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The Internet = A World of Opportunities Look what’s at your fingertips A way to communicate with friends, family, colleagues Access to information and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet = A World of Opportunities Look what’s at your fingertips A way to communicate with friends, family, colleagues Access to information and."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Internet = A World of Opportunities Look what’s at your fingertips A way to communicate with friends, family, colleagues Access to information and entertainment A means to learn, meet people, and explore

3 Online Security Versus Online Safety CyberSecurity: How we can protect and secure our computers with technology in the same way that we secure the doors to our homes. CyberSafety: How we should act or behave in ways that help protect us against the risks that come with Internet use.

4 Primary Online Risks and Threats To Families Cyberbullies File-sharing abuses Invasion of privacy Disturbing content Predators To Personal Information Online fraud and phishing Hoaxes Identity theft Spam To Computers Viruses Worms Trojans Spyware

5 Viruses/Worms Software programs designed to invade your computer, and copy, damage, or delete your data. Trojans Viruses that pretend to be helpful programs while destroying your data, damaging your computer, and stealing your personal information. Spyware Software that tracks your online activities or displays endless ads. Primary Threats to Computer Security

6 Predators These people use the Internet to trick children into meeting with them in person. File-share Abuse Unauthorized sharing of music, video, and other files may be illegal, and download malicious software. Cyberbullies Both children and adults may use the Internet to harass or intimidate other people. Invasion of Privacy If kids fill out online forms, they may share information you don’t want strangers to have about them or your family. Disturbing Content If kids explore unsupervised, they could stumble upon images or information you may not want them exposed to. Primary Online Risks for Children

7 Spam Unwanted e-mail, instant messages, and other online communication Phishing E-mail sent by online criminals to trick you into going to fake Web sites and revealing personal information Identity Theft A crime where con artists get your personal information and access your cash and/or credit Hoaxes E-mail sent by online criminals to trick you into giving them money Primary Threats to Personal Online Safety

8 Turn on Windows Internet firewall Four Steps to Help Protect Your Computer Use Microsoft Update to keep Windows up-to-date automatically Install and maintain antispyware software Install and maintain antivirus software

9 What is a firewall? Network security device positioned between two different networks Usually between an organization’s internal, trusted network and the Internet similar to a moat around a castle

10 What does a Firewall do? Ensures communications crossing from one network to the other meet an organization’s security policy. Track and control communications Decides whether to allow, reject or encrypt communications Protect sensitive portions of local area networks and individual PCs.

11 Why do you need a Firewall? Globalization: Organizations forge new and beneficial business relationships Balances the openness of the Internet with the need for privacy and integrity

12 What is Spyware? Programs used to ‘mine data’ by advertising companies Reports statistical data about you and your surfing habits Violates your privacy. Completely LEGAL

13 What is Adware? Programs created by advertising companies. Usually comes in the form of pop-ups Clicking on the pop- up generates revenue for the advertising company Also LEGAL

14 How does Spyware/Adware work? Usually hide as cookie or temporary Internet file Adware startup hides in the register keys as normal program

15 How to detect you computer has spyware or adware… Continuous pop-ups Persistent change in your homepage Slower computer processing, takes the computer longer to process or startup

16 Extreme symptoms of spyware or adware Internet browser does not start up. Parts of your computers you cannot access without freezing. Major core data is lost or changed.

17 What programs are there to help get rid of those programs? 1.Spybot Search and Destroy 2.Ad-aware 3.Anti Virus 4.Spysweeper

18 Other Ways to Help Protect Your Computer Back up your files regularly Think before you click Read Web site privacy statements Close pop-ups using red “X”

19 Practice Internet behavior that lowers your risk. Manage your personal information carefully. Choose appropriate screen names and e-mail addresses Take Steps to Help Protect Your Personal Information

20 For More Information

21 References Justin Leung, What to do w/ Spy ware and Adware, _adware.ppt#257,2,Table of Contents Firehouse Networks, (2009), What is a firewall? ps3.asp

22 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Hotmail, OneCare, Outlook, Windows, Windows Vista, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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