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20 th Century Education vs. 21 st Century Education How far have we come? Where are we headed? Are we there yet?

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Presentation on theme: "20 th Century Education vs. 21 st Century Education How far have we come? Where are we headed? Are we there yet?"— Presentation transcript:

1 20 th Century Education vs. 21 st Century Education How far have we come? Where are we headed? Are we there yet?

2 The 20 th Century Classroom

3 Characteristics of a 20 th Century Classroom Teacher-centered: teacher center of attention, soul provider of information Fragmented curriculum Focus on memorizing the facts Time-based and textbook driven Passive Learning, lack of student engagement, interest or excitement Learners work in isolation – classroom within 4 walls Little to no student freedom

4 Characteristics of a 20 th Century Classroom Lowered learning expectations Teacher is judge - No one else sees student work Curriculum/School is irrelevant and meaningless to the students Print is the primary vehicle of learning and assessment Diversity in students is ignored Literacy is the 3 R’s – reading, writing and math Factory model, based upon the needs of employers for the Industrial Age of the 19th century.

5 Tools From A 20 th Century Classroom

6 20 th Century Learning


8 Transitioning to A 21 st Century Classroom

9 Characteristics of a 21 st Century Classroom Student-centered - teacher is facilitator/coach/guide Integrated, Interdisciplinary Curriculum - based on standards and learning progressions Learning is designed on upper levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Research-driven and outcome based Active Learning - great deal of student freedom Driven by exploration, creativity and 21st century skills Authentic Assessment -Project Based, Performances, projects and multiple forms of media are used for learning and assessment

10 Characteristics of a 21 st Century Classroom Learners work collaboratively with classmates and others around the world – the Global Classroom Curriculum is connected to students’ interests, experiences, talents and the real world. Self, peer and other assessments - public audience for authentic assessments High expectations increased rigor Self directed or autonomous learners

11 Instructional Tools for the 21 st Century

12 21 st Century Learning

13 Communication Evolution!!

14 Then and Now “Take out your text books and turn to page….” “Open your laptops, log in and go to www…..” “Take out your notebooks…and write…” “Open Google Docs and write....” “Clear your desks and get a sharpened pencil for the quiz….” “Press the response clicker to respond to the questions” “Turn your paper into the bin…” “Submit your work to Moodle, Network folder or email it to me..” “Raise your hand to participate in our discussion..” “Post your response to the discussion forum to participate…” “Cut out a current event from the news paper..” “Open your RSS feeds and find a current event..”

15 What hasn’t Changed? Devoted hardworking educators Student support and assistance Daily teacher demands and requirements Meeting students’ diverse needs The need for parental support and involvement Communication with stakeholders The evolution of “Best Practices”

16 What is Changing? OUR STUDENTS! Instructional practices Teacher and student skill sets Required levels and areas of proficiency Communication styles, expectations and resources AUP Policies for the Read Write Web Academic requirements Vital skills for future success District Goals, initiatives and vision Societal demands and trends – Cultural Shift

17 21 st Century Classroom Environments

18 Today’s Learners How can we continue to reach them?

19 1.Core Content Curriculum Skills Learning and Innovation Skills Information Media and Technology Skills Life and Career Skills 21 st Century Skills Framework

20 1.Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts National Educational Technology Skills

21 Continued Educational Reform Initiatives 21 st Century Learning Matters

22 Becoming Effective Change Agents Build a Shared vision and establish a collective plan for the future Continue support for of 21 st Century teaching and learning Creation of rich curriculum that embraces digital learning opportunities Professional development opportunities are relevant and current Increase exposure and use of emerging technologies Take professional and personal responsibility for continued professional learning

23 Today’s Learning Environments Professional Learning Communities…… Collectively strengthen curriculum and instruction Analyze student achievement and growth through standardized and authentic assessment opportunities Establish common instructional goals, desired outcomes and rigorous expectations Provide differentiated learning opportunities - Student learning styles and needs Relevantly integrate 21 st Century Skills and NETS for 21 st Century preparedness Promote ongoing professional growth! “We know that we are never truly finished!” Review, Revise, Re-implement

24 Five Attributes of PLC’s 1.Supportive and shared leadership 2.Collective creativity 3.Shared values and vision 4.Supportive conditions 5.Shared personal practice

25 Transforming Practice Ways to Get Started: Start with the end in mind Create collaborative collective plans – Involve all stakeholders – We are in this together! Include our students, give them a voice Customize professional development opportunities Share and discuss what’s working well and what’s not Provide time for professional growth and learning Build a solid foundation for Professional Learning Community

26 Ensure a 21 st Century Focus 1.21 st Century Leadership –Shared leadership –Everyone has value in the process –Open Communication is vital 2.21 st Century Pedagogy –It’s not only about the Core Content –Evolution of Pedagogy DNA 3.21 st Collaborative Learning Environments –Everyone learns and contributes –24/7 Access to resources, tools and learning –Promote collaboration, creativity, enthusiasm for learning

27 Preparing Our Students for Success 1.Focused Aligned Curriculum 2.Quality Instruction – Research and Evidence Based – Best Practice is Best Practice 3.Build and sustain robust infrastructures that support 21 st Century learning 4.Equality in every classroom – leveled playing fields 5.Shared planning and commitment in producing stronger outcomes!

28 Quality Research/Evidence Based Instructional Practices Evaluate Create

29 Rethinking Their Education We must….. Align educational priorities to assist our students in strengthening not only their core competencies, but also their social and emotional behaviors and 21 st Century skills for guaranteed life long success.

30 Preparing Our Students 2020 is less than 10 years away…. Are we preparing for our future? they can be successful global competitors. What is Our Plan? How can our community move forward together to support and sustain 21 st Century learning environments?

31 Preparing Our Schools To Be Continued………

32 Photo Resources alloy%20metal_163.jpg alloy%20metal_163.jpg 36LG.jpg 36LG.jpg 000-12499/KS12171.JPG 000-12499/KS12171.JPG


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