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Westford Academy Athletics Fall Preseason Information Night September 2 nd, 2015 WELCOME BACK!

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Presentation on theme: "Westford Academy Athletics Fall Preseason Information Night September 2 nd, 2015 WELCOME BACK!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Westford Academy Athletics Fall Preseason Information Night September 2 nd, 2015 WELCOME BACK! Twitter @WAGreyGhosts

2 Westford Academy Athletic Booster Club Support for all student athletes New Faces always welcome Main Fundraisers include: – Scholarship Drive – Winter Blues Party – NE Patriots Basketball Game – Trivia Night

3 Tonight's Guest Speasker Tom Hermanowski Executive Director of the ADAPT Program Tonight's Presentation: “It’s Your Team, It’s Your Performance, It’s Your Decision”

4 Staff Dan Twomey, Athletic Director – 978-692-5570 x 2108 Betsy Parke, Administrative Assistant – 978-692-5570 x 2121 Bill Bombaci, Head Athletic Trainer – 978-692-5570 x 2133 Emails for all coaches listed on

5 Athletics Mission Statement The purpose of the Westford Academy athletic program is to provide an opportunity for student athletes to participate and share in a positive environment of spirited competition. Our goal is to instill basic values that build student athlete character as an individual and member of a team through the involvement in the interscholastic athletic program.

6 Student-Athlete Character Fun Work Ethic Commitment Leadership Chemical Health/Wellness Communication Time Management Patience Overcoming Adversity Discipline Pride Toughness Spirit Pursuit of Perfection Citizenship Sense of Community Effort Confidence Intensity Winning/Losing Graciously Accountability

7 Student-Athlete Expectations Team/Program Rules – Breakout Sessions/Team Meetings Student Athlete Handbook – cs/handbook.pdf cs/handbook.pdf MIAA Blue Book – WA Handbook – ce/WAhandbook.pdf ce/WAhandbook.pdf

8 Fall Important Dates/Conflicts Preseason Coaches Meeting 8/19/15 4pm 8/31 Teachers Return 9/1 9 th Grade Orientation Day 9/1 Senior Kick Off Meeting PAC 6:30 PM 9/2 10-12 Classes Begin 9/2 Fall Sports Preseason Meeting Night 6:30 9/4 No School Labor Day Weekend 9/7 No School labor Day 9/12 Team Picture /Booster Club Scholarship Drive 9/14-9/15 Rosh Hashanah 9/16 ½ Day 9/22-9/23 Yom Kippur 9/25 Mr. WA Contest 10/1 BACK to School Night- No Afternoon Practices or Games- NO School 10/3 SAT Date 10/12 Columbus Day No School 10/13 NO School – Professional Devel. 10/19-10/23 Spirit Week 10/22 Lady Ghost Flag Football 10/23 Homecoming Tailgate and Football Game 10/24 ACT 11/5 DCL Cheer Comp. 11/7 SAT’s

9 Student-Athlete Eligibility and Information Academics Attendance Medical Chemical Health/Wellness Transportation Uniforms/Equipment Code of Conduct Bullying/Harassment Bona fide Team Rule

10 Student Athlete Eligibility Academics - A student is eligible if they fail no more than one (1) course… Attendance - A student must be on time and attend school until the end of period 4 or by the start of period 3 and remain for the remainder of the day…exceptions are made for legitimate excuses i.e. medical appointment, personal family matters, etc. A student must be in attendance on the Friday before a weekend event in order to participate… Medical- Physicals valid for 13 months.

11 Student Athlete Information Transportation: Student athletes must ride transportation to and from events Uniforms/Equipment: Take care of your stuff, health concerns, return at end of season Code of Conduct/Fan Behavior – Behave, cheer for our teams, Lay off officials please. Bullying/Harassment- WA Handbook MIAA Bona fide Team Rule: Student Athletes not to miss a practice/game for another non school practice or event.

12 Bullying/Harassment/Hazing M.G.L. Chapter 269, Sections 17, 18 and 19. “Shall be punished by a fine of not more than three thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment” “It gets a little worse each year” No place for hazing at WA!

13 Bill Bombaci – Athletic Trainer Located in hallway by lockerrooms/music rooms.

14 Student Athlete Medical Issues MRSA/Staph Infections – All equipment/uniforms are on loan. Take care of them! – Regularly wash and clean uniforms and practice gear. – Wash hands consistently – Shower after practices and games ASAP – Cover open wounds – Something Suspicious = report it to Billy or Nurse

15 Concussions Responsibilities of Parents – Before the Season- Complete free online concussion course one time per year Complete online registrations with accurate and up to date information on concussions and other med info – During the season- Any head injuries “outside of athletics” must be reported Provide any doctors notes clearing students to return to participation Make us aware of anything that is not immediately reported

16 Student Athlete Eligibility Chemical Health/Wellness - – During School event- WA Handbook Policies + MIAA Rule – Out of school – MIAA Rule … “found to be in the possession of, consuming, buying/selling, under influence of… beginning of interscholastic school year to last day of school.” First Violation = 25% of season. Memorandum of Understanding with Westford Police

17 OPTIMAL? Healthy Brain Marijuana Brain Amen Clinics 16 yr. old daily user meeting

18 American Athletic Institute has studied the impact of alcohol on condition in elite athletes. Impact has shown significant projections in lost physiological condition that correlates to as much as 14 days of lost training effect…for each time drunk… AMERICAN ATHLETIC INSTITUTE 2005

19 Keeping Perspective NCAA Stats: HS to College to Pro

20 Role of Parents in HS Sports How do you define success for your son or daughter? It’s a fun journey, so enjoy it! How do you act after your son/daughters tough loss/win? Let the coach…. Coach!

21 Role of Parents in HS Sports What are your sons/daughters goals for the season? What do you want your son or daughter to get out of season? Grandparents approach What are things that parents do that student athletes really appreciate? Support whole team, food, cheering us on even when losing badly, telling them they did a good job, never yelling at a coach or ref, not talking negatively about my teammates

22 Conflict Resolution Communication is key Address at the earliest stage possible Chain of Communication- Start with student athlete and coach 24 hours after a game to contact a coach

23 Fall 2015 Other Items Fees $275 per sport. Please turn in check to coach before first game. New schedule system. – Download App

24 Fall Picture Day/ Boosters Scholarship Drive Saturday 9/12 Varsity Field Hockey 8:30 JV Field Hockey 8:35 9 th Field Hockey 8:40 Varsity Boys Soccer 8:50 JV Boys Soccer 8:55 9 th Boys Soccer 9:10 V Volleyball 9:15 JV Volleyball 9:20 9 th Volleyball 9:25 Varsity Girls Soccer 9:30 JV girls Soccer 9:35 JVB Girls Soccer 9:40 Cross Country9:45 Golf 9:55 Varsity Cheerleading 10:00 JV Cheerleading 10:05 Crew 10:10 JV Football 10:15 Varsity Football 10:30

25 Team/Program Locations Football -Auditorium Field Hockey- Library XC -Cafeteria Volleyball -Main Gym Cheer -Lecture Hall RM 144 Girls Soccer will meet at a later date Boys Var. Soccer – 143 Boys JV. Soccer- 139 Boys 9 th Soccer- 145 Golf Classroom - 101

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