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ENGLISH 3-4 & 1-2 WEEK 2. GOOD MORNING, LOVELY PEOPLE! MONDAY, SEPT. 8 1.Write YOUR NAME on the top of your signed syllabi (second page only) and place.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH 3-4 & 1-2 WEEK 2. GOOD MORNING, LOVELY PEOPLE! MONDAY, SEPT. 8 1.Write YOUR NAME on the top of your signed syllabi (second page only) and place."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGLISH 3-4 & 1-2 WEEK 2

2 GOOD MORNING, LOVELY PEOPLE! MONDAY, SEPT. 8 1.Write YOUR NAME on the top of your signed syllabi (second page only) and place it neatly on the table in back. 2.If you brought your 3-subject spiral notebook with folders, put a check mark next to your name in the appropriate column on the roster on the back table. If you did not bring your notebook, do not check the box. 3.Take out a sheet of paper, write your name and period at the top. 4.Get ready to WRITE….

3 GOOD MORNING! TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 Agenda: 1.Quick- write/share out 2.Set up notebooks 3.Group activity Bell work : On the SECOND page of your notebook, respond to the following in 3-4 sentences: What do you think is going to be the BEST part of this year? Why? What do you think is going to be the TOUGHTEST part of this year? Why?

4 GOOD MORNING, AVID! TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 Agenda: 1.Collect teacher signatures 2.Name game-- Quick- write/share out 3.Group activity Bell work : On a blank sheet of paper in your AVID folder, come up with an ADJECTIVE (descriptive word) or a VERB (action word ending in –ING) that describes you and begins with the same letter as your first name. Then, come up with an ACTION that demonstrates that word. (It can be something silly!)

5 SETTING UP YOUR ENGLISH NOTEBOOK FIRST PAGE OF YOUR NOTEBOOK: TABLE OF CONTENTS WRITE PAGE NUMBER/ASSIGNMENT NAME EVERY TIME YOU ADD SOMETHING NEW TO YOUR NOTEBOOK Number every page in your notebook, front and back, in right- or left-hand corner Leave the last 20-or-so pages blank 1 st section: Bell Work, Exit Slips, Quick Writes, Journaling Always DATE and NAME each bell work, exit slip, journal, or quick-write assignment (If you haven’t already, go back and date today’s bell work assignment) Multiple assignments per page OK Keep ALL handouts and graded work in your notebook Write your name and period in sharpie on your notebook

6 DISCUSS IN YOUR GROUPS/WRITE DOWN 3 IDEAS What needs to happen for group work to actually WORK?

7 GOOD MORNING! WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 Agenda: 1.Quick-write 2.Cornell Notes Power Point 3.Compare with table group 4.Cornell Notes practice with video(s) (if there’s time) 5.HOMEWORK: Take CN in another class (due Friday!) Bell work : First: What is your current note-taking system? Describe it in a sentence or two. Second: Where/when did you learn this system? Next: DOES IT WORK? Why or why not? Please explain.

8 GOOD MORNING, AVID! WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 Agenda: 1.Quick-write 2.Cornell Notes Power Point 3.Cornell Notes practice with video(s) 4.Compare and complete with elbow partner 5.HOMEWORK: Take CN in 2 other class (due Friday!) 6.DUE TOMORROW: Signed AVID contract! Bell work : First: What is your current note-taking system? Describe it in a sentence or two. Second: Where/when did you learn this system? Next: DOES IT WORK? Why or why not? Please explain.

9 IT’S ALMOST FRIDAY! THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 Agenda: 1.CN Quiz 2.Lit Term Pre- Assessment 3.REMINDER: Cornell Notes from another class DUE FRIDAY Do Now: Please clear your desk of everything but a half-sheet of paper and pen/pencil.

10 IT’S ALMOST FRIDAY, AVID! THURSDAY, SEPT. 10 Agenda: 1.CN Quiz 2.School Tour Questions 3.If there’s time: Spaceship activity! 4.REMINDER: Study buddy contracts DUE FRIDAY Do Now: Please clear your desk of everything but a half-sheet of paper and pen/pencil.

11 SCHOOL SCAVENGER HUNT GROUPS Group 1: Justin, Nathan, Helen, Khoa Group 2: Izayah, Aneisah, Maira, Antonio Group 3: Dana, Hannah, Dakota, Marco Group 4: Sandra, La’Ondre, Edward, Makenzee Group 5: Harry, Isabella, Aly, Damion Group 6: Zylene, Kevin, Mensa, Tyler

12 Scavenger Hunt GROUND RULES 1.Your group MUST return to the classroom by AT LEAST 11:20 2. If there is already another group at a location, you MUST move on to a different spot. Do not stand and wait. 3. Be respectful and polite in the hallways and other areas. DO NOT RUN, and always say THANK YOU. 4. Complete each task fully before moving on to the next one. You are not finished until every section is complete.

13 HAPPY FRIDAY! FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 Agenda: 1.Collect CN Homework 2.Volunteers share awesome CN examples 3.CN Video (3 min.) 4.Alligator River 5.Exit Slip Do Now: No bell work today— you will have an exit slip instead. Make sure your CN homework is turned in on the table. Consider volunteering to share your notes with the class (for candy).

14 HAPPY FRIDAY, AVID! FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 Agenda: 1.Collect CN & Study Buddy Homework 2.Review roles and ground rules 3.School scavenger hunt! Do Now: If you haven’t already done so, place your Cornell Notes homework on the front table. Make sure your name is on your work.

15 EXIT SLIP FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 What challenges did you face with your group in the Alligator River assignment? How did you figure out how to come to a consensus? How might you deal with lack of consensus in a real group-work project? FINALLY, List 3 new things you learned in English class this week.

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