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+ AL-HAC and GUA Family Nutrition Topics. + Menu Planning on a Budget Lesson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "+ AL-HAC and GUA Family Nutrition Topics. + Menu Planning on a Budget Lesson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 + AL-HAC and GUA Family Nutrition Topics

2 + Menu Planning on a Budget Lesson 1

3 +

4 + Vegetables

5 + Fruit

6 + Health Benefits VARIETY is important Colors indicate nutrients

7 + Starches and Grains

8 + Protein

9 + Milk

10 + How to Apply This Information

11 + Making a Weekly Menu  Helps reduce the amount of times that you eat at restaurants  Budget friendly  Healthy  Plan the use of fresh fruits and vegetables  Stick to your list- avoid over buying  Utilize or freeze leftovers

12 + Tools to Use in Menu Planning  1. Plate Planner or MyPlate for suggestions  2. Store Circulars  3. Coupons  4. Family Favorites  5. Recipes (Books, magazines, etc)  6. Menu form or blank paper

13 +

14 + Store Circulars Most grocery stores have a weekly advertisement BOGO: Buy one get one…and freeze the extra

15 + Couponing Newspapers, magazines, grocery store check out Apps for cell phones: The Coupons App, SavingStar Use the Internet for coupons

16 + Planning for the Week Sunday- chicken Monday- pork Tuesday- fish Wednesday- beef Thursday- meatless Friday- chicken Saturday- fish

17 + Eat Less Meat  Beans + Brown Rice = nutritious way to get lean protein  Lentils + Soups = delicious way to get protein and fiber  Eggs + vegetables + cheese = easy breakfast omelet for dinner

18 + Use Protein Sparingly Often meat and fish can be stretched without loss of enjoyment Chop meat into smaller pieces Use canned chicken to add protein

19 + Add Fruits and Vegetables to the Menu

20 +

21 + Flexible Foods Potatoes can be used in different ways Brown rice helps to add fiber Beans are inexpensive and add fiber Whole wheat pasta can stretch meals

22 + Putting It All Together

23 + Finally… Shopping Be sure to take: List Coupons Calculator Be sure to leave at home: Distractions, including small children, UNLESS you incorporate teaching moments through games of: Searching for foods and reading the labels Using math skills

24 + How Much? USDA Food Plans for families A family of 4 2 parents and two children under 5, weekly “low-cost” food budget is $168.30 Older children (ages of 6-11) budget is $199.20 weekly pdf

25 + Shop Smarter: Not Harder  Buy fruits and vegetables in all their forms — fresh, frozen, and canned  All are nutritious forms of fruits and vegetables  Buy seasonal produce

26 + Generic vs. Brand  Consumer Reports price study saved 30% by using store brands  Example: Spending $100 a week on groceries and saving 30% each time adds up to more than $1,500 a year

27 + Make It Stretch Recycle vegetables  Add lemon juice or herbs  Fold into an omelet  Chop for sauce or stew  Make pizza

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