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E LMCREST ’ S C HILDREN C ENTER Renea Scott. W HAT IS E LMCREST ? Elmcrest is a non profit organization that caters to approximately 80 residents Elmcrest.

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Presentation on theme: "E LMCREST ’ S C HILDREN C ENTER Renea Scott. W HAT IS E LMCREST ? Elmcrest is a non profit organization that caters to approximately 80 residents Elmcrest."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS E LMCREST ? Elmcrest is a non profit organization that caters to approximately 80 residents Elmcrest provides educational,medical, psychological, and psychiatric services and care to their residents Elmcrest seeks to re-assimilate children that have various emotional, behavioral, and developmental limitations back into their home, school and community

3 S UPPORT MODEL : CARE Developmentally focused Family involvement Relationship based Competence centered Trauma informed Ecologically oriented

4 P REVENTION AND I NTERVENTION P ROGRAMS FOR J UVENILE O FFENDERS : P ETER G REENWOOD Programs such as Elmcrest’s Children Center are vital because they reduce delinquency and promote social development These programs not only save young lives but prevent adult criminals They reduce crime burden on society and victims.

5 S YMBOLIC I NTERACTION T HEORY This Theory relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon in the process of social interaction

6 T ECHNOLOGY I- PADS & Laptops – This aides in their educational advancement. Televisions and Games Systems- aides in peer interactions (Relationship building skill). This also creates a sense of home and normalcy. Staff uses of Radios


8 W HAT SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH DOES CARE IMPLEMENT INTO THEIR P ROGRAM ? A. Structural-Functionalism B. Conflict Frame Theory C. Social Learning Theory D. Symbolic Interaction Theory

9 B IBLIOGRAPHY Greenwood, Peter. 2008. "Prevention and Intervention Programs for Juvenile Offenders." The Future of Children 18(2, Juvenile Justice):185-210.

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