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Business Continuity Exercise

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Presentation on theme: "Business Continuity Exercise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Continuity Exercise
To be used for testing a site / service Business Continuity Plan 1

2 Aims and Objectives Aim Objectives
To test the preparedness for responding to a disruption to business continuity. Objectives To test the Business Continuity Plan (Use it in the Exercise – it is there to be used). Identify strengths and weakness in the response. Identify opportunities for improving the response.

3 Business Continuity Unacceptable impact on patient care
INCIDENT Level of Service Delivery Without Business Continuity Time

4 Business Continuity Unacceptable impact on patient care
INCIDENT Level of Service Delivery With Business Continuity Without Business Continuity Time

5 Business Continuity Plan
Critical Patient Care Functions:- Guidance for Exercise Facilitator (delete from final version of your exercise) - Refer to your Business Continuity Plan for the list of Critical Patient Care Functions and list here Guidance for Exercise Facilitator (delete from final version of your exercise) - Ask the attendees if they think anything is missing (note these are functions which must be recovered / maintained within 24 hours of an incident)

6 Business Continuity Plan
Non-Critical Patient Care Functions:- Guidance for Exercise Facilitator (delete from final version of your exercise) - Refer to your Business Continuity Plan for the list of Non-Critical Patient Care Functions and list here

7 Key Risks Guidance for Exercise Facilitator (delete from final version of your exercise) - Refer to your Business Continuity Plan for the list of Key Risks and list here Guidance for Exercise Facilitator (delete from final version of your exercise) In addition to the scenarios included in this pack – pick a couple of the key risk to the site / service from the Business Continuity Plan and ask the delegates what they would do if the risks / hazards did occur. Anything missing?

8 Scenario: Loss of Water
Friday, 12.30pm. Staff on notice water pressure is dropping. What are your actions?

9 Scenario: Loss of Water cont
1pm: Interserve report they are aware of a problem with the water supply to the area. There is now no water in the unit. 1.30pm: Severn Trent Water are aware of a failure to the main water supply due to a suspected burst water main. Will update once they know extent of the problem. What are your actions? What is the impact on patient care?

10 The lights flick off and on.. and then off.
Scenario: Loss of Electricity Tuesday 18th November (Out of Hours applicable) 7pm The lights flick off and on.. and then off. All electricity is off. What are the implications for service provision and staff and patient welfare? What are your actions?

11 Scenario: Loss of Electricity Tuesday 18th November cont
8pm Interserve is aware of a power outage in the wider area. Unsure how long before power will be back on. What are your actions?

12 Scenario: Denial of Access To Building / Problem with Building
Staff turn up to ……..(add building / clinic name) There has been a break in at the building. It appears computers have been taken and rooms ransacked. Unlikely that the building can be used today. What would you do?

13 Scenario: Loss of Heating (Inpatient only)
6pm January. Weather is cold. Notice that it cool in the patient areas. On inspection the heating is not working. What are your actions? What is the impact on patient care?

14 Scenario: Loss of Heating (Inpatient only) cont
8pm January. Interserve states that the boiler will need a new part. The new part is unlikely to be available until tomorrow. What are your actions? What is the impact on patient care?

15 Scenario: IT 2pm Wednesday afternoon – Your key clinical IT system ceases working. What are your actions? What is the impact on patient care?

16 Scenario: IT cont 4pm HIS confirms a major fault
Could be 4-8 hours before a resolution. What are your actions? What is the impact on patient care?

17 Scenario: Loss of Building
8am Monday: The Team Manager receives a phone call from the Head of Service / On-call Manager. The add building name has been badly damaged by fire. Fire fighters are still on site trying to extinguish the fire. What are your actions?

18 Scenario: Loss of Building cont
10am: Fire is out, but there is fire, smoke and water damage to the building. At least half the building, including staff and clinic areas have been badly damaged. Building will need to be assessed for structural damage and so is unsafe to enter for the rest of today. What are your actions?

19 Debrief and Lessons Learnt
What went well? What could be improved?

20 Any Questions?

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