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Welcome to your 2nd Grade Classroom!
I’m your Teacher Ms. Zanini and you are in Room 107
Hello... Who is my Teacher? My name is Ms. Zanini and I have been working at Mater Gardens for four years. I graduated from FIU. I knew I wanted to be a teacher ever since, I was in second grade. I had a baby last year, her name is Mia.
A Few Facts About Myself...
My Birthday is on August 26 I have- two sisters I have a dog named- Cookie I love to- Paint, read a good book and watch movies. My Favorite color is- Yellow My favorite painter is- Vincent Van Gogh I enjoy- going out to eat...especially The Cheesecake Factory! Yum!! I love the Oreo Cheesecake!! My favorite Fruit is an- Apple.
Let me show you some things we did Last Year...
These are only some of the exciting things you will be doing this year!
Getting to know your Classroom
Who can tell me the theme of this classroom? What is something you see over and over that is the same or go together in our classroom? That’s Right! It’s Snoopy and his friends
Our Classroom Computer Center Cubbies
All of you are going to have a cubby that will have your soon to be number on top. One of your pencil cases, lunch box, and your books. Nothing else should be in your cubbie unless you get permission. Your cubbies should always be neat and clean. The computer center will be used throughout the school year. There will be a schedule on who goes on a computer based on your number. The computer center must always remain clean. What goes in my Cubbie? What else do you spot in our classroom?
How are things done in our classroom?
Classroom Procedures
Procedures that we are going to learn.
entering our classroom dismissing at the end of the day Giving Ms. Zanini attention (Give me 5) Listening to/responding to questions beginning of the day (welcome work) what to do when arriving to class late returning to class after being absent turning in money or papers to Ms. Zanini collecting/returning student work moving around our classroom getting materials without disturbing others asking for help working in groups finding directions for each assignment PIRATE notebook going to the library/tech center/bathroom how to work in the computer center heading of papers
What are we going to use in the mourning?
(Welcome work) The Welcome Work will always be located in the front board or it will be projected on the Promethean board. Copy Home Learning -> Your Home Learning will be on the board.Copy your Home Learning in your agenda. Please make sure you have the correct date. School Agendas We are going to be using the school agendas to write down our Home learning and to record conduct by giving a color. You need to bring your agenda to school everyday !
Mourning Procedures Entering our Classroom
Enter quietly and politely; Place your lunch box in your cubby and pick up your pencil case. Walk to your desk and seat in your seat. Take out your PIRATE binder and hang your book bag on the back of your seat. Make sure the pencils in your pencil case are sharpened. Check the “Welcome Activity”that will be on the board, and get started. When done with Welcome work, copy Home Learning on your agenda. Then, feel free to read your AR book and wait quietly for further teacher instruction.
Dismissing (going home)at the end of the day.
Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can.The Team Helper will make sure your group tables are clean. Can you find a poster that says Exit Pass? Point a poster that looks like a parking lot! (Before you go home Ms. Zanini will give you the last 5 minutes to write on a sticky note, one sentence on what you learned in class that day. Before leaving the class the sticky note must be stuck to one of the “parking spaces” on the poster. If the sticky Note is not there, you will not leave the class. (If you leave early -you still have to do it) Wait for Ms. Zanini to dismiss you.The ringing of the bell does not dismiss you. After you get permission to leave, stack the chairs by the back wall and leave the class quietly, and wait for Ms. Zanini outside in a line.
What to do when arriving to class late
Enter quietly and politely; don't interrupt other students; and continue with the mourning procedures. Returning to class after being absent Please make sure you turn in your absent note when Ms. Zanini is collecting mourning notes. Ms. Zanini will then give you a “Welcome Back” letter with the work you have to make up.
Giving Ms. Zanini Attention (Give me 5)
Teacher puts his or her hand in the air. When students see this they are to put their hand in the air just like the teacher. Having your hand in the air means that Mouth is Quiet Eyes on the Teacher Hands are still Ears Listening Be still Some of you know this by another name “Bobby Do Right”
Listening to/Responding to questions
Please try to raise your hand instead of calling out. Be a great listener and do not raise your hand if your classmates or teacher is talking. If you need anything please raise your hand. Please do not stand in front of the teachers desk. There is never a good reason for any of us to scream or yell in our classroom. Need Help- Take out the HELP card on your desk and place it facing up. I will walk by and help you. Afterward, put the card back in your pencil case inside your desk.
Class Helpers (All jobs will be taken away for misbehavior.)
Class Helpers will be chosen weekly. One person from each group will get ot be the “Team Helper” the Team Helper, is responsible for collecting group materials, collecting team papers and making sure the team is working and the group’s area is clean and organized. Other roles and jobs will be assigned if you need to work together in groups. (All jobs will be taken away for misbehavior.)
Turning in money or papers to Ms. Zanini
Important Papers or Money should always be placed in your zippered pencil case inside your PIRATE binder. Please leave the important papers or money in your PIRATE Binder until Ms. Zanini request them. Please remember NOT to hand me anything as soon as you come through the door. Collecting/returning work Instead of walking and turning papers to Ms. Zanini, papers should be turn into the “Team Helper”. *The Team Helper is one student that will be chosen from the group weekly.
Moving around our Classroom
Throwing Away Trash- You may throw away trash whenever you need to if I am not teaching the whole group; do not play basketball with your trash; make sure all trash lands in the can; pick up trash even if it isn't yours. Getting Materials- The “Team Helper” from each group will be the only ones to get up from their seats to get materials. Entering and Leaving the Room *Entering the room – Enter quietly and politely; don't interrupt other students; walk to your desk and seat in your seat. Continue working or reading quietly. *Lining up – When you hear your team name or student number- Stand up quietly; push in your chair; take all necessary items; line up without touching others or talking; face the front of the line; watch where you are going.*Walking the halls-- Walk quietly in a straight line make sure to look forward. We must respect other classes trying to work. If our class is complimented on our excellent walking we will earn a Snoopy bone treat getting us closer to a class treat. *Leaving the room – Tell me where you are going; take the correct hall pass; do not run or play in the hallways or restrooms. * Going to the library- We will be entering the school liabary in a straight line. Once inside the liabary we will all be in Liabary Mode. Liabary Mode is that everyone is in a line without talking. If you talking while we are in liabary mode you will be asked to leave the without a liabary book.
Things to Know Taking out/putting away/caring for supplies – Share group supplies; recap markers and glue; check the number written on the supplies to make sure they belong in your group basket; if something belongs to another group, return it to them quietly. Need Help- Take out the HELP card on your desk and place it facing up. I will walk by and help you. Afterward, put the card back in your pencil case inside your desk. Bathroom/Water- you will have 2 scheduled group bathroom breaks once before and after lunch. If you have an emergency raise your hand and let me know. You may keep a water bottle at your desk. Pencil Sharpen- You should have 3 sharpened pencils daily when you enter the room in the morning. You may use your pencil sharpener as needed or ask me for a pencil that you must return.
Our Class Rules Follow directions at all times
Complete all assignments, including class work and home work Be considerate of other students while working Wait until your turn to speak Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Rewards for Recognizing Appropriate Behavior:
Consequences for Disobeying Rules: Verbal warningBehavior Color Change Silent lunch/Loss of privilegesNote sent homeDetentionReferral to administration Positive verbal praise Class ticket and treasure box No Home Learning Pass Positive Notes Home
*Individual Behavior Plan*
Students receive a color in their agenda each day. The colors will reflect student’s behavior for that day. Tickets will be awarded to students who stay on green all week and can be used to trade for No Homework Passes, or items from the treasure box. GREEN: (Good Behavior) OR Warning (Name on board) - a warning will be given at first as a reminder about the correct way to behave. If a student only received a warning for the day, they still go home on green. YELLOW: Name on board with check mark (Needs Improvement) Consequence- Once a child receives two yellows in a week they will not receive class money at the end of the week. RED: Name on the board with two check marks (Unacceptable Behavior) Consequence- Once a child receives a red they automatically lose treasure box for that week. PURPLE: Name on Board with two checkmarks and circled. Consequence- If a child receives a purple they will receive a detention. Once a student receives 3 detentions for behavior they will be issued a REFERRAL *Group Behavior Plan*A point system will be used. Points can be added and taken away based on how well group behaves or follows procedures. Individual behavior can affect group point tally. Every Friday points will be added, the winning team will get a free trip to the treasure box or choice of a free No Homework Pass.
First and Last Name: Date: ________ Your Number:_____
Heading or your work Any papers that will be placed in your folder or turned into Ms. Zanini, should have this heading. First and Last Name: Date: ________ Your Number:_____ Subject:___________
I am super excited for this year!
Let’s make it the best school year ever!
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