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SPYWARE 2005-06 Computer Applications L6D, LAM Siu Fai (18)

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Presentation on theme: "SPYWARE 2005-06 Computer Applications L6D, LAM Siu Fai (18)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPYWARE 2005-06 Computer Applications L6D, LAM Siu Fai (18)

2 A pproximately 90% of all computers worldwide that use the Internet have been -----or currently are----- infected with spyware.

3 Adware Vs. spyware

4 Adware Vs. spyware Password Account name

5 Symptoms of Spyware Infection Soooo slow –s–start up / shut down –p–programs –m–mouse response

6 Pesky pop-ups –large quantity of pop- up advertisements

7 Symptoms of Spyware Infection Home page hijack –‘home page’ changed without users’ notice New bookmarks –new web links are added to computer Unusual icons –strange shortcuts

8 Symptoms of Spyware Infection Automatic redialing –connect to the Internet via dial-up connection Abnormal activity –send/receive large amount of data Uninvited toolbars –strange toolbars have been added

9 How does spyware infect a computer? Internet advertisement File-sharing software Pirated software Fake spyware- removal programs E-mail attachments Hackers

10 What does spyware do? Installation of ‘keystroke logging’ program Hijack internet browser / homepage Track Internet-surfing habits Hogs system’s memory, CPU cycles & Internet bandwidth Creates its own files, cookies, DDLs, registry key…

11 If you think your computer is infected with spyware Don’t take chances! Scan and remove them immediately Steps –download 2 spyware-removal programs –install and update separately –scan the entire computer –remove or quarantine the found spyware –repeat with another program

12 Anti-spyware programs 2 types: reactive programs can remove spyware that already lurks on the computer proactive programs can prevent entry of spyware by using a virtual shield

13 Reactive anti-spyware programs Ad-Aware free version Spybot search and destroy

14 Proactive anti-spyware programs spy sweeper etrust pestpatrol McAfee antispyware


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