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Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) Command Briefing Col Bob Lyles

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1 Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) Command Briefing Col Bob Lyles

2 Save Lives, Prevent Injury Provide Temporary Critical Life Support
What is JTF-CS? A standing Joint Task Force HQ of approximately 160 military and civilian personnel located at Fort Monroe, Virginia A deployable Command and Control headquarters for DoD units and personnel executing consequence management (CM) operations in response to a CBRNE incident Source of response plans for essential DoD support to the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) Mission Statement JTF Civil Support plans and integrates DoD support to the designated Lead Federal Agency for domestic CBRNE consequence management. When directed by Commander USNORTHCOM, JTF-CS will deploy to the incident site and establish command and control of designated DoD forces to provide military assistance to civil authorities. Save Lives, Prevent Injury Provide Temporary Critical Life Support

3 Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive Definition of CBRNE
CBRNE is defined as a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive situation or incident Incidents include industrial accidents, acts of nature, acts of war, or terrorism A Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) is a CBRNE device or material specifically designed to produce casualties or terror Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive High-Yield

4 Biological Pathogens (Contagions) most dangerous
CBRNE Threat Spectrum CJCSI Specified Tasks M O S T L I K E H D A As directed by USNORTHCOM, works with the lead agency for CM, FEMA, to develop tailored force CM packages and scenario-based task organizations designed to respond to foreseeable CBRNE situations. High-Yield Explosive most likely Industrial Chemicals Biological Toxins Biological Pathogens (Contagions) most dangerous Radio- Isotopes CBRNE response requires a unique set of resources, skills, and experience Chemical Weapons Nuclear Weapons most destructive

5 AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY Northern Marinas Islands
A Unique Mission Effective CBRNE response requires a very different set of resources, skills, and experience -- Situational awareness -- Pre-planning -- Pre-identifying appropriate personnel and organizations DoD traditionally stands ready to assist state and local authorities in response to natural disasters Alaska AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY Hawaii Guam Puerto Rico Virgin Islands American Samoa Northern Marinas Islands JTF-CS provides CBRNE planning, exercise, and response support within the U.S., its territories and possessions

6 Overarching DoD Principles
Consistent with Constitution / Public Law Unequivocal civilian oversight / accountability Always in support of Lead Federal Agency (LFA) Emphasize DoD roles, skills, and structures Guard / Reserve are key players for Consequence Management (CM) JTF-CS cannot perform routine law enforcement 7

7 Full Spectrum Responsibility
ROUTINE Ongoing Support Participates in interagency and DoD exercises Participates in National Special Security Events (NSSE) and other special events Scheduled Event Support/Exercises INCIDENT CBRNE Incident Support Develops and reviews plans for CBRNE incidents Advocate for development of doctrine and requirements Responds to CBRNE incident (terrorist or accidental) Assists the LFA in support of civil authorities Provides command and control for assigned DoD forces

8 JTF-CS Planning Processes
JTF-CS Plans DoD Guidance, Policy, and Plans Nuclear Radiological Local and State Plans CJCSI CJCS CONPLAN USNORTHCOM CAMPLAN 2525 0500 (TBP) Contagious & Non-Contagious Biological Persistent & Non-Persistent Chemical High-Yield Explosive

9 Civil Response Process
Disaster Occurs City requests aid from state Local first responders react DHS implements Federal “National” Response Plan President declares major disaster or emergency Governor requests Presidential Disaster Declaration through DHS JTF-CS responds (when directed) Secretary of Defense authorizes DoD support DHS requests DoD support

10 Command & Control Structure
Governor/ EOC/ TAG USNORTHCOM IA JOC JTF-CS Commander Disaster Field Office Staff SCO FCO DCO Mission Assignments DoD WMD Labs Tech Aug Cell Reach-back Subordinate Task Forces As Req’d TF Response TF Medical TF Support JTF-CS Troops Chain of Command Coordination

11 Notional Tasks and Requirements
JTF-CS provides command and control, and coordination for the following types of tasks and requirements JTF-CS TF Response Incident Site Support TF Medical Medical Support Triage /Treatment Definitive Care Medical Logistics Hospital Augmentation Epidemiological Support Agent Technical Support - Stress Management - Preventative Medicine Veterinary Support Prophalaxis/Immunization TF Support Logistics Support - General Support Log JRSOI Displaced Populace - Mortuary Affairs - Transportation - Rotary-wing Aviation JTF-CS Troops HQ Support - Communications Tech Augmentation Intelligence Mapping Modeling Weather - Coord w/ Local EM Director - Facility Decontamination - Surveying, Monitoring, and Marking of Incident Site - Security - C2 of Area Support - Critical Civilian Skills Augmentation

12 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

13 JTF-CS GIS Combination of COTS ESRI mapping software
80% of local and state GIS market and GOTS DTRA’s Consequence Assessment Tool Set (CATS) Used at both primary classification levels (NIPRNET and SIPRNET) Accessible via: Desktop system (“Power Users”) Web browser Packaged CD

14 Consequence Management-Related
GIS Data Domestic infrastructure data: Emergency services (police, fire, EMS, medical facilities, emergency shelters, EOCs) Transportation (road, rail, air, waterway, bridges, tunnels, ports, etc.) Other logistics data (base support installations, main supply routes, pharmaceutical caches, POL) Utilities (electric power, water, telecommunications) High-value targets (nuclear reactors, sports venues, convention centers, malls, government buildings, toxic chemical storage sites) Aerial Photography / Satellite Imagery Elevation Data Weather and operational effects Weapons effects / hazard area modeling

15 GIS Data Utility Classified Unclassified
Weather DOD CIP List Sourced Units Terrain Elevation Data Utilities/Energy Infrastructure Sensitive NSSE Deployments Threat Reporting Hazard Models Commercial Imagery Classified Imagery Transportation Network Emergency Services Data High-Value Targets Baseline Commercial Map Underlying datasets can be opened to provide more detailed information Data depicted as electronic map overlays An Essential Tool for Domestic Consequence Management

16 JTF-CS Sources of GIS Data
Commercial vendors Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) US Geological Survey (USGS) Department of Transportation (DOT) Association of American Railroads (AAR) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) General Services Administration (GSA) Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Department of Defense (DOD) National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) USTRANSCOM Joint Program Office (JPO) US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) National Guard Bureau & US Army Reserve Command Counties and municipalities

17 How JTF-CS Uses GIS Data
J2: Metro area IPB production, threat analysis and trend identification, weapons effects modeling J3: Situational awareness, COP maintenance, unit tracking J4: BSI analysis, MSR designation, task force basing J5: Mission analysis, NSSE preparation, JPAC tools J6: Comms infrastructure analysis, incident effects analysis J7: Exercise scenario development, MSEL development, white cell response Med: Medical response assets assessment, ID of VHA facilities, hospitals, pharmaceutical cache sites, etc.

18 Conclusion Always in support of a Lead Federal Agency for domestic CBRNE incidents When directed, JTF-CS deploys to the incident site to establish command and control of assigned DoD forces Emphasize DoD roles, skills & structures Forces pre-identified to support CM planning and response Early situational awareness is essential In conclusion, I’d like you to take away these key points about the mission of JTF-CS: Our planning and liaison are continual. We deploy as a last resort, only after the incident overwhelms the resources available to the local, state and federal authorities and our assistance is requested by the Lead Federal Agency. As soon as stability is reestablished, DoD forces will return to their home stations. JTF-CS is ready to save lives, prevent injury, and provide temporary critical life support after a domestic CBRNE incident.

19 For further information, please contact Joint Task Force Civil Support, Public Affairs 380 Fenwick Road, Building 96 Fort Monroe, VA (757) (757) Fax (757)

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