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Reading and Speaking Sandstorms in Asia and in the World.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading and Speaking Sandstorms in Asia and in the World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading and Speaking Sandstorms in Asia and in the World

2 drought [draut]

3 drought [draut]

4 drought desert desertification strong winds sandstorms Think about the connections between these:

5 Qingdao on March 20,2010 yellow sky strong winds dusty and dirty air I found ______ I felt _______ strange frightened sandstorm

6 Forecast of sand-dust storms 2010 年 03 月 19 日 20 时 ---03 月 20 日 20 时 Chinese Central Weather Station 青岛

7 Inner Mongolia

8 citizens in Beijing

9 Ren Jianbo felt the sandstorm was Huang Xiaomei advised us terrible frightening dangerous to wear a mask when going out.

10 sandstorms definition: where they start: where they occur: strong, dry winds that carry sand in desert areas Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia

11 causes damage --- see ---- traffic --- breathe---ill destroy ways to solve it mass campaign planting trees and grass warm weather --wind little rainfall cutting down trees digging up grass climate changes human activities strong winds thick dust

12 floating dust mask bicycle / cycle cyclist

13 Suppose a sandstorm is coming, what else can we do? Close doors and windows tightly and stay inside Leave dangerous old houses Don’t attend open-air gathering Keep away from high buildings and ad boards Cover your mouth, nose and eyes when out and wash your face after back home.

14 land desertification Sandstorm is the result of desertification. sandstorm desert

15 Desertification is becoming a global problem. causes: measures to prevent it:

16 The Dust Bowl bowl

17 The Dust Bowl in the 1930s in the USA Then It had been like this for 10 years 30 years after it ended, the land could be replanted.

18 Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). If it is false, say why. 1). The Dust Bowl in America in the 1930s was mainly caused by bad farming methods and years of little rainfall. ( ) 2). Soon after the Dust Bowl, the land could be replanted. ( ) 3). China has fought against desertification successfully. ( ) 4). When a large part of agricultural land in Africa is becoming desert, people there can’t produce enough food for their population. ( ) T T F F

19 1) In the history of the USA, the worst agricultural disaster is called the Dust Bowl. 2) The Dust Bowl forced people to leave their farms. 3) The Chinese government is fighting desertification by improving farming methods and planting trees and grass. 4) The desert area in the world is spreading quickly. 5) In Africa, sandstorms are worse than anywhere else. 6) The desert in Africa is expanding because people are destroying the tropical forests there. The correct parts of the sentences are joined.

20 How Human Activities Affect the Earth

21 too many sheep and cattle all the grass be eaten grass never grow again ; the land become desert

22 trees be cut down nothing to hold… top soil be washed away…

23 Discuss the connections between: Human activities Losing top soil Desert Desertification Sandstorms

24 Things we can do to protect our environment : Plant more trees Save water and paper Use both sides of paper Kick bad habits Eat more vegetables Live a low-carbon life Save electricity Recycle anything that be used again Don’t waste food or clothes Walk or use public transport Join an organization (Earth Hour, Earth Day, Tree-Planting Day …)



27 Thanks a lot.

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