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World War Two By: Brian Gorman. Allied Forces Includes: U.S.A. Britain France Soviet Union

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Presentation on theme: "World War Two By: Brian Gorman. Allied Forces Includes: U.S.A. Britain France Soviet Union"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War Two By: Brian Gorman

2 Allied Forces Includes: U.S.A. Britain France Soviet Union

3 Axis Forces Includes: Germany Bulgaria Slovakia Italy

4 Leaders U.S.A. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt –Allied Forces –President from 1933 -1945 when he died –Vice President Harry S. Truman took over months prior to ending of war

5 Leaders England - Winston Churchill –Allied Forces –Took over May 10, 1940 –Same day France was invaded

6 Leaders France - Paul Reynaud –Allied Forces –Replaced Edouard Daladier in March of 1940 –Reynaud later replaced by Charles De Gaulle

7 Leaders Soviet Union - Joseph Stalin –Allied Forces –Imprisoned many military officers prior to war –More prone to attack after this

8 Leaders Germany - Adolf Hitler –Axis Forces –Nazi dictator –Mastermind behind WWII –Committed suicide at end of war

9 Leaders Japan - General Hideki Tojo –Axis Forces –Prime minister –Self-appointed –Resigned when realized he was going to lose

10 Leaders Italy - Benito Mussolini –Axis Forces –1939 attacked Albania –Start of many attacks on different nations

11 Battle of the Bulge December 16, 1944 Germans driven back by U.S. 1,000,000 men involved 100,000 Germans dead 81,000 Americans

12 Bibliography Dec. 9, 2007 Dec. 9, 2007

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