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Faculty and Student Funding Opportunities

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1 Faculty and Student Funding Opportunities

2 Florida Sea Grant Partnership NOAA Coastal Counties Florida Universities University of Florida (host) Florida A&M University Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University Florida State University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Mote Marine Laboratory New College Nova Southeastern University University of Central Florida University of Miami University of North Florida University of South Florida University of West Florida

3 Funding Opportunities 1.Four Types of Research Grants – Faculty 2.Scholarships and Fellowships – Florida University Students Aylesworth Scholarship – any full time student Guy Harvey Award – any full time student Knauss Fellowship – MS, JD or PhD students National Marine Fisheries Fellowships – PhD students Coastal Management Fellowships – post-graduate

4 Research Funding for Faculty

5 Four Types of Research Funding 1. Program Development (PD) Funds: Rapid response funds to support pilot studies to test time- sensitive new ideas, collect information needed to submit larger research proposals, or to capitalize on novel situations. Less than $10K ($5K preferred), 50 cents on a dollar match with non-federal $, no overhead. Applications taken at any time, until funds are expended for the year. 2. National Strategic Initiatives: Funds directly from the National Sea Grant Office to address particular issues such as aquaculture. Periodically available and announced via national RFP. E.g., there is an ongoing competition in ocean aquaculture.

6 Research Funding (cont’d) 3. Regional Research Projects (variable timing): The four Gulf of Mexico SG programs have traditionally pooled some funds and leveraged other federal funds to support regional projects. The current projects deal with ecosystem services valuation. Upcoming (April) – lionfish control regional research RFP ($150K, two projects will be funded). 4. Biennial FSG Research Projects (odd # years) In early January of odd numbered years, FSG announces a funding opportunity for projects addressing priorities from the current strategic plan. Projects funded at up to $100K per year for two years. 50% match, federal IDC.

7 Biennial FSG Research Projects (Cont’d): Focus on priorities identified in Florida Sea Grant Strategic Plan, which is developed every four years with input from all 16 universities, as well as agencies, private sector, and other stakeholders Require that at least one student be supported on the grant Require the PI to ‘engage end-users in order to develop a relevant proposal’

8 Review Process for FSG Biennial Research Proposals Two-step process with statement of interest and then a subset write full proposals Relevancy review by state agencies and industry Expert review by out of state experts NSF style review panel from outside Florida Panel rates proposals using objective criteria Top rated proposals are selected for funding

9 Typical Timeframe January Call for Statements of Interest February Statements Due March-AprilExternal Reviews AprilFirst Meeting of Review Panel June Full Proposals Due June-AugustExternal Reviews AugustSecond Meeting of Review Panel AugustFaculty Notified of Results

10 1. Statements of Interest review N = 30 2. Full-Proposal review N = 15 Projects N = 7 Evaluation & Project Selection 2011 Two step process process

11 Student Fellowships and Scholarships

12 Aylesworth Scholarship This scholarship is sponsored by the Aylesworth Foundation for the Advancement of Marine Science, and is available to all full time students at Florida universities. Students may be interested in any academic discipline having direct application in marine science. Undergraduate awards typically are for two years, beginning in the junior year. Master’s level awards are for up to two years, and doctoral awards are for up to three years. The maximum amount of award can be 65% of the official college or university annual cost, or $4,000, whichever is less. Applications are due in early December, every year.

13 Recent Aylesworth Scholars Brooke Denkert (Florida Gulf Coast University) Zy Biesinger (University of Florida) Matt DiMaggio (University of Florida)

14 Guy Harvey Award Awards are available to all full time students at Florida universities who are conducting research related to large pelagic fisheries. Awards are for one year. In 2012 four students received checks in the amount of $5,000. Funds may be used for tuition, research-related travel or research supplies and minor equipment. Review and rating of applicants is done by a panel of FL university faculty and Guy Harvey. Applications are due in mid-November, every year.

15 Recent Guy Harvey Award Recipients Melinda Donnelly (University of Central Florida) Austin Todd (Florida State University)

16 National Marine Fisheries Service Fellowships Fellowships are in two specialized areas: population dynamics and marine resource economics. Open to Ph.D. students only. Population dynamics – 3 years of funding. Marine resource economics – 2 years of funding. Each fellow is required to work closely with a mentor from NOAA Fisheries who will serve on the fellow’s graduate advisory committee. Contingent upon the availability of funds, the award is $38,000 per year for stipend, living expense, tuition, and travel. Applications are due in mid-January, every year.

17 Recent National Marine Fisheries Service Fellows Steven Saul (University of Miami) Chris Kennedy (University of Florida)

18 John D. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Targeted at MS, PhD or JD students in the final stages of their degrees and who have an interest in national policy decisions affecting marine resources. Matches graduate students with hosts in the legislative or executive branch of federal government in D.C. area for a one-year paid fellowship. The award amount is $49,000, contingent on funding, and is provided for stipend, living expense and travel. Applications are due in early February, every year. Contact the Florida Sea Grant Director well in advance of applying.

19 Recent John D. Knauss Marine Policy Fellows Kari MacLauchlin (University of Florida) Tauna Rankin (University of Miami) Heather Havens (University of South Florida) Melanie King (University of Florida) Jennifer Dupont (University of South Florida)

20 NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship This two-year fellowship is intended to provide on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for post-graduate students and to provide project assistance to state coastal zone management programs. The program matches post-graduate students with state coastal zone programs to work on projects proposed by the state and selected by the fellowship sponsor, the NOAA Coastal Services Center. This opportunity offers a competitive salary, medical benefits, and travel and relocation expense reimbursement. Applications are due in late January, every year.

21 Summary Florida Sea Grant provides a wide range of funding opportunities for students and faculty at all Florida universities. To keep abreast of the latest opportunities and deadlines, regularly visit Student opportunities (jobs, volunteer opportunities, scholarships, internships) posted regularly on our FB page – Contact information for speaker:

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