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ד"ר אילנה קדמון בית הספר לסיעוד ע"ש הנריאטה סולד של הדסה והאוניברסיטה העברית שיטות מחקר איכותיות Qualitative Research Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "ד"ר אילנה קדמון בית הספר לסיעוד ע"ש הנריאטה סולד של הדסה והאוניברסיטה העברית שיטות מחקר איכותיות Qualitative Research Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 ד"ר אילנה קדמון בית הספר לסיעוד ע"ש הנריאטה סולד של הדסה והאוניברסיטה העברית שיטות מחקר איכותיות Qualitative Research Methods


3 “ Grown-ups like figures. When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you “What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies?” Instead they demand: ”How old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make?” Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.” The Little Prince De Saint-Exupery P.15

4 מדעי החיים/טבע/מדויקים Natural Sciences מדעי החברה Social Sciences

5 שתי הפרדיגמות הפרדיגמה הפוסט-מודרנית שיטות איכותיות מרחב מציאות ודינאמיות כלים סוביקטיבים אשכול החום וההבעה – רגישות, עדינות, אינטואיציה, נשיות ויכולת הבעה הפרדיגמה המודרנית שיטות כמותיות מציאות מובנית וסגורה כלים אוביקטיבים אשכול הקומפטנטיות – עצמאות, אוביקטיביות, הגיון ושאפתנות

6 Questions Asked in Qualitative Research What is this? What is happening here? What is the experience like? What is it like to be? and not… What is it likely to be?

7 Qualitative Research and Nursing Topics of Inquiry The Illness Experience The Caring Experience The Experience of Death Suffering and Pain Feminism and Paternalism

8 Main Qualitative Research Methods Phenomenology Ethnography Grounded Theory Historical Research

9 Phenomenology

10 “ Phenomenology offers a descriptive, reflective, interpretive, and engaging mode of inquiry from which to derive the essence of an experience (Van-Manen, 1990). The foundations of phenomenology are rooted in the work of the German philosopher Husserl, and later Heidegger, who described the basic structure of the life world, focusing on the lived experience. Experience is considered to be an individual’s perceptions of his or her presence in the world at the moment when things, truths, or values are constituted.” Morse and Richards,2002, p.44 Phenomenology

11 Ethnography

12 “Ethnography provides a means of exploring cultural groups. But what is culture? Culture is an abstract concept used to account for the beliefs, values, and behaviors of cohesive groups of people… However, at a broad level, culture accounts for many perceptions in which people view their worlds.” Morse and Richards,2002, p.48

13 Grounded Theory

14 “Grounded theory has its origins in symbolic interactionism, taking the perspective that reality is negotiated between people, always changing, and constantly evolving (Blumer, 1969, 1986)… (In Grounded Theory) the researcher can construct theory grounded in data. The method was developed originally by Glaser and Strauss (1967) … In their work Glaser and Strauss presented researchers with what was a radical proposal – that theory should be developed “in intimate relationship with data, with researchers fully aware of themselves as instruments for developing that grounded theory” (Strauss, 1987, p.6).” Morse and Richards,2002, p.54

15 Historical Research

16 Methods of Collecting Qualitative Data Creating Text Conversations/Dialogue Observations Interviews Text-reading

17 Focus Group 6-8 Participants Focuses on one topic or theme Not a support group! Interaction between participants Collective ideas

18 Quality of a “Good Informant” Articulate Willing to reflect Willing to talk Must have time to participate Be an expert

19 Saturation of Data Signals of data saturation: Redundancy Replication Boredom

20 The Importance of Language Discussing or talking is the way in which we articulate significantly the intelligibility of Being-in-the-World. The way in which we discourse gets expressed in language. (Heidegger, 1962)

21 Analysis To convert the complexity of an experience into a story which makes sense… (Morse, 2002)

22 The Analysis Process in Qualitative Research Transcribing – creating text Coding and re-coding Triangulation of data Creating themes and concepts – 1 st level analysis Validation Building a theory/understanding based on themes and concepts – 2 nd level analysis Dissemination

23 More Points about Doing Qualitative Research Bracketing Combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies Objectivity and Subjectivity The researcher as and integral part of the research process Ethical issues

24 המפגש בין חוקר לנחקר מחקר כמותי החוקר מנתב הכלי והחוקר שולטים החשיבה היא תבניתית – Paradigmatic מחקר איכותי המחקר מנתב החוקר והנחקר שותפים החשיבה היא נריטיבית - Narrative

25 Ethical Issues שכנוע ועדות אתיות רגישות הנושאים הנידונים אנונימיות ושמירה על המידע מקומו של החוקר בתהליך הסכמה מדעת

26 הסכמה מדעת – Informed Consent שימוש בסיפורים אישיים והפיכתם לנחלת הכלל השתתפות מתוך רצון חופשי אמיתי הבנה מלאה לגבי משמעות המחקר החוקר פועל במסגרת ההסכמה (קשה לדעת כיצד המחקר יתקדם ולאן יוביל) אפשרות לפרוש בכל עת

27 Some More Points… מתוך הרצאתה של פרופ ' ג ' נס מורס, 2004 Inquiry is active Approach reality as complex, confusing, interconnected and interrelated Recognise that things in the library may be wrong Induction enables a “new way of seeing” Base policy on qualitative findings Consider qualitative research as a life-time puzzle Qualitative research must be funded

28 And more… Do not do qualitative research to solve your own agenda! Do not do qualitative research in your own natural environment! Uncommon is not the same as unimportant or insignificant! Generalise through theory or through concepts!


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