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2015 Pre-Season Agreements New and Current Awards.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Pre-Season Agreements New and Current Awards."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Pre-Season Agreements New and Current Awards

2 NR 2015 Plan – Current Awards Caterer T3 (BLM, 2016) Gray and Potable Water (BLM 2016) Fuel Tender (BLM 2016) Weed Washing Units (BIA 2016) All Waterhandling (FS 2016) Crew Carrier Buses (FS National 2017) Dozer, Excavator, Transport (FS 2017) Faller Module (FS 2017) Mechanic w/Service Truck (FS 2017) Ambulance (IDL 2017) GIS, Communications, Helicopter Trailers (FS National 2018) TIME Workshop - 2015 2

3 NR 2015 Plan – NEW Awards MT DNRC (1 Year award, Resource List) Porta Potties and Handwash Stations Unoperated Vehicles (Off Road) BLM (3 Year Award, DPL) Tents Forest Service (3 Year Award, DPL) Feller Bunchers, Skidders, Graders Short Buses Heavy Equipment Task Force (HETF) TIME Workshop - 2015 3

4 New and Innovative Heavy Equipment Task Force (HETF) TIME Workshop - 2015 4

5 D.2.1.1 Scope of Agreement; Northern Rockies The intent of this solicitation and any resultant Agreement is to obtain a Heavy Equipment Task Force (HETF) to be used in forested terrain. The task force will consist of one Job Site Foreman (hereafter referred to as Foreman) with 4 wheel drive transportation, one leveling Feller Buncher, one rubber tired Skidder, one Type II Dozer equipped with a 6 way blade (PAT) or manual angle with hydraulic tilt, one drop tank skidgine or Pumpercat that can also skid logs, and the transportation for the equipment to and from the incident. HETF must transport the leveling Feller Buncher, Drop tank Skidgine, and job site foreman to meet date time needed on the resource order; and will be given a maximum of 6 additional hours to transport the Dozer and Skidder to the site to complete the HETF. One transport capable of hauling all equipment and designed for use on arterial FS roads (i.e. approx. 65’ radius curves, 10-12% grades and 2-4 % vertical curves) shall remain onsite after initial haul-in of the equipment for the duration of the assignment.

6 D.2.1.1 Continued Each piece of equipment must be fully operated; this includes the single transport remaining at the incident. Additional transports may be required to remain on site and will be paid the awarded transport daily guarantee or mileage, whichever is greater. These additional transports must also be fully operated. Double Shift of this resource is not authorized under this agreement.

7 D.2.1.1 Continued HETF and Transport Summary SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENT Daily rate shall include the following FULLY OPERATED equipment: One Job Site Foreman with 4 wheel drive transportation One leveling Feller Buncher One rubber tired Skidder One Type II Dozer equipped with a 6 way blade (PAT) or manual angle with hydraulic tilt. One drop tank skidgine or Pumpercat capable of skidding logs Transport Daily Guarantee or mileage will be applied to the following: One transport capable of hauling all equipment and designed for use on arterial FS roads to remain on assignment Any additional transports the Government may order to stay (must be noted on the Daily Shift Ticket as additional to the transport listed in the requirement)

8 D. Transportation (g) Equipment under the direction of incident management personnel may not be unloaded immediately. Two to four transports may be used to transport the HETF. Each transport shall be paid the daily transport guarantee or mileage, whichever is greater. No single transport shall be paid more than one daily transport guarantee per day; multiple trips to deliver HETF equipment shall be compensated by total roundtrip mileage or the daily transport guarantee, whichever is greater. The Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with the transport of this HETF until the equipment is unloaded and the transport is released. In compliance with the specifications, one Transport must remain at the incident and will be paid minimum daily transport guarantee or mileage, whichever is greater. (h) If additional transports are ordered by the Government to remain for the sole purpose of transporting the HETF, payment for additional transports will be the minimum daily guarantee or the mileage rate whichever is greater. Retained transports must be documented on the shift ticket. The additional transports shall be paid as an addition to the use invoice (commissary).

9 D. Payment Exception No further payment will accrue during any period under hire that an individual piece of equipment in the HETF is not in a safe or operable condition or is not available for the assigned shift or portion of the assigned shift. Payment will be based on the hours the individual piece of equipment in the HETF was operational during the assigned shift, as documented on the shift ticket versus the designated shift, as shown on the Incident Action Plan. Hourly rates for the individual resources that make up the HETF shall be calculated as a percentage of the daily rate as follows. Feller Buncher; 32 percent of daily rate Dozer; 23 percent of daily rate Heavy Equipment with Water (Skidgine or Pumpercat); 21 percent of daily rate Skidder; 18 percent of daily rate Foreman; 6 percent of daily rate

10 D. Payment Exception Con’t For the resource that is not available or in safe and/or operable condition; determine the percent of the daily rate for that resource by multiplying the daily rate by the percent listed above converted into a decimal number, i.e. 32 percent is converted to 0.32. Daily rate x 0.32 = the portion of the total daily rate for the feller buncher. Divide this number by the designated shift – or 12 hours if no designated shift was established. This determines the hourly rate for the feller buncher. Payment for the Feller Buncher should be this hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours the resource was operable. All other resources in the HETF are paid the full share of the total Daily Rate for that resource with the following exception: If the resource that is not operable causes another resource in the HETF to become inoperable, that resource must also be converted to an hourly rate and paid only for the hours it was operable. If the Foreman becomes unavailable the entire HETF must be put in non-pay status. All resources must be converted to an hourly rate. The HETF may not be utilized without the HETF Foreman. If the resource cannot be repaired, the Government may, at its discretion, allow the vendor to replace the resource with an equal or better piece of replacement equipment in order to make the HETF whole.

11 Equipment Exercise HETF Breakdown Agreement Information: John Jackson Logging HETF Daily Rate: $10,000 Transport Daily Guarantee: $1200 Transport Mileage: $4.00 / mile

12 Emergency Equipment Shift Ticket 12 AG-0343-B-15-7001 Northern Rockies 2015 TIME Workshop E-98 John Jackson Logging Rock Creek MT-LNF-005090 HETF Jackson 1n/a John Jackson plus 5 multiplen/a X X 8/14/15 0600 1230 1300 2030 Dozer broke down at 12:00, remainder of task force remained on work shift HETF Roster (5) in Finance Transport w/Operator Mileage; 0 X John Jackson Bill Smith, DIV 8/14/15

13 Answer Paid for full day Feller Buncher; $3200 Skidgine/Pumpercat; $2100 Skidder: $1800 Foreman: $600 Transport: $1200 Paid hourly – Dozer $2300/14= $164.29/hr $164.26 x 6/hrs = $985.74 Total Daily Rate: $8685.74 Transport rate is not affected, Guarantee of $1200

14 HETF; D. Breaking up the Task Force Breaking up the HETF is out of scope of this agreement: a new agreement must be entered into to break up the task force into individual resources. If the Incident Management Team determines that only certain equipment within the HETF is needed to complete the assignment, the HETF Resource order will be released. The Contractor must agree to breaking up the HETF and must negotiate a new agreement for the individual resources. Resource(s) currently awarded individual agreements under a US Forest Service Region 1 VIPR awards may be used under those awards. An Incident Only Agreement may also be negotiated utilizing Chapter 20 of the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook as a guideline. A new Resource Order must be issued for each resource retained from the HETF. The resource(s) retained by the incident shall be hired at the incident; transport home shall be paid according to the VIPR awarded agreement or according to the terms established under the incident only Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement. Any incident only agreement must comply with the standard method of hire when establishing equipment and transport rates. Travel home for the released HETF resource(s) shall be compensated on the HETF use invoice in accordance with the Payment clause in D.21.

15 HETF; Boiler Plate Language Transport Guarantee or Mileage, whichever is greater First and last day subject to half day rates Equipment reliability, inspections Work/Rest and Length of Assignment Property Workmanship and Incident Behavior All clauses are the same with the exception of D.2 Scope of Agreement and D.16 Pre-Season Inspections

16 Take-Away Points One E Number for EVERYTHING Means 1 use invoice, one shift ticket per day, one performance evaluation One Transport Must Stay, multiple transports may be ordered to stay One transport paid under guarantee function, the rest must be added to invoice under commissary function Breakdown; daily rate is converted to a percentage, the percentage for the piece unavailable is converted to hourly The vendor may be allowed to replace any piece of equipment with a like piece to make the HETF whole The HETF may be broken up but new E numbers must be issued


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