”

26 Champollion & the Rosetta Stone

27 Sculpture early and sophisticated development human figures and archicectural forms led to great expertise in painting and other representational arts




31 Unifier of Upper & Lower Egypt c. 3050 B. C. E. ? There is conflicting historical evidence over who united Upper and Lower Egypt. Some evidence points to a king called Scorpion. More solid evidence points to a king named Narmer. (also known as Menes)

32 Kings and Queens of Egypt Pharaoh: link between the gods and people Pharaoh: divine –his rule eternal and absolute Egypt was not just ruled for the gods but by a god

33 Distinctions ? human vs. divine ?? They could tell the difference in practice: whoever held the throne was divine including: women, foreigners, commoners

34 The Pharaoh shed his impermanent and human status assumed the eternal and unchangeable divine status became the embodiment of the divine led a divinely unified Egyptian state

35 Egyptian Book of the Dead

36 Egyptian Religion each city had its patron deity emergence of national government caused some to be more important as dynasties changed, the primary gods changed why??

37 Examples Memphis: Ptah later, as the center of power changed, Re/Ra or Horus etc.

38 Ptah


40 Amun

41 Atum

42 Osiris, god of resurrection Also known, as the Throne

43 Isis Sister and wife of Osiris, mother of Horus

44 Isis, with the child Horus Virgin Birth Provides the iconographic style for the later representations of Mary and the baby Jesus

45 Horns removed, the moon is dropped, behind the head, to become the halo.

46 Horus

47 Horus is the son of the god Osiris Born of a virgin Baptized in a river by Anup the Baptizer – Who was later beheaded Horus was tempted while alone in a desert Healed the sick and the blind Cast out demons

48 Horus continued Walked on water Resurrected “Asar” from the dead. – This translates to “Lazurus” Had 12 disciples Was crucified After 3 days two women announced that Horus, the savior of humanity has risen from the dead

49 Egyptian Gods & Goddesses: “The Sacred ‘Trinity’” Osiris Isis Horus

50 Early Creation Story Atum primeval mound of mud (Annual inundation of the Nile?) godly masturbation (How do you get a date when there is nobody there but you?) generation of the gods

51 Egyptian Mummies Seti I 1291-1278 B. C. E. Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep II 1210-1200 B. C. E. Ramses II 1279-1212 B. C. E.

52 Journey to the Underworld A boat for the journey is provided for a dead pharaoh in his tomb. The dead travel on the “Solar Bark.”

53 Egyptian religion extremely tolerant of difference extremely tolerant of many gods –as opposed to, say.. Hebrew religion the principal deity (national/Pharoah’s deity) allowed other gods to flourish

54 Religion as a Unifying Force Mesopotamia: master-slave relationship Egypt: gods like a shepherd –who cherish and care for the people –Would change very little over the 3000 years

55 Religion, con’t probably the origins of the idea of Jehovah-as-shepherd –especially in the Psalms –which are pre-dated by Egyptian psalms –Akhenaton’s Hymn to the Sun

56 Egyptian Social Hierarchy

57 Achievements of the Old Kingdom efficient, centralized authority astronomy, arithmetic, geometry medicine

58 The Most Important Solar calendar pyramids belief in immortality

59 Ancient Egyptian History PeriodsTime Frame Nile Culture Begins3900 B. C. E. Archaic3100 – 2650 B. C. E. Old Kingdom2650 – 2134 B. C. E. Middle Kingdom2040 – 1640 B. C. E. New Kingdom1550 – 1070 B. C. E. Late Period750 – 332 B. C. E. Greek Ptolemaic Era 332 – 30 B. C. E. Roman Period30 B. C. E. – 395 C. E.

60 Pyramids Imhotep: architect and developer of the calendar – Imhotep: physician, architect, doctor, miracle worker, giver of wisdom – designed the Step Pyramid of Zoser – processor of the Pyramids of Giza Engineering an Empire:Pyramids

61 Step pyramid of Zoser

62 Djoser

63 Imhotep Architect of the pyramids…later he become a god…

64 The Broken Pyramid of Snefru

65 The Bent Pyramid of Snefru

66 The Red Pyramid of Snefru


68 Giza Pyramid Complex

69 Plan of the Great Pyramid of Khufu

70 Pyramids, con’t eternal home for the immortal pharaoh insured their divinity for all eternity

71 Belief in Immortality first to really develop the idea sophisticated consciousness another order of existence

72 Map Showing Egypt, Nubia, And Kush

73 Decline of the Old Kingdom Old Kingdom: the most stable period the Pharaoh dominated life – forestalled the emergence of provincial power – but gradually lost power to royal officials gradual drying of the environment – failure of the Nile to flood on time

74 First Intermediate Period 2180-2050 B.C. – localism, anarchy, short reigns, palace coups, assassinations “seventy kings in seventy days” reversal of established order dissolution of law and order disruption of trade and agricultural production

75 The Middle Kingdom 2050-1800 B.C. united under the Eleventh Dynasty from Thebes, not Memphis – followers of the god Amon – elevated to the rank of primary god – modern examples??

76 The Middle Kingdom Fortifying of Egyptian borders military garrisons on the borders new office: the vizier

77 Second Intermediate Period 1800-1570 B.C. invasion by the Hyksos People from Palestine Hyksos dynasty by 1650 B.C. (Fifteenth Dynasty) Chapter 4 Sec 1 Questions

78 Do not go past this slide

79 The New Kingdom rise of the Seventeenth Dynasty – Thebes beginning of the imperial period

80 The New Kingdom 1570-1150 B.C. reaction to control by a foreign people policy of planned aggression create a “buffer zone” in Palestine

81 Imperialism: 18th Dynasty Thutmoses I Hatshueput I Thutmoses III – conquest of an Asian Empire – successor had problems

82 The Valley of the Queens Temple of Queen Hatshepsut 1473-1458 B. C. E.

83 The New Kingdom This whole conquer others thing led them into conflicts with others like Persians, Greeks and eventually Romans.

84 Akhenaton: the Amarna Revolution worship of the Aton – the solar disk elevated the worship of the Aton – suspended the worship of other gods – particularly Amon

85 The Aton—the physical disk of the sun


87 The Valley of the Kings

88 Archaeologist, Howard Carter (1922)

89 Entrance to King “Tut’s” Tomb

90 King Tutankhamon’s Death Mask 1336-1327 B. C. E.

91 King Tutankhamon

92 Treasures From Tut’s Tomb

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